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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

You won't be seeing any more concealment Operatives after 1.2


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I found a solution. I made 2 alts on new serwer (waiting for character transfer to move my concalment Operative). Sorc for Sorcball and Jugg for everything else.


Operatives at lvl 50 are a joke right now and they will be a bigger joke after 1.2. As someone said - I almost NEVER see Operatives in WZ. WZ is full of BH, Sorcs and Maruders/Rage Juggs.

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Burst and sustained damage nerfed again.


Pretty much gg.



The only Operatives will be healers in warzones now.


awww, now if only I wasn't leveling up a scrapper scoundrel.


oh wait, i dont play classes based on 'if they're popular'. I play cause it's fun

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even ops healer dont worth..



any good sorc can do better heals.


and a good merc can heal better and survive better.



just remove the class and give the us a assasin .. or even a sniper.


Read up on sorc and merc healing changes, especially mercs as they get a kick in the junk.

Edited by Sookster
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I feel sorry for you guys cause your class is really awesome but it doesnt fit in competitive pvp. Even though wow made it feel much less bad to be rolled by a sub, at least you got to hit them a couple times before they ripped you apart.


I guess sub is submarine? Anyway: QFT. One of the only classes that destroyed my healer with no chance of escape (vanilla Wow, post MC, BWL).

Edited by svartalfimposter
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even ops healer dont worth..



any good sorc can do better heals.


and a good merc can heal better and survive better.



just remove the class and give the us a assasin .. or even a sniper.


'Cept sorc healing got nerfed and ours got buffed...




See, nerfs are made by people who die a lot. If there are a lot of sorcs, people will die a lot from sorcs, and will therefore cry about it here. If YOU dont roll a sniper, that's ones less who will own everone and make them rage and reroll a sniper. So If I'm the only sniper, the chain reaction is much slower


But yeah snipers are immune to the nerf bat (And leaps, and sometimes cc when we want to).

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I'm gonna give it a chance. If its too much of a nerf they'll just lose a sub. Simple as that.

Scoundrel is wicked fun to play. I took years of beatings from Blizzards nerfbat as a Druid. Though it won't take much more to break my Scoundrels back at this rate. I wont be shoehorned into healing again.

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im an ops and these nerfs arent horrible as last time, the class isnt that good tho, unless your one of these master keyboard pvpers with good gear. The bottom line is this game is garbage in so many areas, ive given up, this knee jerk reaction to whiners shows how much bioware is clueless about thier game. Now that theyve nerfed everyone into a corner, everyone is rerolling marauders and thier jedi equivilent, its happening already. So depressing, but to all the remaining fan bois ...i pose a question...if this steaming pile didnt have the star wars name , would YOU play it? I highly doubt it.
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That bird cause you to crash whilst driving? Well, get your shotgun out and field execute the sucker. Wasn't your incompetence or lack of attention that caused you to crash, it was that damn bird chirping right? That about sums up the nerf.


Never once have I seen a scoundrel or operative 3 shot me and I play a gunslinger which is prime bait since I pretty much self-root myself as well as squishy. If one ever does get on me all I need to do is use my blowback and knock the sucker into the rest of my team to get minced like a frog in a blender.

Edited by Navaris
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It's bad enough you need the stupid 2-piece PvE bonus for the crit boost DPS'ing with this class to be wanted as a PvP'er.


And that will be looked for on competitive teams in 1.2 ranked.


"Oh, no 2-piece rakata? Gimped".


Whatever. Unsub.

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It's bad enough you need the stupid 2-piece PvE bonus for the crit boost DPS'ing with this class to be wanted as a PvP'er.


And that will be looked for on competitive teams in 1.2 ranked.


"Oh, no 2-piece rakata? Gimped".


Whatever. Unsub.


Actually with the changes to expertise, a hybrid geared operative will think twice about losing the expertise with PvE gear. Now slotted orange gear is a different animal.

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