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1.2 New armor models!


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can we please get armor sets from kotor 1 and 2, as was posted in another thread before it was closed and linked to this one, how about adding epic armor sets that dont look ridiculous, such as the mandalorian/sith armor in kotor. it was bad***** but didnt look like *****
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The art team for this MMO is very sub-par IMO. To be very truthful it is probably what is going to make me unsub from this game.


I hope Bioware is understanding that a whole lot of people do not like their direction on player character design art.


Anyways getting to the point of just understanding they don't care what their player base has to say on this matter. Because this has been stated even in beta.

Edited by Garamis
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Nobody is going to wear this gear anyway, just find some orange items you like the look of (there has to be something), get it crit crafted for an augment slot, and take all the mods out of the raid gear and place it in your orange item set.
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who is the designer for bioware and how can we make sure they get fired? the end game armor design was terrible to begin with and these are worse! sith look like transformers. jedi look like they are from buck rodgers. every set has crazy shoulder armor and ugly helms like a bad 80's movie with glam-rock hair and shoulder pads. the only differences between the sets is the color and stats, which says bioware is creatively lazy. there is no variety or a sense of a star wars look or feel with any of the high end armor. they need a lot of help with the armor design.
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Haha oh my god, it's pathetically bad. I laughed when I saw it.

I wonder if it's some kind of practical joke. Can't be the real gear.


honestly bioware should be ashamed for releasing this.

Edited by Jakeswed
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It's hard to put into words how bad this armor is, it's far to "fancy", does not fit into Star Wars at all


My only guess is BW's art team is trying to make end game gear look more "epic" than lower level gear and there idea of "epic" is overly fancy crap... LESS IS MORE aka keep it simple stupid, if you look at some of the classic and iconic armor from SW movies/games you will see it's not over the top fancy BS.

Edited by Honako
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Obviously BW doesn't like their customers much, otherwise I have no clue why they would create something that is a serious threat to their health, as these... things will likely cause severe cases of eye cancer...
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Nice job dulfy & Thank You!





Seriously??? Who is the person that keeps coming up with this stuff? The 50+ armor for most classes on pvp & pve really really looks bad. Just plain bad.


This has some possibilities but the overall theme is very bad helmets. I understand this is to have taken place prior to the original saga, and that they want to keep to a progression of armors, but none of the armor at level 50+ looks even REMOTELY like STAR WARS….


(looks more like trekkie crap)


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Weird power ranger, jetsons, tella tubby outfits do not make us say holy blazin awesome. Notice that these designs below are simple, elegant, mature, not exaggerated, don't have weird color choices and funky obtruding elements.


You don't have to use every color in your palette. Stick to a brown, black, or white base on the majority of armor and add some subtle adornments. You don't need to smear a little pink, glowing green, and three shades of poop on my pants. Make my pants one color with an awesome cut and maybe a refined texture/pattern. You don't have to look at all the armor and say, "What colors haven't we used yet? Oh we haven't smeared blue and green poop together yet."



















Edited by Puja
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What an awful helm for the Imperial Agent. Just. Awful. It is clunky for a class that is designed for stealth and general sneakiness. The current tier sets work for the class. Slim with a little mystique. Why not continue that trend?


Imperial Agent's pve helmet makes them look like space welders... and what's with the traffic light overload on the pvp set, I thought we were suppose to be stealthy.

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They are even worse then the current 50 armor. They all look like fantasy genre, not sci fi. The gigantic shoulder pads looked dumb in WOW and they look even worse here. Can these guys design a helmet that looks like a helmet? Who picks these hideous colors?


Who could possibly think that Bounty Hunter PVP armor looks good? Big ridiculous looking shoulder pads and a skirt? Seriously? This is Biowares SWTOR artists idea of power armor? Have they not seen the movies or at least Iron Man? These artists need to be replaced by the Mass Effect team, those guys know how to make cool looking SCI-FI armor.

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Give us a blog on your philosophy for designing armor & clothing in SWTOR, do something to address the issue at hand, man. Just don't ignore it anymore & stop acting so smug by pretending that you think the gear you created looks great & we, the customer's are wrong.

There you go:

I was inspired to continue and complete the consular...




More seriously:

1) Give a distinctive look to the game

2) Use heroic proportions

3) Overdo gear pieces to make them stand apart

4) Use bright colors

5) Do not try to have a unicity between all gear but the over sized parts


Could work if the main idea was to make the gear feel like SW. What's even surprising here is LA is giving BioWare the green light on such silly gear.



In the end if they continue that way, soon or later people will get fed up with the in game meshes and textures and soon™ you'll see client mods (hacks) that allows players to edit the gear.

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I was soo over whelmed by how ugly the armor was for the classes. They seem out of place for the most part and look like they belong in another game. These armors "have" got to go back to the drawing board. I know people have put a lot of work in to these, but it's simply not acceptable, but never the less I'm sure they will be as they are at release.


I feel like you can give a "for its time" look and still be star warsy. I would love to show some models for armor I would like to see(already made some). After all I would like to help for at least ideas, and not just complain.

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My only guess is BW's art team is trying to make end game gear look more "epic" than lower level gear and there idea of "epic" is overly fancy crap... LESS IS MORE aka keep it simple stupid, if you look at some of the classic and iconic armor from SW movies/games you will see it's not over the top fancy BS.


Nah its obvious that Lucas, having finished pooping on star wars after midichlorians and Jar-Jar, decided to turn his hand to designing the end game armours

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Jesus, do the art designers just hate Knights or something? Another set of hideous PvP knight armor, thank god they're making it so u can remove the mods now b/c I really do not want to wear that crap. I was hoping after the ridiculous current Knight gear our next tier would be decent, I see I was mistaken to think that. Edited by DiabloMuerto
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Somehow overt Fantasy looks don't fit in a Sci-fi particularly well, especially Star Wars. Neither do 'heavy metal' '40k' looks.


Sci-fi is about logic. These outfits evoke strong emotions. Especially those of fear, dread, mystery and horror. These emotions being generated by otherwise safe, heroic or relatable elements of the universe are out of step with mainstream depictions of a sci-fi universe like Star Wars.


Traditional and familiar looks are one thing. They bring feelings associated with logic. 'They make sense.' These things do not and thoroughly remove that sense of 'logic' from the person's response to them.

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