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1.2 Mara buffed, Operatives nerfed... Absolutely baffling.


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It kind of sounds like everyone cried about how operatives or whatever could destroy their precious saber wielders... and made them essentially human cops with no power at all who should FEAR force users. Not someone who stands any real chance.


Story wise they actually are essentially human cops with no power at all and they generally should fear Force Users.

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The list is long, are you ready?


Only if you are ready to be refuted.


-Ravage can no longer be interrupted.


You do know that it was a channeled melee move that effectively rooted us right? It was next to useless in PVP because of that.


-Disruption no longer costs Rage to activate.


This is fine, considering that one doesn't even work in PVP.


-Vicious Throw can now be used on targets at or below 30% of maximum health (up from 20%).


You mean like every other killing blow technique in the game? The ones that go off at 30% also?


-Intimidating Roar no longer costs Rage to activate.


It used to cost 1, it is an interrupt, this is nice but hardly a major buff.


-Deadly Throw’s “Trauma” effect can no longer be cleansed.


This is because the targets we usually want to use it on are the same targets who can cleanse it. Instantly mind you.


-Force Camouflage now additionally reduces all damage taken by 50% while active.


Where in Watchman this used to be 100% instead of 50%


-Obfuscate no longer has a Rage cost and is no longer limited by the global cooldown.


Like every other similar ability in the game.


-Predation now affects all Operation Group members.


Which it always should have.


-Berserk (while in Ataru Form) now additionally reduces the Rage cost and global cooldown of Sweeping Slash.


Again, this is a balance issue, this always should have been the case. This also only helps Combat, which was the worst of the specs.


-Ataru Form damage effects (procs) now deal weapon-based damage instead of Force-based damage. The overall damage of these effects has been increased by approximately 10%.


This is a great improvement only for the Combat spec, the worst spec in the game.


-Unbound now additionally increases the movement speed bonus granted by Predation by 15% per point.


Because it was a 3 point talent that was completely useless when compared to transcendence.


-Seeping Wound now applies a 50% movement speed reduction (up from 30%).


This was only because we already had a 30% snare in the form of Leg Slash, this was a redundant 2 point talent that nobody ever took.


-Decimate is now located in Tier 1 of the Rage skill tree. It increases the damage dealt by Smash and Sweeping Slash and reduces the cooldown of Smash.


This was just moved from one talent tree to another.


-Dominate is now a 3-point skill with the same overall effect. The effect now lasts 20 seconds (up from 15).


It used to be a 2 point skill. This isn't really a buff.


-Force Alacrity has been replaced by Overpower, which allows Vicious Slash critical hits to have a chance to refund 2 points of Rage while the Marauder is in Shii-Cho Form.


A buff only to the Focus spec.


-Force Crush’s cooldown has been reduced to 18 seconds. Its overall effect is unchanged.


Yes, this is good.


-Obliterate now immobilizes the target for 1 second.


This is actually bad.


-Shockwave’s buff effects now last 20 seconds (up from 15).


This was needed.


Its almost comical how many buffs they are getting. In all my years of playing MMOs, I have never seen a buff this strong to any class, never mind one which is so powerful already. Bioware is clueless.


Again look at that list, almost all of that are directed at the under-played specs.

Edited by ProfessorWalsh
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Almost all the buffs to Sentinel were to specs that underperformed to the one everyone complains about being OP. The one that people have a legit concern about being OP was Annihilation/Watchman which lost two major abilities. Force Fade (This abililty trumps Guarded by the Force, it's just subtle and you have to be a newb to not understand how awesome it is) and the Transendence boost. In return we got some very minor buffs to other stuff. Making Force Camo 50% for all Sentinels nerfed the top spec.


You have to actually understand the c lass. Which obviously nobody does. Know why? Because at Launch you all thought Sentinel/Marauder was terrible at PVP, and the worse class, when people like me and others from closed beta were basically screaming at you that it does the highest single target DPS in the game. You all just went about your business, acting like you were gods of MMOs because you have WoW experience and can read stuff on paper, despite our actual game experience.


Fast forward to now you are all whining about the class being OP. I'll take a nerf just for the fact you all now look like massive idiots who had no clue what they were talking bout. All I heard at launch was "Sorc is OP this and That" LOL Now they are all crying.


Best patch ever. Enjoy your Sorc, and have fun as a re rolled Sentinel. If you were bad at Sorc, you will be a horrible Sentinel.

Edited by Derian
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Marauder - the strongest DPS in the game and arguably most powerful PvP class in organized PvP get massive buffs.


Operative - the weakest sustained DPS in the game has sustained DPS nerfed while keeping high burst.


This should confirm to everyone how clueless Bioware is when it comes to class balance. I've lost all hope. I hate to say it but this puts the nail in the coffin for me. I don't see bioware suddenly having an epiphany and understanding class balance any time in the near future. Do you?


Possibly because Operatives even post nerf can drop 50% of your health bar in 3 seconds and basically have a 100% chance to kill you on the follow up stun if you dont have your stun break up. Please try telling me this isnt true, because if you do you're either 1. Terrible, 2. Lying or 3. A tank


Last time i checked a rauder doesnt do this.


Nerf is justified.

Edited by Gidoru
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Possibly because Operatives even post nerf can drop 50% of your health bar in 3 seconds and basically have a 100% chance to kill you on the follow up stun if you dont have your stun break up. Please try telling me this isnt true, because if you do you're either 1. Terrible, 2. Lying or 3. A tank


Last time i checked a rauder doesnt do this.


Nerf is justified.


So every single Ambush+Backstab combo does 8+k to you?

And then another 8+k during the 4s stun?

This happens to you ALL THE TIME?


I dont know how people like you can post this kind of stuff and keep a straight face

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So every single Ambush+Backstab combo does 8+k to you?

And then another 8+k during the 4s stun?

This happens to you ALL THE TIME?


I dont know how people like you can post this kind of stuff and keep a straight face


I dont know how people like you keep can be so deluded as to deny what is obviously true. I guess its just better for you when you think that every class you play is underpowered. This way you can feel really good about yourself when you kill someone in PvP.


1. I have full champion gear


2. I am able discern the % remaining on my quite clearly illustrated health bar


3. I notice through experience that every time an operative that is well geared opens up on me from stealth i lose half my health because i can clearly read the % number on my health bar and see the bar itself. Not to mention the fact that this clearly stands out, as literally NO other class in the game does damage to me this quickly.


4. You will now try to tell me im terrible. No, i am not bad, and even if i were, that would have no bearing whatsoever on the amount of damage i can take while my character is stunned/knocked down as that is completely beyond my control.


Conclusion - Operatives do way too much damage.


I guess its now time for you to make quit/rage threads because your clearly overpowered class is getting fixed.

Edited by Gidoru
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People weren't even crying about them after their original nerf. Why they are being nerfed again is beyond me...


The company that made this game is Bioware/Mythic.


Mythic has never listened to players when it comes to class balance, and their games have always had long-term, game-breaking imbalances that caused players to quit while Mythic took literally years sometimes to get classes semi-balanced. Mythic's game's have also always featured numerous virtually useless classes/specs for PvP, and they often would nerf a class that was already so weak as to be reliant on maybe one or two skills to have any viability at all. (Shadow Warriors in Warhamer, anyone?) while buffing other already strong classes.


Why should SWTOR be any different?

Edited by Mannic
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I dont know how people like you keep can be so deluded as to deny what is obviously true. I guess its just better for you when you think that every class you play is underpowered. This way you can feel really good about yourself when you kill someone in PvP.


1. I have full champion gear


2. I am able discern the % remaining on my quite clearly illustrated health bar


3. I notice through experience that every time an operative that is well geared opens up on me from stealth i lose half my health because i can clearly read the % number on my health bar and see the bar itself. Not to mention the fact that this clearly stands out, as literally NO other class in the game does damage to me this quickly.


4. You will now try to tell me im terrible. No, i am not bad, and even if i were, that would have no bearing whatsoever on the amount of damage i can take while my character is stunned/knocked down as that is completely beyond my control.


Conclusion - Operatives do way too much damage.


I guess its now time for you to make quit/rage threads because your clearly overpowered class is getting fixed.


I especially like the part where you avoided answering to a direct question and suggested rage


Are you or are you not being Ambushed+Backstabbed for 8+k? And then killed by another 8+k during the following 3 globals while stunned? 100% of the time if you have the cc breaker down too!


Selective memory+Frustration, now THATS a nasty combination

Edited by Leszor
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I play a mara too, and if a well-geared (i know that by doing a post combat gear check) OP get me from stealth on a 1 vs 1 fight, i'm dead during the 2nd stun if i can't unstun. Probability : 100% if nobody helps me.


There's another class which is awesome : pyrotech. But this one leaves me with 10%/20% life and a chance to flee.


OP clearly are awesome bursters who don't even have to fight if they get an unstun-on-cd target on 1 vs 1.


Man, your class is just awesome, from a mara point of view.

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The company that made this game is Bioware/Mythic.


Mythic has never listened to players when it comes to class balance, and their games have always had long-term, game-breaking imbalances that caused players to quit while Mythic took literally years sometimes to get classes semi-balanced. Mythic's game's have also always featured numerous virtually useless classes/specs for PvP, and they often would nerf a class that was already so weak as to be reliant on maybe one or two skills to have any viability at all. (Shadow Warriors in Warhamer, anyone?) while buffing other already strong classes.


Why should SWTOR be any different?


This, so this. Mythic devs keep trying to do PVP games, and keep FAILING at it. They have no demonstrated understanding, or desire to, balance classes. Their games always have favored classes and don't-play classes.


The only saving grace for SWTOR is leveling a character up isn't the ordeal it's been in other games; so one can simply roll the flavor-of-the-game class and go ahead secure in the knowledge they're safe and loved by the devs.


For the record, Juggernauts/Knights do not appear to be on that list. I *really* didn't want to be a dual-saber toon, but it looks like I'll have to take another week to ten days to level up a marauder.

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well, i can't speak for the lvl 50 warzones, but sub level 50, marauders, including carnage marauders were completely awful. I don't know whether its because the gear didn't scale right or what, but i could play the game of my life as lvl 40 marauder and get like 200k damage, whereas i could log my sorc or mercenary and just run around and do whatever and put up similar numbers. And playing the game of my life as a sorc or merc, i've put up 400k with sorc and 350k with merc, so... the point being marauders needed a buff sub 50, i can't speak for 50+ however..


Its because they dont have a clue how to play thier class. I consider myself a pretty high end PT pyro and its a tough fight when you come across one that knows what they are doing. also im sub 50, I disagree.

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mars got nerfed in anni spec no more 100% dmg decrease in phantom and anni lost speed increase


carn got some nice moves it sucked before


rage is dependant on shockwave ticks only... if you are good you can figure out how to break it


the two other specs for maras before 1.2 sucked... now maras can choose between skill trees each tree brings something different to the table







pvp will be cross server and server transfers will come soon too dont worry about low pop servers you will be able to transfer soon... i do agree that some classes got some nerf but if you are in all BM gear as a conceal op 1 on 1 you pwn almost anyone if played right



the funniest and most ironic part of this post is the guy who hates on the mara buff is a mara...



as a mar myself yes they are epic and same with all classes but if you are good at your class you can beat ppl if you are equally geared you can even beat people with better gear


you dont understand every pvp battle is different you cant use the same rotos against every class....

Edited by Zoggel
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The thing I have to say, to all the people trying to come down on Marauders and Sentinels...


When you play a class that has the worst utility in the game, that has no pushes, no pulls, and a speed boost that can only be triggered once after gaining 30 stacks of centering in combat (or once every few minutes) that is slower than any other speed boost, that has no "fire and forget" stuns (IE the only stun they have stuns them too for 3 seconds) and who's only real CC is a mez, that breaks on damage, that lasts for a total of 6 whole seconds, that has no self heal, and has to close to, and remain in, melee range, all while juggling two separate consumable resource mechanics to do anything...


Then you have the right to come in and tell us how awesomely overpowered we are.


Those Sentinels and Marauders you see hitting high numbers?


We have to work for it. If you worked half as hard as a Sentinel does on a Sage you can hit those same numbers and higher.


They are the hardest class in the game to play for a reason.

Edited by ProfessorWalsh
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Man, your class is just awesome, from a mara point of view.


Urgh i wanted to post a nice reply but this sentence here just killed any interest in doing so


You are playing a class so good its unreal it staying in its current state, with an ungodly amount of defensive cooldowns and nonsense-high sustained dps, yet operatives are "awesome" because you can burst down a severely undergeared squisher with the use of a situational WZ expertise buff and consumables?


Please dont do this


They are the hardest class in the game to play for a reason.


Yeah keep patting yourself on the back

Edited by Leszor
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Urgh i wanted to post a nice reply but this sentence here just killed any interest in doing so


You are playing a class so good its unreal it staying in its current state, with an ungodly amount of defensive cooldowns and nonsense-high sustained dps, yet operatives are "awesome" because you can burst down a severely undergeared squisher with the use of a situational WZ expertise buff and consumables?


Please dont do this




Yeah keep patting yourself on the back


Have you played a Sentinel/Marauder?

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Yeah, a class so good that well played OP wrecks me 100% of the time (when he gets me without my unstun, on 1vs1, etc.)


Yeah, a class so good that i just EXPLODES when i'm focus fired.


Yeah, a class so good that i'm just PERMA BUMP PERMA SNARE by good players.


Yeah a class so good that i can WRECK HAVOC ON YOUR TINY *** only if you leave it to me. <- Is that the problem ?


Mara's are far from OP. Period.

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Yeah, a class so good that well played OP wrecks me 100% of the time (when he gets me without my unstun, on 1vs1, etc.)


Yeah, a class so good that i just EXPLODES when i'm focus fired.


Yeah, a class so good that i'm just PERMA BUMP PERMA SNARE by good players.


Yeah a class so good that i can WRECK HAVOC ON YOUR TINY *** only if you leave it to me. <- Is that the problem ?


Mara's are far from OP. Period.


Do you not have all your skills yet? Operatives/Scoundrels are indeed overpowered in the lower bracket... but thats not really a meter for balancing the classes


In bis gear Sent/Mars currently dominate the dps scene while retaining the best survivability cooldowns (with a fairly low reuse time, if i may add), i dont see how this is even in argument

OP/SCs dominate undergeared and inexperienced people, is that your problem?


But i guess most Sents/Mars are superior skilled players

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Its almost comical how many buffs they are getting. In all my years of playing MMOs, I have never seen a buff this strong to any class, never mind one which is so powerful already. Bioware is clueless.


4 words:


Bright Wizards. Same developers.

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I play a mara too, and if a well-geared (i know that by doing a post combat gear check) OP get me from stealth on a 1 vs 1 fight, i'm dead during the 2nd stun if i can't unstun. Probability : 100% if nobody helps me.


There's another class which is awesome : pyrotech. But this one leaves me with 10%/20% life and a chance to flee.


OP clearly are awesome bursters who don't even have to fight if they get an unstun-on-cd target on 1 vs 1.


Man, your class is just awesome, from a mara point of view.


And what if your stun breaker IS up, or the operative isn't stealthed?

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