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Is anyone happy with the pvp changes


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I was extremely happy as I was reading about the PvP, Crew Skills, and Legacy changes. Then I read the Class changes aannndd I became all giddy like a little school girl.


Why? Because I have 3 Characters right now... Assassin- wasn't touched, Merc Pyrotech- was barely touched, but in a good way, JK Sentinel- pretty much buffed.


So I am still extremely happy!


The rest of us are happy to report as your punching bags.

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A huge list of fixes, mostly minor and a whole bunch of class changes.


PTS forums are full of nerf QQ.


Is anyone really happy with the changes?


It doesn't appear that they fixed the animation with the pub toons at all. I saw mention of fixing timing issues for imp classes.


More WZ's to me does not fix the pvp and more same faction pvp just makes it worse for the pubs.


Nothing earth shattering in the patch notes to me.


I imagine Marauders and Snipers are happy.

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I think they've been detached from the forums.


Do you blame them? People on forums don't do anything but keep whinning. They wanted rated wz's, but immediately after announcing rated wz's and rated gear, people start complaining about it. The same is about nerfing classes. I don't know if there's some class that doesn't have its own thread asking for nerf. And you can say this about practically anything. I personally like some of the changes, dislike others. But I won't be bi*ching about every little detail as most the users are. People should finally understand, that what they don't like, others may.

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it is still too early to really decide if youre happy with the changes or not. every class had at least one major change, so the balance of classes will be different. it will be a while on PTS before we know if things are more or less balanced than they currently are on live servers
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Well if the cover changes work as stated GS and Snipers of the SS and MM spec will be happy.But then again its all relative from your point of view if your on the bottom of the heap you got no place to look but up. Any way my GS may come out of retirement now so i guess that means I am happy with the changes.
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Seriously... people are maaaad when they make changes to their beloved class. That's so pathetic.


How dare Bioware changes their game !?


You know, it is natural to feel bitter when someone took the time to take a class from 1 to 50, put time an effort on it and being rewarded with a nerf when the class was already lacking compared to others


a.k.a smugglers scoundrel


Yes good opening burst... what is left after that burst? nothing

Now with 1.2 the burst is changed to be less of a burst...

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Class balance? They changed a ton of things. We will not know for a month if those changes were for better or worse. I am concerned they tried to do too much.


I think many of us thought the balance was fairly good with a few, few, few , few tweaks needed and it appears they took the wrecking ball out in a number of cases.


Warzones are pvp mini games. One more is no big deal. I don't know how people can play them all day long everyday and not be bored to tears.


Ranked....For the scoreboard watchers which are many to gauge their epeen. It is not about skill it is about ego.


I just don't see much to get excited about.


Forced to agree, they have been steering away from any meaningful open-world PvP to warzones.


Although, the major problem is with the engine. Since even an instance cannot hold mroe than 100 players open-world PvP with any real purpose is impossible.

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wait, you need to wait and see if the Ops changes are better or worse? really? after 5 patches of nerfs you need more time? do you need more time to see the effects of nerfing every singel mainattack the concealment ops has? really?


well, dont mean to be harsh, i guess you dont play the class, but you are right, people are overreacting. they can do what calm people do when they had enough, just quit playing :)


Yup I have seen this in the last starwars game and it's dead now. mass class changes mean the end. happy hunting guys off to play zombies happy hunting and may whats left of the force after nerfs be with you.

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If it ain't broke, don't fix it. That's kind of how I look at it.


And what exactly was broken?

Somewhere in my mind I'd like to think that the changes are based on in-game stats, in contrast to posts on the forums, but looking at what the changes revolve around they're not particulary represenative of the reality I see every day while playing. I've been positive about pretty much everything up until now but I'm really starting to feel like BW is a bit lost.

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of course you are happy, you play an assassin.



I hope this comment is based on the fact assassins didn't get changed hardly...not some sarcastic "assassins are op" tone.




If so I encourage you to play one. The only "good" spec we have is tank (that is 1 tree) which has mediocre dps and usually revolves around carrying the hutt ball (the one thing we're good at). :rolleyes:

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Wait where are juggernauts dominating? Every role they have is better performed by a different class.


I believe you're right, and assassins dominating? Last I checked assassins have to role as a tank spec to carry the huttball (sole purpose).

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A huge list of fixes, mostly minor and a whole bunch of class changes.


PTS forums are full of nerf QQ.


Is anyone really happy with the changes?


It doesn't appear that they fixed the animation with the pub toons at all. I saw mention of fixing timing issues for imp classes.


More WZ's to me does not fix the pvp and more same faction pvp just makes it worse for the pubs.


Nothing earth shattering in the patch notes to me.


no one has an opinion on the changes because they havent happened yet genius

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im not happy with the corruption nerfs. our force pool could be burned through rather quickly as it is if you got into trouble and had to drop big heals quickly, post patch you wont even be able to do that


New strat for corruption sorcs = burn them down to very very low health so they burn all their force surviving and then STOP. Leave them gimped with very little health and very little force. Don't go through with the kill beause that's just giving them a free force reset. You'll be seeing a lot of sorcs running for the acid pools or flame traps to suicide their force back.

Edited by Blotter
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Major nerf to Sorc healing and force management = far fewer healing sorcerers. Mark my words.


God I hope so! My server, you can barely find a wz that doesn't have a total of 7 sorcs in it plus 3-4 operatives or mercs, usually about 6-9 healer specs per 16 people wz, often more. I've seen way too many wz's where only a couple people on either side killed more than 10 people.


BW did a good job avoiding the usuall MMO problem of not enough people wanting to play a healer. Unfortunately they did too good a job.

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God I hope so! My server, you can barely find a wz that doesn't have a total of 7 sorcs in it plus 3-4 operatives or mercs, usually about 6-9 healer specs per 16 people wz, often more. I've seen way too many wz's where only a couple people on either side killed more than 10 people.


BW did a good job avoiding the usuall MMO problem of not enough people wanting to play a healer. Unfortunately they did too good a job.


Guess it differs on servers.


On mine, the only side that rolls deep in healers are Rep. They will have 2 healing sages guaranteed each WZ and then 1 Trooper for certain as well.


Healing Sorc are rare because 50% of our side are marauders. I expect that number to increase even more now.

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Seriously... people are maaaad when they make changes to their beloved class. That's so pathetic.


How dare Bioware changes their game !?


there may be a good number of people without mmo experience on this game, so i can understand their frustration. i personally rode the druid rollercoaster through 3 wow expansions so I'm a bit numb to class changes..

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