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10 Good
  1. ...at least for a day or two after the patch
  2. Or you could spend far less and get something that looks exactly the same
  3. Obviously BW doesn't like their customers much, otherwise I have no clue why they would create something that is a serious threat to their health, as these... things will likely cause severe cases of eye cancer...
  4. Funny, I skip it all the time and don't have any problems, same with the heroics. In fact I just skipped three entire planets on one of my chars apart from the class quests.
  5. No, they are just emo all the time, beacuse nobody wanted to play with them when they were kids.
  6. Yes, it would be nice if they fixed that again
  7. While I can understand this demand, I wonder how you plan to hit them in PvP
  8. I'm having a lot of fun. Yup, there are a few more or less annoying bugs, but that's what you get when you buy a game right when it's released. Though unlike quite a few people, who apparently thought SWTOR would be the non plus ultra and such, I hoped for an interesting game in a universe I love, and that's exactly what I got. Actually it is overall better than what I had expected.
  9. Sowas kriege ich mehrmals am Tag, mit exact demselben Wortlaut. Unter anderem auch für Spiele, die ich nie gespielt habe... also getrost in die Rundablage damit Falls du dich kürzlich in irgendeinem Spieleforum angemeldet hast (für eine Gilde oder so), dann weisst Du nun, wie sich der Forenbetreiber ein kleines Zubrot verdient... er verkauft die e-mail Adressen der Nutzer.
  10. I've seen various variations of DarkDeathHunterBloodKiller...on RP servers I was testing. It's a bit annoying, but on the bright side I at least know that the player in question isn't too bright and I don't want anything to do with him... I sure hope they didn't put a cap on the ignore list though.
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