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Thanks for Killing Sage/Sorc


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You seriously have no clue what you are talking about.


Come to my server and play a BattleMaster Sorc or even a Sage, and you tell me if they are not one of the most strongest classes in the game hands down.


1.A no Cooldown Whirlwind.
















Not to mention more than 1 in the Wazone at the same time.


My point is just because you think they are not powerful, does not mean when 5 of you are all grouped up isn't a big deal?


Global nerfs happen in mmo's due to high amount of population of gamers playing one class.


Welcome to playing mmo's.


I labeled the numbers to respond to the stupidity of this post.


1.This doesn't exist. Its either a slightly reduced cooldown, or an instant cast. "No cooldown" doesn't exist. This is 100% false and is a good indication with how accurate or serious the rest of your post is.


2.Our #1 dot tics for 200-400 depending on crits. Our 31 point talent doesn't hit much harder, neither does our 15 second cooldown one.


3.We have the worst burst in the game. Come 1.2 we will have even less. We're a pressure damage class, burst is very small and non-existent next patch.


4.Without bubble we would have no way to mitigate damage. We don't get any damage reduction skills.


5.The one saving grace of the class. On a 30 second cooldown (20 if talented), which is nullified by roots or stuns, oh and it only lasts 2 seconds. If you're a warrior use your gap closer after we sprint away now we're stuck.


6.One snare, that lightning talents for halfway up the tree. It also breaks on damage after 2 seconds.


7.Stuns? Everyone uses these.


8.Range? Welcome to MMOs. some are melee, some are ranged. This isn't even an argument.

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Ill most likely be benching my Sorc in 1.2.(full bm vr 75)


I dont really care either way, I have alts... It'll be Biowares problem eventually when Sorc healers are barren from rated wz's. People will be losing them as teammates, something that can affect the game as a whole.


And it's funny that people still cry about Sorc Burst damage when it was never strong to begin with.


Every single decent player I play with all agree Sorc arent overpowered... it really is only the bad players who complain about them.

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W/ the recent changes, I don't see a way to play a sorc/sage. Those classes depend highly on RNG. Reducing crit % by that much is insane. Nerfing Warth/PoM is the final nail for DPS sorcs/sages.


And for healing build,.... Let's just leave it at that 'cause only curse words come to mind.


Ty BW and EA for making this fragile, no real top half tree skills, channel skill depended, kiting class completely useless.


I guess, it was coming. Nothing good comes when listening to 12 year olds who get exited when they get nose to nose and start pushing a few buttons w/ few special graphics, and start crying, "I can't use my CCs skillfully so nerf the kiting class that can."

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Sorc r just annoying not even close to op


This ^^ That is EXACTLY what the class is to be.. Annoying! We are designed to be a pest and a distraction to others.


No burst, no real threat to anyone, just annoy others with our little bits of DoTs or CCs/Slows or how we try and escape anything.. We are the ones that add that extra little amount of DPS needed to out damage a healer. Sorcs/Sages made a great support class, not a main class style of any sort.

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Boo Hoo.


It's obvious sorcerers were overpowered. That's why there are so many of them in BGs. Same in WoW, same in every MMO. If a class is OP, everyone rushes to play it.


Now the same people will fine the new OP class and play that.


Who cares?

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Boo Hoo.


It's obvious sorcerers were overpowered. That's why there are so many of them in BGs. Same in WoW, same in every MMO. If a class is OP, everyone rushes to play it.


Now the same people will fine the new OP class and play that.


Who cares?


except you missed the point that they werent overpowered... with skill they could perform well as with any class.... but you are right, alot of Sorc will be finding a new class. After these changes Im gonna make sure I have a few alts for playing fotm. Im guessing warriors will be the next to get hit... Once 1.2 hits they will be rickrolling harder than bfore and the lesser skilled warriors will have an easier time making their class perform. sad really, but Ill be sure to have one while they are hot!

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except you missed the point that they werent overpowered... with skill they could perform well as with any class.... but you are right, alot of Sorc will be finding a new class. After these changes Im gonna make sure I have a few alts for playing fotm. Im guessing warriors will be the next to get hit... Once 1.2 hits they will be rickrolling harder than bfore and the lesser skilled warriors will have an easier time making their class perform. sad really, but Ill be sure to have one while they are hot!


Why do people keep saying that the hybrid spec took skill? I play the class and it is by far the easiest class I have ever seen to put up crazy numbers. The good players are good at objectives and all the aspects of a wz. I rarely came across any sage/sorc that could not pound dmg out with the hybrid spec. Anything that makes this class more difficult is welcome by me.

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Wrong its on a 6 sec internal cooldown with the new changes.


Sweep is on a new cooldown, but clearly u dont play a guardian. It takes a few other skills to set up sweep to do the big dmg, which are all on there own cds. Next time know what ur talking about so u dont look silly

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Why do people keep saying that the hybrid spec took skill? I play the class and it is by far the easiest class I have ever seen to put up crazy numbers. The good players are good at objectives and all the aspects of a wz. I rarely came across any sage/sorc that could not pound dmg out with the hybrid spec. Anything that makes this class more difficult is welcome by me.


That's not what people are saying. It takes skill to be useful in PvP regardless of the spec, it doesn't take any skill to put up crazy numbers with any class/spec. Coincidentally, those crazy numbers don't mean anything.

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Why do people keep saying that the hybrid spec took skill? I play the class and it is by far the easiest class I have ever seen to put up crazy numbers. The good players are good at objectives and all the aspects of a wz. I rarely came across any sage/sorc that could not pound dmg out with the hybrid spec. Anything that makes this class more difficult is welcome by me.


not saying it took skill just that skilled players can make it perform (as with most classes)... probably 70% or sorc are bad... but yea they can hit 4 binds freecasting.

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I misinterpreted this thread. From the title, I thought this was a place for the community to come to thank the devs for nerfing an op class.


Being able to get both 300k medals in pvp if too much.



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That's not what people are saying. It takes skill to be useful in PvP regardless of the spec, it doesn't take any skill to put up crazy numbers with any class/spec. Coincidentally, those crazy numbers don't mean anything.


Numbers help to an extent,but timing and objectives are far more important,but you still have ppl who say "Wow your bad,look at your numbers" and most often than not those types make the team lose,ive been in WZ's where we were out damaged and outhealed but won.

Edited by Sathid
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I agree thanks! Welcome to more realistic gameplay sage/sorcs, you can join the rest of the classes now, hopefully BW will realize you shouldn't have that bubble either.


Not entirely true, I think its kinda opposite.

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lucky 1.2 buffs mara to an point where.. SCAV is unbeatable in pvp all the time :p


Strangelly, I rolled a mara b4 I knew the changes. And it's a heck of a class as it is. 1.2's mara changes makes go oO


P.S. Is there someone in BW who can pass whatever they are smoking?

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I have a 50 sage, so I'm just as effected by this as anyone else. And all you're seriously losing is the ability to Insta cast on 5 targets. If you're entire game play is centered around this ability, then you're a horrible sage/sorc already and die too much to even comment here.

You dont even have to change your spec's atm and you'll still dominate.


Here's what we gain:


1. 20% increase in "free" mind crush/crushing darkness damage

2. 9% reduced cost to instant DOT; weaken mind/affliction

3. Empowered Throw/Calcify increases the damage dealt by Project/Shock, Telekinetic Throw/Force Lightning, and Weaken Mind/Affliction by 6% (used to only effect telekinetic throw/force lightning) now effects the direct abilities of the Spec Tree


What changes: (and should be in the What We Gain section)


1. Critical Kinesis/Disintegration now increases damage dealt by Telekinetic Throw/Force Lightning by 4% instead of increasing Crit Chance. (Damage Increase 100% of the time)


What We Lose:


1. The Force in Balance no longer heals the caster if no targets are hit. (now working as intended.)

2. Presence of Mind now affects Disturbance and Mind Crush only. (removing the ability to insta cast on 5 targets for a boat load of damage, padding your stats)


Like I said, i'm a Valor 60 Sage and I forsee my damage increasing because of this patch. This wont be effecting my game play at all, and I'm excited about whats comming. I'm just going to say this. ** To the sorcs/sages that quit due to this patch, Thank you. You probably weren't playing the class right anyway. **

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I have a 50 sage, so I'm just as effected by this as anyone else. And all you're seriously losing is the ability to Insta cast on 5 targets. If you're entire game play is centered around this ability, then you're a horrible sage/sorc already and die too much to even comment here.

You dont even have to change your spec's atm and you'll still dominate.


Here's what we gain:


1. 20% increase in "free" mind crush/crushing darkness damage

2. 9% reduced cost to instant DOT; weaken mind/affliction

3. Empowered Throw/Calcify increases the damage dealt by Project/Shock, Telekinetic Throw/Force Lightning, and Weaken Mind/Affliction by 6% (used to only effect telekinetic throw/force lightning) now effects the direct abilities of the Spec Tree


What changes: (and should be in the What We Gain section)


1. Critical Kinesis/Disintegration now increases damage dealt by Telekinetic Throw/Force Lightning by 4% instead of increasing Crit Chance. (Damage Increase 100% of the time)


What We Lose:


1. The Force in Balance no longer heals the caster if no targets are hit. (now working as intended.)

2. Presence of Mind now affects Disturbance and Mind Crush only. (removing the ability to insta cast on 5 targets for a boat load of damage, padding your stats)


Like I said, i'm a Valor 60 Sage and I forsee my damage increasing because of this patch. This wont be effecting my game play at all, and I'm excited about whats comming. I'm just going to say this. ** To the sorcs/sages that quit due to this patch, Thank you. You probably weren't playing the class right anyway. **


Uh. Some of us actually heal? This is quite bad for healing sages/sorcs.


Your derogation tells more about you than I think you'd like.

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I dont heal on my sage so I can only comment on the damaging aspect of the changes.


Having said that I can also admit that while i've been playing, Sorcs/Sages have the ability to almost Double the Healing of BHs/Commandos. My twin brother is a Commando healer (valor 61) and does very well in his healing and can top most WZ charts, but in a decent Void Star he's still 200-250k shy of Sages and Sorcs who top heals with over 500 and sometimes 600k heals. Thats excessive. If the changes made bring the sages/sorcs down to equal levels with BH/commandos then great. Its a needed change. And i'm not going to argue the Why. If you pvp enough you'll understand why.


Troll on or explain yourself properly.

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Buffs and nerfs come and go to balance classes, If you're a CASTER DPS Sage you where a Nub PVP player anyway (Or new). No one ran an Ele Sham or Boomkin outside of 5's even when they were OP. Hide in the crowd is all you can do, It's a careBear spec not a PVP spec.
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What is your IQ again son?


People are insanely crazy in this thread. Lol.


I'm waiting for the 80% mrauders and 80% operatives and 80% scoundrels and 80% sentinels per warzone. Enjoy your nerf @ 1.3


That's ok, anything is better than the 80% sorcs/sages that we have now!

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Here's what we gain:


1. 20% increase in "free" mind crush/crushing darkness damage **


I would just like to correct you, if you think CD is increased by 20% your wrong =) The DOT dmg after the initial blow is increased by 20% - IF it consumes wrath. Just saying =)

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Sorc allrdy had a hard time with kiting classes as you know, and we have THE worst class for 1v1, the only chance we had was to kite. Now they removed the ability to cast chain lightning off our free proc from FL. So basically, all the hybrid specs are nerfed from 1.2 and on. Now we can go full lightning, healer or madness. All the hybrid specs were centered around instant cast chain lightning. So now you cant get a kite spec with chain lightning proc.


This is a really big step towards death for sorcs. Unfortunetly I had hoped that they would fix our lightning tree before they killed an allrdy underpowered class, but they have felt nerfing some of our only viable options was the way to go.


For all of you that felt you couldnt kill sorc, well... From now on there will be alot less. So now you will see what its like to be killed by all the really OP classes. Lets guess what class that will be super whined about next. Maybe snipers will get nerfed


I don't think sorc or sage class were design around those hybrid specs and using only instant abilities. I don't have a lvl 50 sage or sorc, but always intended to only spec fully in one tree only.


This whole hybrid specs for sorc/sage reminds me of the death knight shadow/frost spec in early woltk. In both early wotlk and in swtor, the design of the death knight and sorc/sage were never design to work the way people have been abusing the specs and using those hybrid specs. It's obvious the developers want sages/sorc to cast and not just use instant abilities.


Personally, I think instead of nerfing abilities BW should just force players to put a certain amount of talent points into one tree before branching into other trees. Thus, the use of instant proc for those like lightning or tele for sages isn't op due to the nature of the tree if fully spec into it. It's only op when you allow the hybrid specs to exist. Thus, if bw were to force sages/sorc to fully spec into the first tree they put points into, then the talents won't be op and would be design as intended.

Edited by Zilrota
removed rude from quote
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