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1.2 New armor models!


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The end game armor looks just horrible. Somehow they resemble armormodels in Neverwinternights 2 and nobody sane played that game without a third party armor skins.


Orange gear might help, but needs really more variety. Just checked all available orange gear for smuggler, some is quite ok, doesn't hurt my eyes to play in those, but there is really not one single chestpiece that would make me say, whoa i want my toon look like this.


Please give female smugglers something that looks SEXY.

Edited by Deesasther
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I am glad I will be able to yank out the mod bits and stick them into more normal looking gear. This crap is horrible! Who the kriffing hell designed this shyt? I wouldn't have my Shadow or Sorceror caught dead in those things.


Bioware, I love your games but you fail when it comes to armor. Go back to the drawing board, literally.

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I am glad I will be able to yank out the mod bits and stick them into more normal looking gear. This crap is horrible! Who the kriffing hell designed this shyt? I wouldn't have my Shadow or Sorceror caught dead in those things.


Bioware, I love your games but you fail when it comes to armor. Go back to the drawing board, literally.


Couldn't agree more,

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I recall several sets of armour in WoW that ended up looking atrocious due to limitations put on detail levels, though the art for them used in development was actually really nice.

It's possible it's a similar case here.


It looks like there's some nice potential among those sets but even the best, despite the spikes are pretty... uninspired & uninspiring, the Republic sets especially the Sage.. holy * that's bad. The Republic gear in general (sans Trooper) even at their current best in-game are eye-gougingly bland, why not use the gear progression to move on - the Jedi may have strong ideals about attachment but you're taking it way too far; Jedi != Amish or luddite.


I'm further puzzled by the drastic differences between the PvE and PvP sets - my understanding was that the stats the respective sets shared would be several degrees further apart than they are now, but not so much that they need to be shown as completely different armour sets.


In doing so, it really looks like you've given yourselves a huge amount of extra work for no good reason. The art department doesn't seem to be on the same page as everybody else... or even in the same novel in this case.


I keep looking back at them and they do grow on me a bit... but as so many others have said, even allowing that the previews in the dressing room are lower quality than normal, the basic design of those armours really is below par - I actually agree with the person who suggested they could've come directly from an old version of NWN (or its dnd-like peers).


Other games frequently have unappealing armour sets (much to their detriment), SWTOR had quite a few really great places to build on from lower levels... I'm seriously surprised that wasn't the original plan. Some of the lower level armours (often not mod-able or have only 2 slots) were fantastic. Your logic eludes me BW.

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Back to the source material Bioware-guys.


Go look at the Emperor. Grace, Menace, and SIMPLICITY. He didn't need every hanger in the closet glued to his robes to be terrifying.



These are wretched. No drape, no sense of functionality, just polygons for the sake of polygons.

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Who designed the assasin pvp armor? So now we wont look like peacocks, we will look like medusa or one of those medieval drawings of the sun. I mean Darth Maul was a Shadow Hunter. What did he wear? Wouldnt that be a better starting point when designing Assasin armor?
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From the patch notes today:

The color palette for new endgame Bounty Hunter armor has been brightened.


Wow, so this change just makes it easier to see how bad the armor looks now? Or is it like the legacy armor, where the designer must have went "this armor needs more pastel colors".


How about some armor with matte colors, black, grey, OD green, etc. Or some armor with camo themes.


Not the crap bright green, bright red, pink and purple **** being put in the game.

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My favourite is the bizarre blade-like things that appear to have been randomly stuck onto the SI robe. Maybe it is Bioware's way of trying to discourage people from playing Inquisitor to re-balance class distribution. Or maybe they were painting the office where the person who created the models works and he inhaled too many paint fumes. Either way, it gets my vote for worst armour design in video game history. It's so bad I had to laugh :D


I'm wondering if they have out-sourced the design of end-game gear to a third world country where people have never even heard of Star Wars.

Edited by grezgorz
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I'm actually very angry at the outcome of this gear. I'm feel sorry for the armor designers in this game but they MUST be replaced. The style is COMPLETELY wrong for Star Wars and almost ALL of the pieces are unwearable with out despising every second of viewing your character.


I'm more upset with management however for allowing this crap to even pass initial concept art.



The new gear is STRIKE 2 in design as a complete failure as almost entirely stated by the community. the question is:



Edited by Volcan
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Sorry, but I'm not letting this thread float around on a back page.



These new War Hero sets need to be taken back to the drawing board before 1.2. I would be grossly appalled if they went live with these hideously designed armor sets.


NONE of the PvP sets have the look or feel of Star Wars, and thats just about the consensus from everyone you talk to. If they do go live, we would likely NEVER see any changes to these designs.


Now is the time to actually listen to your community Bioware. Its a rare occasion where we reach an overall consensus, but I think it is becoming quite clear the art design and direction of the new War Hero armor set is almost canon-breaking, and very poorly implemented in a Star Wars game.


This is not Warhammer, this is not WoW, and this is not AoC. This is Star Wars. Which means Space Ninjas, Samurai, Cowboys, Indians, Cyborgs, and traditional Mages need not apply. These designs need a rework before 1.2, as in- your art team shouldn't be working on ANYTHING else before this patch if you want to make your community of subscribers happy.

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how cute, you think throwing a temper tantrum will get the armor designs changed 2 weeks before the patch hits


No, I think thousands of temper tantrums just might- and better- if Bioware doesn't want an very upset player base (moreso than what it already is). Its quite clear the community as a whole thinks this is unacceptable.


For Bioware to start building customer loyalty, its about time they listened to their player base majority on something.

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Ive not even been on test server but I quote this for truth regardless.

The artists do whatever they are being told to, don't blame them that much.


Look more towards the art director, because he's the one giving the art direction and signing off them along LA.

"People like what they've seen"


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It would be very nice if they went in and reworked these, but lets face it do you really think that will happen? What would be really fun if any of you are graphic designers is post a link of some models of your own that would be better. Lets see what the community can come up with.
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how cute, you think throwing a temper tantrum will get the armor designs changed 2 weeks before the patch hits


I don't think many realistically expect the current Armor Models to change. Going forward though BioWare has clearly gotten the hint (at least I hope so) that they either need to hire a new art department or vastly step their games up.

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People, the old lead concept artist, Arnie Jorgensen, has already left the game. He would have been the one responsible for the 1.2 armour designs. What say we wait for the next series of armour sets to come out before we start demanding people be fired?
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