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1.2 New armor models!


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The armour looks pretty neat to me to be honest, you have to remeber that the timeline is diffrent then from what people are thinking about. The armour here suits the timeline being less subtle then the current timeline and more about the flashy in your face im bad im good type of thing.

An example would be knights from the dark ages wearing suits of flashy armour etc. you would laugh at someone now if they walked onto a battle field with 100lb armour with their countries flag all over it. (Don't lie and say it would be cool cause in retrospective it wouldnt idc how much of a fantasy buff u are.:rolleyes:

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Having a look at these armours i dont thikn i like the look of any of them, all look a bit naff and inferior. I dont think they resemble anything in SW universe and are all totally on a diffrent plane of what i envision my SW chars to look like. Sorry devs/designers your armour sets are pathetic.


Time to get a new art team i think if this what they come up with.



Also when we getting hide hoods from robes as well as hide companion head slots as i dont want to see the ugly head pieces even that we currently have in game on my companions.



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I wonder if Bioware is taking note of the community's feedback on these.


I'd like to know if we can expect to have any good-looking gear implemented in the future, or at least have all designs available in custom rarity versions.


What is the point in playing an MMO when there is such a narrow selection of good looking outfits for our characters?

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I think the art department need to go back to finger painting school because i just saw the consular pvp and raid armor and they are the most pathetic looking sets of clothes a person could put on there char. I think in swtor if we had homeless people i think they would even leave these clothing sets in the trash. Anyways i wont be wearing them on my sage and maybe swtor can bring in potato sacks for the consular and i will wear those.


Just putting it out there.



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new gear looks terrible...


sorc pve = get rid of all the curved sharpies, make sash and shoulder thingie not look tattered

sorc pvp = medusa face, tattered cloth needs to go

war pve = there is no Dana only Zuul...

war pvp = ok looking except for the things on the side of the boots and sharpies on the shoulders, wrists and helm

BH pve = lose the buttcape

BH pvp = lose buttcape, smaller shoulders, lose (or shorten) the plates that are behind the hand.

agent pve = change color to black

agent pvp = lose the helmet and change color to black



consular pve = ......umm yah......lose everything below the neck

consular pvp = lose everything above the neck, get rid of funky cape

knight pve = looks good imo, lose the sharpies on top of the boots

knight pvp = lose the helm and shoulder thingie, or get rid of tubes, and put put another shoulder thingie on the other arm

trooper pve = lose the side things on the gloves, add plating to the thighs, maybe copy pvp helm

trooper pvp = cope pve shoulders, lose buttcape, lose side thingies on boots

smuggler pve = lose the helm, the half-buttcape and use simpler boot design

smuggler pvp = lose side thingies on the helm, maybe the mask over the nose, change color of vest, lose sharpies on gloves


Also can we have capes that dont flare out at the bottom? it looks like somebody took a tiny bite out of one side of a Dorito and then decided to tape it to the back of a sith warrior. Make the capes look like the ones the Spartans are wearing in 300. It goes straight down off of the shoulders and does not flare at the bottom (go outwards towards the left and right).

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Armor and clothes should look real and be usefull. Can you imagene someone fighting in such outfit? Seriously, make rl copy of this spiky crap, attach some horns also, and go fight on swords. I'm talking from my 15 years experience-all this only interfere in the fight.

Do not look at WoW armor, this game is grotesk parody on serious games. This is not my words, it was from one of WoW lead producer or desighner. Look on Turbine games-Lotro armor is perfect, DDO is very nice.

While some ppl asking for new armor models etc, i don't understand why we realy need it. SW universe is kinda real life humans based. For a trooper/soldier it's combat armor and uniform, it's should have stadarts, like in real army, I don't belive there are more then 2-4 power armor types. For jedys it's mostly a robes, shirts and trousers. How on earth someone can prefer racata look like crap over just normal clothes in battle. And again, eq2 have 3 armor models of each type(light, medium, havy) for 7 years and ppl don't mind it.

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On the bright side tho at least we've found something 99% of the community can agree on...


Yeah, shame it wont make bioware realise that the end game armours are a kick in the crotch for those who earn them. I just cant imagine how they could have approved that insulting crap

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Dear BW guys, i understand that you are trying to make game better, attract more ppl etc.

But lets face it, this game is for SW funs and ppl who like all in moderate or who resting here betwen main game raids or waiting for new mmo. A bit of questing, a bit of grouping, pvp or raiding. Serious raiders and simply ppl who ..umm trying to achive something will not play this game or they are very few here. I raided hc for 7 years in eq2, i'm tired from it now and need time to recover. But all my eq2 friends who tryed SW, just laughed at raid size and difficulty. 8 mans make me angry, it's a blasphemy, joke. Even 16 mans is not enough for raiders. How many active subscribers we have? Numbers not needed, just log in during prime time and see 100-200 mans on fleet and half dead GTN market.

Why i'm telling all this-because we have prety tight and small community of ppl who like sw universe or just resting here. And 35 pages in this topic full of negative reaction on this armor "models". And whole PTS forum of same reaction to incoming class changes. Please Bioware, listen to your customers.

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Fire your armor designers.


Seriously. Jedi armor in this game is absolutely a joke.


Well, I can only hope that I'll be able to resocket some decent armor to get the same stats as end game pvp armor. Oh wait, there isn't any decent looking armor.


Fire your armor designers.

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