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1.2 New armor models!


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For some reason I like the JC one with the u shaped head and I don't know why but I like it alot, and the SI sets look ok-good the pvP looks like a Predator and I'm a fan of them so i like it, the PvE gear looks like a Nightsister/mystic kinda actually looks cool, personally love the trooper armor and SW armor the smug one with the hat looks cool the other one not so much, the other JK one without the space invader helmet on looks cool the other, no I like both the JC gear could be better though, IA gear is ok, The BH gear is cool but could be ALOT better.
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You do realize some of the models are based on concept art from the original movies right? I know i've seen the Trooper PVP before.


Yeah, that's why most people who have posted seem to agree the Trooper armour is the one they like the best, or the one that fits the SW theme the most. I think you'll be hard pushed to find similarities for any of the other designs in the original movie concept art though.

Edited by Cernow
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Once again BW manages to make the Republic sets look like utter garbage.


Can we get developers not biased towards the Empire on everything for once?


I agree.


It is not hard to design for Republic. It comes down to, KEEP IT SIMPLE.


It really does... it really really does...


Most of the Republic: Smuggler you can go wild a bit here or out of the box, Trooper uniformed Troopers, and the Jedi are simple (everyone wants to look Jedi, the JC PVE one looks nice thank you). Have your armour designers look at Clone Wars Jedi for inspiration.


It does seem like BioWare designers heavily favour and work on the Imperial side...

Edited by Darturion
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what can i say...im shocked!!

this week i tryed to invite 3 friends to came play this game...and after 2 days they left for ever and almoust take as offensive my attempt to lure them to a game like this one!... ... ...

Now , ( and belive me i like the game a lot!!!), when i see this "new" designs...i wonderer what i am doing here...alone...maybe i must move away also!!:(

Same people are saying this is all Canonic armours... .. ...well....it can be what ever! They all induce vomiting and make our eyes hurt of hilarious uglyness!! (exeption goes for the Trooper armor):eek:

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Yeah they got waytoo crazy with most of these armor models. I sort of like the Warriors tho, but as a Sorcerer and about the other armors I rather have something more traditional with that Star Wars feel like the old KOTOR 1-2 outfits with touch of originality and I'll be happy. Not sure what they were going for on the Jedi Knight pvp sheesh.. I see they tried to get an "Epic" feel for most of these outfits, but it came out looking over the top and silly. In Star Wars it's kinda like "less is more" in the Star Wars universe... Edited by Dasmordo
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Agent armor is just very lightly redone model of current PvE and PvP gear... and with terrible colors. Bright orange? For Agents?? Are you that clueless?



Most of the other gear sets are just ridiculous. Sage PvP? :D Who the hell came up with that on the head?


This is not Star Wars at all.


Whoever is responsible for these sets should be replaced

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I just wonder, why lowlvl and fp gear looks better then raid one. I have nice lvl 20-40 light armor sets , that looks realy gorgeous, and racata one make me cry...Why every game desighner think that big shoulders is win? And new armor sets is just rediculos, on pair with other crap changes tho.
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I agree. This new armor looks ridiculous, I means horns and capes? Look BW.. I propose that if you're gonna come up with new apparel? Post it on the forums and let the community vote on it first!


Bring back the polls, post the concept pictures up, lets us all yay or nay it.

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Whoa seriously just fire this person already and get a real armor designer. My level 10 gear looks better than most all the end game pvp armor, you know why? Because I dont look like some joke form of a clown or space chicken.


Big spikey shoulder pads and gloves = not epic armor. I think you guys at bioware need to watch the movies some more and read some of the books, as opposed to pulling armor from WoW.

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I think they hired the artists that failed designing WoW armors.


Glad we can rip the mods out. Sheesh.


yeah and pay 100k for each piece...what a waste of money.


not nearly as wasteful as the wages they pay the armor designers though.

Edited by dougan
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Bw Are all your Armour Designers Pot smoking, Glue sniffing Alcoholics?..


These armour designs may look cool while they are in a drug induced Haze, but to those of us in the normal world these Designs look like someone threw up on your design table and thought it looked *Cool* They DONT!!!


Kotor 1 & 2 armour looked Cool, Swtor End game armour = Designed by drunk blind druggy's.


Please for the love of Star wars, Fire your design team and hire some talented ones that arnt drunk and high!

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I thought this was a STAR WARS game? The only one of these sets that fits into the Star Wars theme and looks reasonably good is the Trooper, and maybe Sage PVE.


These all look like something out of a high fantasy game. Or to be more precise, something out of WoW.


I don't understand why they feel that every armour set they design has to be bigger, gaudier, flashier, more glowy than the last. All this does is make armour sets get more and more ridiculous.


Very disappointing. They need to hire some new artists and designers who understand they are working on a STAR WARS game. Give us some armour sets which are classic, well designed and in keeping with the Star Wars theme. The designers should understand that understated and stylish can look cool too, your playerbase isn't all 12 year old kids who are only impressed by bright colours, glowy things and giant shoulder pads.


This ^^^^^^^^

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If I had to point out the most terrible thing in those sets, it's definitely the bust/skirt/thing. Why would a trooper be wearing anything with cloth on it? >_> It's stupid.


Also I feel like the bounty hunter gear is synonymous with a creepy schizophrenic who thinks he's a plumber/axe murderer at the same time.

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