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  1. As a matter of fact it is a pointless conversation since you obviously made up your mind already and seem to lack reading skills. A trooper can't regenerate ammo by hitting his primary attack nor by charging onto the next enemy, nor does he have the privilege to regenerate his resource on a constant rate once it's depleted. Cast time = interruptible, stand still No cast time = well I hope you get the point. ....But if this helps you - stance dancing is mostly pointless.
  2. If we're talking about Operations.... I say you can't really narrow it down to a fixed ranking. There are too many things to take into consideration. +.) Team setup +.) Player and experience of the DPS +.) Encounters +.) understanding the class and desire to play that class. etc etc. For instance, many have rerolled mara/sent after they've seen what some players are capable off in PvP or simply by being influenced through the forums. I give you that, it is a very very powerful and actively played class (meaning many buttons to push), but only because you rerolled the class doesn't make you play it well. Played a sage from the beginning, got bored really quick. Basically all you do is kite, shield, project, pebbles and throw in a heal now an then.... sounds boring? Yeah to me it is and when I get bored, I get lazy and when I get lazy I start doing mistakes resulting in me getting pissed. Others will beg the differ, but the class does not fit my play style hence I will never be as effective as a Sage that actually wants to play the class. My point is, and that i truly believe... a smart Sage will eventually outplay/dps a sent/mara on some meele centric encounters and the other way around.
  3. Depends on what you want. Both are pretty good PvP classes and I think they both perform pretty well in 1 v 1 situations. To me the warrior is more like the in your face type of guy, while the assassin has way more control over and during the encounter.
  4. Well to be honest, he has a point. While the warriors resource will be reset to 0, he however still is able to generate it quickly again. A trooper has a, please correct me on this, 1-2 min CD he COULD blow in order to regain half of his resources in an instant. Furthermore a warrior has no penalty in regaining his resources while a vanguard/pt has to deal with lessened resource regeneration rate. So an explanation still would be good.
  5. You should carefully read my post before raging... however you turn it my point stands.
  6. Thing is that a well played Operative/Scoundrel NOW (not talking after 1.2) can completely shut down most classes beside tanks even those if they are bads or you outgear your enemy. You have alot of crowd control abilities which can be used as gap closers... IF you really want to get another gap-closer like sprint and or shadowstep you need to give up something in exchange. Problem right now is that the tank specced shadows / sins are close to OP that's why people forget alot about this fact... a Shadow can't heal and a Shadow is a clothy .... you have medium armor and can heal yourselves... Imagine the following szenario when Shadows "could" heal: Node defending Shadow, keeps fighting to the bitter end, sprints / LoS heals back up, engages again. That'd be just crazy stupid OP
  7. You will need alot of bags to get champion gear. Per Bag there are 15 cent comms and 7 champ comms - feel free and do the math. So it's not prolly gonna happen that you go full champ before the patch hits... you could buy a full set of cent gear tho.
  8. Daxx-Vosh


    Heya Billy, nice to meet you!
  9. That's bollox and you know it. An OP/Scound played with Champ/BM or pure BM gear still was good after the first nerf it just wasn't a two shot type of play anymore. The nerf now is pretty uncalled and especially in regards to the changes made to Sentinel.. but they hit sages even harder. I already dropped my BM Sage in favor for another class until it's survivabilty is getting buffed, really don't bother about the DPS nerf but I'm a glass cannon without a cannon.
  10. Daxx-Vosh


    there is a general rule in MMOs, it's pretty easy as long as you know it: If you want to PvE go to the "Light Side" If you want to PvP go to the "Dark Side" simple as red and true for all MMOs with 2 factions (WoW, AION, DCUO, WAR - etc. ad infinum) All the keyboard turners and mouse-clickers end up on the "good" side while most of the people who have actually played competetive stick to the side that actually wins. Now let's see what Billy Random is going to say about that: "Hey, I'm Billy Random and I play in XXX on the Server XXX and we ALWAYS win against the Imps - srsly L2P dood!" Yeah well Billy is playing in the servers biggest guild and always has someone to team with. He's also in the same guild that has been playing since start and got all the raid gear together and whoop floor with pugs. That said what do we learn? Correct, this time it was not your fault because you didn't know better - well then do it better next game or search for a guild with good players.
  11. it's just plain amazing. Pulling people in the fire / acid pit is just the best about this class... because if that marauder really does want to get out of this allive he has to blow SOME if not all his cooldowns ... theheheheheh JUST lovely
  12. no problem but start playing your agent in pugs before you give any comments on Marauders being OP or not...
  13. don't listen to the lows, it's either tank shadow or marauder
  14. this is just bad... strip away all of our heals - give me a paly bubble and a finisher that does ~ 6k damage and we'll talk again.
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