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operatives and 1.2 (lolpatch)


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The only thing they are good for is to jump on someone that is about half health with no stun breaker and is already engaged in fighting someone else and they get nerfed lmao.


Thing is, when those ppl die, all they can think of is "damn those pesky operatives" /spit.


Not only that i am the only operative(scoundrel) that i ever see in wz (not healer), i do get about a dozen /spit on me each game, just because of what i said above.


That being said, i will probably continue to be the only operative in the game(lol), ( im surprised they didnt just remove the class entirely) , but please ...




p.s. the game revolves around warrior/guardian (both AC), and other classes better learn their place as support classes mmmk?

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I think they should put operatives back to the way they where originally with crazy dps and no survivability. They where good before they where like pawns they take one person out and then they die and I was fine with that it sucks a little when your picked to die but it didnt really unbalance WZ at all if anything it made ppl smarten up and make sure you have 2 people guarding a node. Now i feel bad for you guys you cant even take out anyone 1v1 anymore
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There was ONLY ONE problem with Operative.


We were last thing you saw before you died.


Operatives are opportunist. We pick up the targets carefully. Light armor, better when they almost dead etc.

This got us nerfed.


Before Operative WAS able to fight 1vs1 and they were great in hit & run tactic. Very support class.


Now Operatives are useless in 1vs1, they are useless against healers. They are useless against tanks. Picking up unprotected light armored targets and almost dead enemies will by only thing we can do after 1.2.


This is why I have healer sorc and Jugg.

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The only thing they are good for is to jump on someone that is about half health with no stun breaker and is already engaged in fighting someone else and they get nerfed lmao.


Thing is, when those ppl die, all they can think of is "damn those pesky operatives" /spit.


Not only that i am the only operative(scoundrel) that i ever see in wz (not healer), i do get about a dozen /spit on me each game, just because of what i said above.


That being said, i will probably continue to be the only operative in the game(lol), ( im surprised they didnt just remove the class entirely) , but please ...




p.s. the game revolves around warrior/guardian (both AC), and other classes better learn their place as support classes mmmk?


sadly bioware does'nt care. the devs say the class is working as intended. they say they test the class and it perfomes well in any situation. they don't care that hundreds of operatives, active in all pve and pvp-content, state that the class CAN perform well, but any other class can perform better. they don't care that in numerous threads, fellow operatives statet, that there are some issues with our class, that have to be looked at.

the devs never cared about what the operative-community said, what their wishes and problems were. the only thing they said, was, that operatives are working as intended.

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Now Operatives are useless in 1vs1, they are useless against healers. They are useless against tanks. Picking up unprotected light armored targets and almost dead enemies will by only thing we can do after 1.2.


This is why I have healer sorc and Jugg.


Yep, Operatives have paws, whilst every other class has claws. In fact today i was ambushed by a war hero operative with only 70% of my health, i was able to get away in only cent/champ gear and this was without assistance.


With assistance would be understandable, but without i should have been dead meat, he was a good player aswell, it's just the class is useless as a damage dealer now.

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The answer is pretty simple. Read this statement from Greg Zoeller:

If we leave the Operative the ability to stun lock and kill people — yes, there aren’t many Operatives — but over the long term, that means people will quit the game cause it’s not fun. We have very measurable statistics that tell us if people lose a certain number of Warzones in a row being stun locked by a team of Operatives, then that might be part of that, and they will be not as likely to re-subscribe.


Bottom line: They are trying to prevent people from rage-quitting instead of actually balancing the game. Even though Operatives are already very weak they still have the most annoying way of killing their targets out of all classes in the game (attack from stealth, knock over their target, knife stab sound, ...). This is why Bioware is forcing them to respec into healing now.

This also explains why they are removing the chuckle sound. While this sound is very important to have (to know when UH/TA procs) it apparently upsets too many players. So it has to go.

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lol. ops/scoundrels are so leathal. even on my shadow tank the last thing i wanna hear is that backstab noise.


Youve got to be the worst shadow tank ever. It is so easy to neuter an operative. Knockback snare .. dead operative.


Funny thing is on my operative with crap defence i dont even worry about other ops hitting. They never kill me in opening as its only 1.5s. Its laughable.

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Yeah a lot of thought is required in picking a target when you can burst them from 100-0 in seconds with your unbelievable "skill". BIG LOL!


said the commando. wait what?


you are either terribly geared, a terrible player or both. no operative post-surge-nerf will burst a commando!!! in seconds from 100-0. that is impossible if the commando (or insert any other class with the exception of undergeared sorcs) shows at least a minimum degree of skill.


it's people like you that ruin pvp. you have absolutly no clue how other classes than your own function. the only thing you see is you in your green leveling gear getting roflstomped by a bm-operative and crying out loud how op that class is.


ask any good marauder how dangerous operatives are. ask any geared merc-healer or any decent assassin tank. not to mention any pryotech.

if you, as a commando, get owned by operatives in second, you are doing things terribly wrong. perhaps you should consider, leaving pvp for players that have the slightest idea how classes work.

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The good Smugglerrs on my server have 2 piece rakata gear rest BM and can 100-0 anybody with 700 expertise in heavy armor from just the opener -> vanish re-open -> dead. If you dont have access to PvE / dont know how to do this then you missed out on the OPness come 1.2 sry.
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The good Smugglerrs on my server have 2 piece rakata gear rest BM and can 100-0 anybody with 700 expertise in heavy armor from just the opener -> vanish re-open -> dead. If you dont have access to PvE / dont know how to do this then you missed out on the OPness come 1.2 sry.


But the you play sentinel, what do you know?

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Yep, Operatives have paws, whilst every other class has claws. In fact today i was ambushed by a war hero operative with only 70% of my health, i was able to get away in only cent/champ gear and this was without assistance.


With assistance would be understandable, but without i should have been dead meat, he was a good player aswell, it's just the class is useless as a damage dealer now.


yeah here here


wait what you got jumped by an op with 70% health and you managed to get away :eek:


few points here war hero means nothing seen a valor rank 71 in almost complete champ gear just yesteday ( also an op btw and he does nuts damage ) valor rank = time spent nothing more


also notice in your sig both your toons are stealth classes :eek:


its not like you beat him you just got away



since the patch to op/scoundrels the only thing that happened was the bad players getting a free ride started to lose and cry on the forums the good players contiuned to do really well


anyone that thinks a rogue type class in any mmo should have a 100% win chance should not be playing any multiplayer game ever its just not for you

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The good Smugglerrs on my server have 2 piece rakata gear rest BM and can 100-0 anybody with 700 expertise in heavy armor from just the opener -> vanish re-open -> dead. If you dont have access to PvE / dont know how to do this then you missed out on the OPness come 1.2 sry.


Again - I want to see that suggler that 3-shot everyone. Everyone talking about one but no one see them.

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The good Smugglerrs on my server have 2 piece rakata gear rest BM and can 100-0 anybody with 700 expertise in heavy armor from just the opener -> vanish re-open -> dead. If you dont have access to PvE / dont know how to do this then you missed out on the OPness come 1.2 sry.


This guy is right.

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But the you play sentinel, what do you know?


I have 50 Guardian, 50 tanksin, 50 commando healbot, 50 sentinel Im known as the best guardian on my server DWC. i think i should know a little something about PvP, and when 1.2 comes out ull see me/guild on top of rated charts <jedi academy>.

Edited by warkat
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Well business wise I guess Georg is doing the right thing. Making sure that people don't die by one of those rare dps specced scoundrels/OP's.


But I just wished they would man up and say that they made a mistake making a class that is unpopular to play against and just let us all free switch to sniper/gunslinger. Because the way they are handling it now, they will just force the 1% of dps specced scoundrels to reroll just to have fun (because no it's not fun using our basis energy free attack waiting for our main attacks since they got their CD's upped)...


*sigh* sorry about the venting, but to me it feels like Bioware is a pre nerf version of an operative, backstabbing us each patch, without us being able to retaliate...

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Again - I want to see that suggler that 3-shot everyone. Everyone talking about one but no one see them.


Smuggler on my server named Banner in PvE/PvP guild took rakata mods and putem in PvP gear to maximize dmg. You dont see these operatives all over because 1. They dont have access to best PvE gear / Don't even re-mod the useless stats..I was doing 9500-10k Force Sweeps Pre nerf Bio chem just from re-modding power and cutting crit. Only handful people mini-max because there isn't really any guides on how to do it so it's not really well known atm but some people are out there.

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The good Smugglerrs on my server have 2 piece rakata gear rest BM and can 100-0 anybody with 700 expertise in heavy armor from just the opener -> vanish re-open -> dead. If you dont have access to PvE / dont know how to do this then you missed out on the OPness come 1.2 sry.


yeah nice i am full bm with two rakata + rakata mainhand, all fully modded the way it should be. and you are simly lying. no f.ucking way will your mighty smuggler kill any geared opponent with the double opener. know why? because he can't do enough damage to do so.

every decent geared player has aroud 17k-20k hp (tanks a bit more) so you say that your mighty smuggler is doing lets say 18k damage with three attacks? yeah totaly possible after the opener + surge nerf.


so stop trying to explain us how to play our class or what our class is capable of, if you obviously dont have the slightest clue, how this class works.

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Smuggler on my server named Banner in PvE/PvP guild took rakata mods and putem in PvP gear to maximize dmg. You dont see these operatives all over because 1. They dont have access to best PvE gear / Don't even re-mod the useless stats..I was doing 9500-10k Force Sweeps Pre nerf Bio chem just from re-modding power and cutting crit. Only handful people mini-max because there isn't really any guides on how to do it so it's not really well known atm but some people are out there.


all this modding is well know. bis-gear is well know, your mighty smuggler didn't invent something new. still he won't threeshot you, if you are either a bit geared or not absolutly terribad. and if you sir get threeshot by a smuggler, you sure are one of the best on your server. yeah. i bet.

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