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*** Are You Doing Bioware?


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Really, you can't nerf this class or Scoundrels anymore.. not because you don't have the option - but because we are already done. I can't believe that this class continues to receive nerf after nerf and there are hardly any players that utilize it already! Really Bioware? Can you offer some insight into this because - up to this point - I have had no problems backing this game but Christ, you constantly **** this class over. You keep this crap up and your going to have people up and leave - I'm honestly debating that myself - there are plenty of other MMORPGs that are around the corner.. Get your **** together for the love of God - it's not like this class can get much worse now. Edited by Liemay
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i really don't understand how bioware could come up with this changes. i mean they say they have guys test their stuff. there seem to be actual bw-employees that play that class and suggest that changes. i really don't understand what the f.uck they are doing.


the initial nerf was hard but ok, the burst was insane, they had to do something. they designed that spec all around burst, they noticed it was too much, so they removed a good part of the burst. WITHOUT any compensation. mistake number one.

they nerfed surge, wich any burst class heavyly relates on. so concealment ops were hit pretty hard a second time, more than maybe any other class.

did we get something in return? hell no!

and now? the laceration change seems to be a slight buff, but laceration is a less-priority ability, given that we use ta whenever stimboost is ready - and only then for laceration.

the rest? they made slight changes to stim boost that may come out as a buff too, others state, that it is more likely a nerf, but well it wouldnt be biowares least loved class if there wasnt a huge nerf coming. so the took backstab and nerfed it to the f.ucking ground. they took hidden strike and gave it a cooldown, despite the fact that it is already the most situational damage ability in the whole friggin game!


so bioware. tell me: why the hate? why do you hate the least performing class in pve and the class with the least utility, durability in terms of defense and the class that gives already the least in terms of teamplay? why do you hate concealment operatives that much?

no one wants them in pve because any melee class can do better with less effort. no one will want them in premades in rated warzones because they add nothing to teamplay that any other class cant add better.


1.3.: we removed the concealment tree from the game. no one plays it anymore, which is good, so we don't have to bother nerfing that class further into oblivion.


shame on you!

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I hear ya. You think they'd test these things first. Maybe use some sort of test realm and let the public try out the changes and provide constructive feedback. Oh well.


Heres out the test went


Tester One: Did you play the operative?


Tester Two: No did you?


Tester One: No, but one killed me


Tester Two: Seriously?! You're a sorc and that isn't acceptable I'm making a ticket


Bioware Reaponse: We are sorry for the inconvience we will nerf this as soon as possible

Edited by Riggz
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With Bioware's history, this seems to be a trend that isn't going to be fixed. Even with World of Warcraft, they would at least provide a good buff-to-nerf ratio between patches. This has just been constant nerfs. Why even bother playing the class anymore when history has already determined that we won't get anything to bring us back to light anytime in the future.


Get it together Bioware or I'll get it together from a company who can provide a balanced MMORPG - there are plenty coming out soon.

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With Bioware's history, this seems to be a trend that isn't going to be fixed. Even with World of Warcraft, they would at least provide a good buff-to-nerf ratio between patches. This has just been constant nerfs. Why even bother playing the class anymore when history has already determined that we won't get anything to bring us back to light anytime in the future.


Get it together Bioware or I'll get it together from a company who can provide a balanced MMORPG - there are plenty coming out soon.


I have a feeling all the operatives will quit soon...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree, what he hell Bioware?? Can you at least provide some rational to why you taking an already underplayed and under preforming class and continuing to nerf it into irrelevance?


I think that if Operatives were so overpowered that people would you know... actually decide to play them! I play a 50 operative now and enjoy it (only one of 3 I ever see doing WZ on my server). I have to work harder for my kills than just spamming lighting or tracer missile but I find my more difficult rotation part of the fun. A 3 second backstab nerf will kill that rotation, and I cant really fill it with overload shot since that ability has such a high energy cost for so little damage. Maybe you just want to drive us all into heal spec? (which will still likely be the weakest of the healers). I'm not even going to comment on PVE other than to say please take a second look at our energy mechanic, its terrible for sustained DPS, if anything needs alteration its that.


We are fine, leave us alone. The last nerfs were needed, but these are overkill and reek of pandering to QQers. I'm not even going to complain and say we are weak or need a gap closer like may other operatives believe. I just want you to leave us alone! read your own forums, no one thinks this nerf is warranted.

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With Bioware's history, this seems to be a trend that isn't going to be fixed. Even with World of Warcraft, they would at least provide a good buff-to-nerf ratio between patches. This has just been constant nerfs. Why even bother playing the class anymore when history has already determined that we won't get anything to bring us back to light anytime in the future.


Get it together Bioware or I'll get it together from a company who can provide a balanced MMORPG - there are plenty coming out soon.


False. WoW totally destroyed ele shaman in 3.0 and didnt fix it til 3.1. It took MONTHS.


Warriors for many many patches. Ret pallies from 1.0 - 3.0 ect ect

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It is like the exact opposite of Frost Mages in Cata. Every patch note was another buff to frost mages mainly geared towards PvP. Oh, a frost mage can wipe the floor with anyone but maybe a huntard in 10 seconds flat. NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Heres a buff.


I dont play my operative that much as it is, as it already feels weak and clunky. I typically pvp on my powertech, but they are getting reamed with a sand paper covered nerf bat too. the Carolina Parakeet build is getting gutted, as well as the pyrotech tree with no buffs to AP to make up for it. Apparently killing an Inquisitor or Consular is a big no no in PvP.

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God you people cry foul on just about everything? I really hope this is a troll thread because this is just sad.


How about you piss off? Go play some faceroll character and get out of our thread. While youre at it play a class that takes more than 1 button to play. Kkthxbai.


*********** troll. We're complaining because it's plain as *********** day, that we're getting owned in these patches and not better. It's UNFAIR and IMBALANCED, so again I stress, there is the door use it, and don't hit your *** on the way out.


God people like you are irritating

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Guys at BioWare just want Marauders/Sentinels to rule all servers... it is simple :) They are best now.. and they will get buff in 1,2 because now it is still possible to kill marauders ( it is hard and you'll probably die mostly but hell yeah when you are luck u can kill mara/senti in 1/10 attempts After 1,2 u will not :) So enjoy your last Operative DPS days . ..


I play operative Medic btw...


Sorry , this shouldn't be the troll post. /peace

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Someone here has a sig like:


1.2: Fixed a bug that allowed Scoundrels/Operatives to sometimes kill Sorcerers/Sages


Ironic, but fitting, sadly. Vallet Vote cast.


With the Legacy system, not even our +5% Critbuff warrants to take one with you, cause you only have to finish chapter 2 with your Agent to cast the buff with your Sorc/sage too. Incredibly stupid imho.

Edited by Kheldras
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Move to lethality. This spec has some huge potential. You can make short work of a lot of classes with it. Compared to Snipers, you don't have cooldown for Cull, only TA requirement.


Sadly, the TA requirement kinda limits the whole thing. Sure we can spec into the heal tree and pop in a heal to get a TA, but i guess thats not really useful for a DPS rotation... and an Oparative standing around healing whilst trying to kill someone kinda screams "forcecharge/Lightning/Interrupt me".


Guess, Lethality really needs a ranged TA generating ability....

Edited by Kheldras
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yeah, but you can have 2 Cull in a row if you have 2 TA prepared. Sniper cannot do that (9s cooldown), and it also does more damage than sniper cull. Really. I am planning to go on a trooper hunting season with this one. Edited by NoTomorrow
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yeah, but you can have 2 Cull in a row if you have 2 TA prepared. Sniper cannot do that (9s cooldown), and it also does more damage than sniper cull. Really. I am planning to go on a trooper hunting season with this one.


You would never, ever, ever, waste 2 TA for 2 Cull, you need one for Stim Boost, if you don't then you're a moron. Stim should be used where ever, whenever. No exceptions. So don't waste your TA on a Cull if you're Stim is almost done. Just sayin'

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