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New Gear Looks 1.2


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so what do you think of the new gear looks?






Empire looks pretty cool except Sorcerer PVE looks like the riddler from batman.



Warrior PVP is the best IMO



Lets make it a vote who do you think is the best who is the worst?




The Best




Sorcerer PVE


Sorcerer PVP


Warrior PVE


Warrior PVP 1


Bounty Hunter PVE


Bounty Hunter PVE


Agent PVE


Agent PVP


Sage PVE


Sage PVP


Knight PVE


Knight PVP


Trooper PVE


Trooper PVP


Smuggler PVE


Smuggler PVP



The Worst




Sorcerer PVE 1


Sorcerer PVP


Warrior PVE


Warrior PVP


Bounty Hunter PVE


Bounty Hunter PVE


Agent PVE


Agent PVP


Sage PVE


Sage PVP


Knight PVE


Knight PVP


Trooper PVE


Trooper PVP


Smuggler PVE


Smuggler PVP

Edited by Labowski
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i liked the warriors armor and the troopers because it kinda fits the class and and i liked the Bounty Hunter and Sorc and smuggler pvp, and i guess sage. but i dont really like the BH pve because it makes him look like a power ranger oh and i think the IA set is trash
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Smuggler PvP is the only model that pertains to me, and it looks horrendous. Is there a reason we went from the fedora wearing outlaw look to some sort of colorful scuba suit?


I like the operative one for some reason pvp. Pve no gross

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This is a joke right ???

please tell me this is a cruel joke..


That Crud looks horrible .. This is a Star Wars game, correct me if im wrong ??

But that Crud looks like something that belongs in Age of Conan, NOT! Star Wars ..

Seriously What the heck were they thinking ..


Plus What is with the fascination of over sized shoulder padding ummm really enough with the shoulder padding already.

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Wow they are all terrible.


They all look like robot or transformers variants. I see that they still love blah brown for the pubs and the pub outfits are a total disaster. If you don't think there is bias in the factions all you need to do is look at this mess. Not that the Imps are that great but the pub stuff is hideous.


Sage PVP gets the Fred Flintstone Grand Poobah's hat? Seriously?


The more I see the more I am glad my sub ends tomorrow.


Most of the people I saw in game were not 12 years old. Maybe I was just lucky. Does the demographic really want stupid cartoon looking toons?

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The Sorcs are atleast not looking like big birds anymore. I don't know what the new set reminds me of but it's better than the old look. I like the Trooper and Marauder sets too, I didnt pay much attention to the rest. Edited by MidichIorian
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Simple: the sets are supercolorful-like-WoW, it is NOT AT ALL StarWars.


Imagine those armours in the Star Wars Movie.


Yoda, with a shoulderfree Robe and a Viking helmet, Han Solo with a Hammerhead Helmet and a Hazmat suit, Luke with Blades on the shoulders... Darth Maul with coral-lightningspikes on his head, the Emperor had Metal sickles on his robe... Jedi Knights who look like bounty hunters with Latrines on their heads...and not a tall the humble familiar robe...



Where are the clothes that FIT actually to the StarWars theme?



And BW, dont come with: "Its an MMO, we have to". People would love to look like in the Movies, not like in WoW. "Its an MMO, we have to" brought MAGES in Lord of the Rings...

Edited by Kheldras
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