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1.2 Mara buffed, Operatives nerfed... Absolutely baffling.


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It blows my mind how tjhe devs fail on gamebalance with 1.2.

Anyone who plays pvp at end game knows how powerful the marauders assassins are.

Guessing it's the same for same AC republic but dont play much against rep so dont really know.Pretty sick of this flavor of the month deal because the devs cant make gamebalance.

And now they will nerf classes there are no reason to nerf.Really dont think they play their own game.

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Really dont think they play their own game.


The game they are playing isn't SWTOR, it's called revenue. With no end game to really speak of and nothing coming in the near future, they have to force people to re-roll by nerfs/buffs (to create FotMs) and try to make the majority happy (by picking on the least played classes even more).


It's pure strategy. I would be willing to bet they spend as much time trying to figure out how to get players to re-roll as they do trying to fix endgame, if not more.

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Have you ever seen a game where people *don't* get annoyed with stealth? Other than AoC at launch, of course.


AoC had stealth classes? I didn't know that. I paid good money for that game which lasted me just slightly more than an hour. Wonder if anyone wants a nerf to force camo too

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I am waiting for all those give-me-easy-mode-op-class crowd to start rerolling to sent/mara and bring them to WZ. Please please do.


People who are great with other classes still are great playing sent/mara. But that average/poor crowd just sucks terribly. More of them -- more easy kills.

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I am waiting for all those give-me-easy-mode-op-class crowd to start rerolling to sent/mara and bring them to WZ. Please please do.


People who are great with other classes still are great playing sent/mara. But that average/poor crowd just sucks terribly. More of them -- more easy kills.


The bad Operatives players have already rerolled after 1.1.1.

The ones that might reroll now are probably some of the best players in this game because they have been playing a handicapped class for several weeks now. So when they roll Marauder or Assassin they will dominate.

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That's bollox and you know it.


An OP/Scound played with Champ/BM or pure BM gear still was good after the first nerf it just wasn't a two shot type of play anymore.


The nerf now is pretty uncalled and especially in regards to the changes made to Sentinel.. but they hit sages even harder.


I already dropped my BM Sage in favor for another class until it's survivabilty is getting buffed, really don't bother about the DPS nerf but I'm a glass cannon without a cannon.

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That's bollox and you know it.


An OP/Scound played with Champ/BM or pure BM gear still was good after the first nerf it just wasn't a two shot type of play anymore.


The nerf now is pretty uncalled and especially in regards to the changes made to Sentinel.. but they hit sages even harder.


I already dropped my BM Sage in favor for another class until it's survivabilty is getting buffed, really don't bother about the DPS nerf but I'm a glass cannon without a cannon.


Yes, after the first nerf the class was still good. What hit the class really hard though was the surge nerf/fix on top of that. Don't get me wrong, you can still do fine as an Operative, but you could do much better with any other class.



You call your Sage a "glass cannon without a cannon". Think of an Operative as "more glass, less cannon" to give you an idea of how the class plays right now.

Edited by Ich_Bin
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Loser's tears are delicious,

Please Cry me a river becuz your favor OP class are getting nerfs.

L2P and learn how to adapt, MMO is not just about Crying and face rolling on the keyboard, learn how to use your head for once.


I'd like some of what you're smoking if you think Scoundrels and Operatives are currently OP.

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Loser's tears are delicious,

Please Cry me a river becuz your favor OP class are getting nerfs.

L2P and learn how to adapt, MMO is not just about Crying and face rolling on the keyboard, learn how to use your head for once.


They taste like butter popcorn sometimes, i too love the badtears

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Loser's tears are delicious,

Please Cry me a river becuz your favor OP class are getting nerfs.

L2P and learn how to adapt, MMO is not just about Crying and face rolling on the keyboard, learn how to use your head for once.




The only reason our class gets nerfed is because the general population of this game can't "L2P."

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The only reason our class gets nerfed is because the general population of this game can't "L2P."


Yup, and BWs policy: "pople play class badly so it needs a buff" and QQ-metrics are laughable.


And then bafoons like the one you quoted actually post something. He is probablly one who QQ-ed to BW rofl


They taste like butter popcorn sometimes, i too love the badtears






And yes, you will STILL be pwned by ops, no matter how much they nerf them, and you will STILL QQ about it because you are bad.


And i urge everyone to read linked thread to see why and because of whom exactly classes are being nerfed/buffed. Thats the future of SWTOR. PvEers/terribads QQ - BW pew pew.


Thats why SWTORs PvP is ultimately screwed.

Edited by GrandMike
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Marauder - the strongest DPS in the game and arguably most powerful PvP class in organized PvP get massive buffs.


Operative - the weakest sustained DPS in the game has sustained DPS nerfed while keeping high burst.


This should confirm to everyone how clueless Bioware is when it comes to class balance. I've lost all hope. I hate to say it but this puts the nail in the coffin for me. I don't see bioware suddenly having an epiphany and understanding class balance any time in the near future. Do you?


operatives/scoundrels was super overpowerd and now they are just overpowerd.


if you knew how to play an operative/scoundrel they are still realy dam good and can kill heavys in 5 seconds.


and maurs/sents are already realy dam good as it is they are getting buffed in 1.2 which will make them OP LOL



bioware stop ruining your game ><

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operatives/scoundrels was super overpowerd and now they are just overpowerd.


if you knew how to play an operative/scoundrel they are still realy dam good and can kill heavys in 5 seconds.


and maurs/sents are already realy dam good as it is they are getting buffed in 1.2 which will make them OP LOL



bioware stop ruining your game ><


I'm sorry, but you really don't know anything about how Operatives and Scoundrels work. Trying to DPS on that class is an uphill battle against anyone with any kind of decent gear or game sense.


I assume you're talking about Commandos and Mercenaries when you say "heavies" because Vanguards/Powertechs and Guardians/Juggernauts turn us into a fine paste even if we get the drop on the them. The only time we have a snowball's chance in hell against anyone wearing heavy armor is if we pool every last one of our cooldowns (read: relic, adrenal, double Shoot First, Evasion, and Shield Probe), pray for divine intervention from the RNG god, hope that the other person is wearing greens, and hope they panic. We do not drop "heavies" at all, let alone in five seconds.


I find it sad and insulting that Scoundrels and Operatives are the punching bags of this forum and get blamed for the most ridiculous nonsense when there's nothing we can do that Shadows and Assassins can't do better.

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I'm sorry, but you really don't know anything about how Operatives and Scoundrels work. Trying to DPS on that class is an uphill battle against anyone with any kind of decent gear or game sense.


I assume you're talking about Commandos and Mercenaries when you say "heavies" because Vanguards/Powertechs and Guardians/Juggernauts turn us into a fine paste even if we get the drop on the them. The only time we have a snowball's chance in hell against anyone wearing heavy armor is if we pool every last one of our cooldowns (read: relic, adrenal, double Shoot First, Evasion, and Shield Probe), pray for divine intervention from the RNG god, hope that the other person is wearing greens, and hope they panic. We do not drop "heavies" at all, let alone in five seconds.


I find it sad and insulting that Scoundrels and Operatives are the punching bags of this forum and get blamed for the most ridiculous nonsense when there's nothing we can do that Shadows and Assassins can't do better.


you are so damn right! it's hard to believe, how stupid and uninformed most of the playerbase is, regarding operatives.

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I'm sorry, but you really don't know anything about how Operatives and Scoundrels work. Trying to DPS on that class is an uphill battle against anyone with any kind of decent gear or game sense.


I assume you're talking about Commandos and Mercenaries when you say "heavies" because Vanguards/Powertechs and Guardians/Juggernauts turn us into a fine paste even if we get the drop on the them. The only time we have a snowball's chance in hell against anyone wearing heavy armor is if we pool every last one of our cooldowns (read: relic, adrenal, double Shoot First, Evasion, and Shield Probe), pray for divine intervention from the RNG god, hope that the other person is wearing greens, and hope they panic. We do not drop "heavies" at all, let alone in five seconds.


I find it sad and insulting that Scoundrels and Operatives are the punching bags of this forum and get blamed for the most ridiculous nonsense when there's nothing we can do that Shadows and Assassins can't do better.


That's funny because troopers and BHs are probably the easiest kill for me as an operative.


Hidden strike, 3.5k, backstab, 2k, acid blade (x2), 4k. That's 60% of his health gone right there. And they have no way to get away, and you can prevent a lot of damage by simply dispelling yourself.

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I'm sorry, but you really don't know anything about how Operatives and Scoundrels work. Trying to DPS on that class is an uphill battle against anyone with any kind of decent gear or game sense.


I assume you're talking about Commandos and Mercenaries when you say "heavies" because Vanguards/Powertechs and Guardians/Juggernauts turn us into a fine paste even if we get the drop on the them. The only time we have a snowball's chance in hell against anyone wearing heavy armor is if we pool every last one of our cooldowns (read: relic, adrenal, double Shoot First, Evasion, and Shield Probe), pray for divine intervention from the RNG god, hope that the other person is wearing greens, and hope they panic. We do not drop "heavies" at all, let alone in five seconds.


I find it sad and insulting that Scoundrels and Operatives are the punching bags of this forum and get blamed for the most ridiculous nonsense when there's nothing we can do that Shadows and Assassins can't do better.


the person you are responding to is a "person who deliberately skews the facts as much as possible and posts in an inflammatory fashion in order to get a rise out of people" (woo, incoming post deletion by bioware!)


i hate fighting ops more so than any class in the game, but they do not drop people in 5 seconds.


although, i play a pt and if my CC breaker is down an op will regularly kill me before i get one attack off. but still that takes around 10 seconds, not 5. unless the pt gets the first strike, pts are scared to death of ops.

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i assume all of this talk about an operative killing you in 5 seconds is based off immaculate data accumulation involving either a stop watch, or fraps where you go back and track the seconds to arrive at an average kill time?


oh wait, it probably doesnt, cause the time it takes to execute the abilities needed to kill you. the only way you come close to it, 2 hidden strikes +combat vanish, a: won't be possible after the patch, and B: if this happens to you, my condolences you got killed by someone who waited till all their gcds are up to pull it off, which means there not really contributing to their team if they're buying their time to only strike at you with gcds up. oh and C: you were probably alone, funny how the classes that are most outspoken for their dislike of operative are the same ones who like to perch themselves on the ramps in huttball where they're hard to reach.


additionally "it's always the operatives fault", how many posts have you seen asking how to counter operatives vs posts calling for them to be nerfed? how many people use their cc break the minute a cc hits them, instead of using it when you get cc'd and they use it to do damage to you?


dont get me wrong im not saying everythings fine with operatives, but the majority of the issues people associate with them are more game mechanics then class. CC isn't used just for the purpose of removing you from combat for a brief period, the overwhelming use of cc is to turn people into punching bags. It's not operatives faults you can get cc'd, take damage and not have the cc break, cause other classes can do it as well. They don't even have that many cc's to begin with (knockdown, 1 stun 45s cd, aoe stun 1 minute cd all melee range, and a root/slow).

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the person you are responding to is a "person who deliberately skews the facts as much as possible and posts in an inflammatory fashion in order to get a rise out of people" (woo, incoming post deletion by bioware!)


i hate fighting ops more so than any class in the game, but they do not drop people in 5 seconds.


although, i play a pt and if my CC breaker is down an op will regularly kill me before i get one attack off. but still that takes around 10 seconds, not 5. unless the pt gets the first strike, pts are scared to death of ops.


Powertechs are probably the biggest counter to Operatives at this point in time. Railshot just craps all over them.


Also, I'm not sure what you are doing during the 5 seconds during which you are not stunned by the Op, but if you arn't getting any attacks off then you are doingitwrong.

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Powertechs are probably the biggest counter to Operatives at this point in time. Railshot just craps all over them.


Also, I'm not sure what you are doing during the 5 seconds during which you are not stunned by the Op, but if you arn't getting any attacks off then you are doingitwrong.


im in a stunlock waiting to die. ops rip pts apart if they get the opener. well geared maras and sins are also trouble for pts. you say that pts are the biggest counter to ops, but ops are our biggest counter as well if they get the opener. now if they are out in the open roaming freely, different story.


how much railshot does is meaningless if we cant get one off. not to mention you have abilities that crit just as hard. 5k is extremely hard for even the top of the line pyros to get without stacking every single buff and attacking someone with 0 expertise. in full champ, the best railshot crit ive had with stacking buffs is 3.9k.


if my CC breaker is up ill start the fight at ~40% hp allowing me to get a few attacks off before i die unless i literally pop everything (including medkit). however, i rarely pop everything in one fight unless it is of vital importance for me to do so (like im solo defending a node). doesnt mean i dont use anything, just not literally everything (offensive and defensive), ill use as many tools as i do against any other class.


this is why i hate playing classes with long CDs as ill end up not using them for the most part, saving them for an emergency that just never comes (but when it does can change the game).


doesnt really matter though, my pt has been shelved due to them gutting CP.

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Lol at thinking marauders got some buffs...some defensive quality of life changes and making other spec worth pvping in but no buffs...plz whine unfounded


First few lines of patch notes, Master strike is no longer interruptable. Trauma can no longer be cleansed.


Yea those arent buffs? /dismissive ****

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