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Who would win a fight satele shan or darth malgus?


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The fact is that all the canonical evidence points to Malgus being the better fighter and there is absolutely no evidence that suggests that would ever have changed. Some people are only *hoping* that she would've become equal or better than him later when she became Grandmaster, but there is absolutely no proof to back up those hopes. I'm not saying they're wrong, but there's more evidence that they're wrong than there is that they're right.


Unless they go at it again we'll probably never know for certain either way.

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That fact that you don't kill him outright probably means he's still alive.


If Darth Maul's torso can survive a bottomless pit and Malgus survived being buried in boulders... I'm thinking he's still kicking somewhere. Next time he'll probably be a solo boss though. TOR's future "Wraith of th Lich King".


Still, that's like.... at least number 5 on the "top 25 things you should never, EVER, put next to your seat of power" right up there with shark tanks, acid vats, power cores, and lazers.


At least Darth Maul wasn't intentionally sitting there reigning over people with an iron fist of certainty. Got to give it to the guy though. He's a trooper.


....... I would also love a Wrath of the New Emperor Malgus expansion. Can get enough of the wrinkled old guy.

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satele wins! malgus would be distracted by her breasts


Since many years have passed since the cinematics, I doubt Malgus would be distracted by her breasts unless he's into older women.


If anything, Satele is more inclined to trip over them and fall creating an easy kill for Malgus.

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lol at the comment about Satele's saggy *****



All these excuses people are pulling out of their arses about why Satele was beaten is ********. Malgus is simply a better, more powerful warrior than she is. And than people are saying she is a grandmaster now so she can beat him. Her being a grandmaster is irrelevant, it doesn't mean anything. A siths powers aren't just going to stop because they are getting older. Look at Palpatine he beat Yoda, he died like 3 times before he was finally killed off only someone extremely skilled in the force could do that. So in my opinion the older Malgus gets the more experience he gets and the more powerful he gets. Therefore Malgus would beat Satele any time. He is simply more powerful and skilled than she is



P.S I wish we got to see more of Vindican

Edited by Malrus
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Canonically she is just better than Malgus now she is fully trained.


With a one billion Credit bounty on her head and every Sith assassin in the land after her, and she still isn't dead, should say everything.


1.She takes out Harrower Class Dreadnoughts for a laugh.


2.She has learned Shatterpoint.


3.She achieves oneness with the force on a regular basis.


4.She is the most powerful Jedi we have seen up to this point in canon.


A fight against Malgus would be a joke.


Get over it already.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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sith are attackers and jedi are defenders and that is what they both do best. when jedi try to attack they are not good and when sith defend they are not good. i think satele could probably defend herself indefinitely weather its by luck or a friend or her own skill. its the force working with her and around her influencing ideas in others head to help her or a lucky blaster falls into her lap when she has nothing else. stuff like that
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Canonically she is just better than Malgus now she is fully trained.


With a one billion Credit bounty on her head and every Sith assassin in the land after her, and she still isn't dead, should say everything.


1.She takes out Harrower Class Dreadnoughts for a laugh.


2.She has learned Shatterpoint.


3.She achieves oneness with the force on a regular basis.


4.She is the most powerful Jedi we have seen up to this point in canon.


A fight against Malgus would be a joke.


Get over it already.


Actually, cannon, & Satele herself, suggest you're quite wrong. NO ONE is scared of facing someone they beat before again. Just sayin...

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Actually, cannon, & Satele herself, suggest you're quite wrong. NO ONE is scared of facing someone they beat before again. Just sayin...


That Satele Shan=/=Grand Master Satele Shan.


Deal with it, her abilities later on are just more impressive than his.

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That Satele Shan=/=Grand Master Satele Shan.


Deal with it, her abilities later on are just more impressive than his.


Saying "Deal with it" isn't very persuasive, rather, It's slightly intolerable. It moves from people giving their opinion to someone forcing it upon others.


I for one said Malgus because, well, I like Malgus more then Shan (Infact, I downright despise Shan), and because I truly believe he'd win (You don't survive in the empire without l337 skills or being really really rude to aliens and he certainly wasn't the latter)

Edited by Limitsky
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....... I would also love a Wrath of the New Emperor Malgus expansion. Can get enough of the wrinkled old guy.



Now i cam gonna have nightmares about Wrath of the Malgus Lord vs Satalianas Shanrunner and the Jedirion Fordring.



Edited by Kaedusz
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Saying "Deal with it" isn't very persuasive, rather, It's slightly intolerable. It moves from people giving their opinion to someone forcing it upon others.


I for one said Malgus because, well, I like Malgus more then Shan (Infact, I downright despise Shan), and because I truly believe he'd win (You don't survive in the empire without l337 skills or being really really rude to aliens and he certainly wasn't the latter)


I listed earlier the canon abilities that make her superior to Malgus in power, I am not doing so again, nor should I have to.

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All the canonical evidence points to Malgus being the better of the two. Republic fans, I understand you don't want it to be so but you have no proof otherwise, just wishful thinking. On the other hand, the Emperor would own them both in a fight without breaking a sweat.
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