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Everything posted by Honako

  1. We're looking for a guild that does PvP at all level ranges, It does not have to be a PvP only guild by any means. We have characters at all ranges but we're focusing on new toons atm. Fine with a large or small guild just needs to have Teamspeak / Vent or Discord. I'm online right now "Green-Down" is the character name if you want to send me a whisper.
  2. I'm all for the forced "level synch" I just hope this means class quests still give good XP when you out level them.
  3. You can't use rocket out if you are slowed. And you are ALWAYS slowed in PvP. On top of that they are adding more slows. So the 20 cooldown is pretty worthless considering our only way out of slows is getting a longer cooldown.
  4. BS. This is not BW playing favorites it's just the limitations of the arch-types. Bounty Hunters are known for having lots of gadgets and cool tech. Troopers are dudes with a guns. Considering the wide range of skills needed to make a functional class, Bounty Hunters are just a easier fit. Honestly I'm shocked Trooper fits in as well as it does considering how basic the concept is. Also Guardian's Force Kick is >>>>> The Juggernaut version.
  5. Imo the issue is not worthless skills but to many skills you only use in specific situations thus resulting in needing 4+ hotbars and piano lessons to PvP effectively. I'm certainly not advocating they give us as few skills as Guild Wars. But the current number is to high and if they add even more skills It will be awful.
  6. This. I very much support them getting rid of or fusing some skills. Felt the same way in WoW. when 60 was cap you had to think about when you used key abilities like CC and anti CC skills. After a while it did not matter what CC you used because you had so many. Just total CC fest. PvP aside it's just not fun having crap loads of hotbars and hotkeys. Does not feel fluid to play.
  7. Every time I go though a loading screen the armor I have in [Outfit slot 1] changes to it's default colors ( I have it dyed) I can fix this by switching to my [Currently Equipped] and back to [Outfit 1] But this gets annoying every freaking loading screen. This only happens on this character which I find very odd. EDIT: Only the chest is dyed i'm using unify colors to make the set match. However I do the same on other characters and this does not happen.
  8. As I said the FPS switches between 90+ and 15 regardless of what i'm doing. I can be in the most chaotic situation and the FPS will be 90+. I don't think it's a virus because other games are running just fine. It's only SWTOR that's doing this And i'm by no means overheating.
  9. So my FPS with hang out around 90-110 regardless of what i'm doing for like 30 seconds. Then it will drop to 15-25 for around 30 seconds, then switch make to 90-110. I'm using a AMD card and i've looked around for a fix but nothing really addresses this issue.
  10. It's clear that most people don't like this gear at all... But all this armor will be put into the game anyways
  11. It's hard to put into words how bad this armor is, it's far to "fancy", does not fit into Star Wars at all My only guess is BW's art team is trying to make end game gear look more "epic" than lower level gear and there idea of "epic" is overly fancy crap... LESS IS MORE aka keep it simple stupid, if you look at some of the classic and iconic armor from SW movies/games you will see it's not over the top fancy BS.
  12. I agree this armor is awful and out of place Less is more BW cut it out with all this overly fancy crap.
  13. If you have not seen the new armor coming in patch 1.2 it can be seen in the following link. http://feature.mmosite.com/swtor/patch_1.2_new_armors.shtml It's hard to put into words how bad this is, it's far to "fancy" and does not look like anything that should be in Star Wars. Sometimes less is more. What happened to armor like this? http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/File:Sith_trooper_concept_art.jpg http://starwars.wikia.com/index.php?title=Mandalorian_armor&image=MandalorianKOTOR-jpg All I can say is I think BW's art team is trying to hard to make the end game gear look more "epic" all this leads to is overly fancy crap again... Less is more.
  14. Did you even read what I said sir? For one there is no community for warzones if warzones never start. and again if you only put say 2 servers together your still going to be running into the same players a lot.
  15. Clearly bugs need to be fixed first. However the core gameplay could still use some help
  16. I'd like to see the following Appearance Tab This is already in many MMOs like DCUO and WoW, I feel this game really needs this feature. I happen to be a PvP nut but I hate the level 50 BH PvP sets... I know you can mod items however there is just no way to keep the stats up to par. With many sets just being reskins I think this game needs a lot more player customization. Cross server warzones Now that level 50s have a bracket to themselves the wait times for some servers are extremely high and for some servers if you don't play in prime time you can't do warzones at all. I know many will say "wait for more players to level up" but even in WoW when it was single server BGs the wait times could get very long A major draw back with cross server warzones is a loss of sense of community, This however could be fixed by only putting a few servers together, how many would depend on population (Severs with a large population might only need to be grouped with 1 or 2 other servers etc etc) LFG system I know this is a flame war waiting to happen but I feel all of the draw backs to this system can be fixed by keeping it to your server only, or again based on server population (letting a server with a low population group with a server with a large population) there is no need to murder the community and have 10 servers together. For me these systems would greatly improve my overall game experience. I'm very much interested in what the rest of the player base feels is needed.
  17. Not on my server. The only servers able to do any PvP right now are the servers with the bigger player bases.
  18. The Q did not takes hours and hours... They should have added cross sever PvP before or at the same time.
  19. Have yet to see a warzone pop all day -.- "PATCH IS WORKING FINE STOP ALL THE QQ" /facepalm
  20. I never said other classes don't have issues If a merc is doing tracer more then 2-3 times at the start of a fight they are doing it very wrong and have awful DPS. This however does not mean mercs don't need some twinks.
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