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After seeing 1.2 patch notes...


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Need to know what is being done with currently remodded items. like Rakata and Battlemaster gear. Since the versions on PTS are far better itemization than current ones.


Easy fix. make is so current bm/rakata gear is tagged and can be traded in for the new stat gear with the previous Rakata/BM gear itself.. Problem solved. But not allowing us to get and benefit for the new itemization would be a HUGE mistake and a slap in the face to any who have gotten battelmaster gear, or did the operations we have currently inplace.


I like this fix. ^

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Source: http://mmo-mechanics.com/news.php?ar...system-preview


TL;DR The Legacy system on the PTS is a complete failure.


Here's the rundown. Personally, I find the whole thing to be a colossal letdown (and not just for my disappointment over the not-actually-new species unlocks).


For starters, a vast amount of Legacy stuff is centered around your companions----you know, those critters that helped you level, but now that you're 50 and running flashpoints, ops and warzones are largely irrelevant. BioWare, how can I put this mildly?




You can also make a "family tree," for exactly no useful in-game benefit whatsoever, which begs the question "Why do we care about the family tree at all?"


We get "heroic moment" unlocks, which are exactly as relevant as companions at level 50 (i.e. not relevant).


We get no new species, just the Crayola species we already don't care about.


We get buffs to our irrelevant-to-endgame companions!


The ship unlocks are nice, if you are anti-social and plan to spend no time at the fleet whatsoever once you've gained them all. Leave it to BioWare to design a system that encourages players to be anti-social hermits who live aboard their ships.


Alignment unlocks---linked to companions and thus irrelevant at 50!


Legacy fleet pass unlock---spend hundreds of thousands of credits to change your cooldown from 18hrs to 12hrs! Or, I don't know, spend 50k credits and have 50 fleet passes from the security key vendor that I can use on a 30m cooldown. Which is more cost effective?


Rocket Boost---this is now a required money sink for all competitive PVP play. Good job. (By which I mean, bad job. Didn't you guys play WoW? Remember how all competitive PVPers had to become Engineers because of Rocket Boots? Remember what Blizzard did about that? Yeah.)


Punching skills! Yes, this is exactly what we need---more skills to try to cram onto our already crowded toolbars!


More emotes---okay, you got me. I see nothing wrong with this. Good job on adding a dozen emotes to a game that already has dozens of emotes. I'm sure the 5% of your playerbase that actually roleplays in-character is jazzed. I have no doubt that this was an excellent use of developer time.


I was really looking forward to this system until I saw it. What a letdown.


They have always touted that the Legacy system is more for alts and stuff... so yeah, it's relevant.


Sounds like the game isn't going in the direction you want it to go. Perhaps it's time to go and hit that unsub button. Good luck... thanks for playing.

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Hey, I waited for the 1.2 patch since launch. I knew the game was going to start then, but ..after testing testing 1.2. the new raid and all. I can't play this game. I just can't ...it's not me ..it's completely not as advertised. I'm done. I waited ..for so long ..patiently ..I really did. 1.2 has to be a crude joke. Legacy system? people already have like 4 alts.


Why do people have 4 alts? bcuz there is no end game lol. Oh hey here's a new thing with legacy ..new gear etc. but oh wait ..I already have all my characters at max.


*** do you think i was doing for 3 months with this stale easy endgame? I made alts! You can't develop a legacy system THIS LATE ...I mean come on ..it's too late.


Harder pve? are you kidding me? the encounters are still enrage based? it's all a gear check? where are the strats? the boss mechanics? It's ..just unbearable ..how bad it's gotten. or easy!


*** a ranking system? in warzones? that doesn't mean anything? other than the epeen factor? I'm sure the 60 people on my server will care lol.


It's too late ..nothing new ..same old ..same old ..empty promises/bugs. Cya guys in gw2/Mop/D3 Wow bioware ..you took a huge **** on the past 3 games you made.

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Hi, first post but with the way things are looking, I felt I really ought to try and voice how things are affecting me - a random player. I have heard that even though you may not respond to every post, you still read the forum so here I go, believing in you.


I have found some information in regards to the new Legacy features that will likely be rolled out soon and I really am hoping that it is just wrong. The link is already here on the forums but just so you are on the same page I am referring to this one: http://mmo-mechanics.com/news.php?article=1-2-legacy-system-preview


What distressed me most, upon my first read-through, was the Legacy Heroic Abilities we unlock. They seem extremely unbalanced from one faction to the other. And I dont mean mechanics-wise, though I am sure there are differences there too, but my problem is how *cool* the imperial unlocks are, and how *pathetic* the republic unlocks are. The Inquisitor Legacy Ability gets to have a lightning storm from the fingertips while Consular legacy gets to chuck a rock. Sith Warrior Legacy Ability is the infamous force choke but jedi knight is just a sweep(you jump and spin around). Smuggler is a complete clone of imperial agent, as if they didnt even try with that one. Worst of all, bounty hunter legacy ability is the awesome flamethrower but for troopers? You toss a sticky grenade. And the target doesnt care, nor should it. Going through the trouble to toss a grenade once every 20 minutes (15 if fully unlocked via additional legacy perks) that also happens to be the lamest grenade in the game. If I REALLY wanted to throw a grenade, I would just *craft* some and use those, without needing a heroic moment, without needing some extreme cooldown, and without needing to go through the long line of hoops to unlock it. Even moreso since every other grenade in the game looks cooler than the sticky grenade (very unimpressed).


Now, I will admit that yes, I only read about it and have not tried to test it in the PTS. I would love to try the PTS out but sadly I am spending every moment I can(except for this large chunk to post this thread) trying to grind out cash so I can buy the rare speeders that will soon no longer exist in the game. I don't know how everyone else got so rich, but I was always using all of my credits just to get by since I have a lot of expenditures, but now I need to get two million credits(more actually, for the magenta schematics too) before 1.2 comes out and can not "waste" that opportunity doing testing even though I would love to help out the devs and find bugs, suggest changes, etc etc.


While I am on that, I wanted to suggest that these rare speeders that will soon no longer be available could also be bound to the account since I can only afford one(I actually cant *yet* afford one, but I will soon) and then it is stuck on this one character. I cannot delete that character or I will lose that discontinued speeder forever, and why should I have to delete him anyway? I am *really* curious why the devs actually had no intention of adding additional character slots. Not even as a purchasable option. It doesnt make sense, with the game they are trying to make. You build a game where you are very clearly trying to promote re-rolling and playing every story arc you have(Legacy et all) but you only get enough slots to try each core class once, and to try each advanced class you will need to choose the alternate on the opposing faction. Well I loved playing troopers but I have stuck to the republic side and only have 1 imperial. So, because I couldnt live with just playing *one* I made two troopers, a vanguard and a commando, and I love them both. But it looks like now I'm screwed because I am going to have to miss something now that I needed that slot for. You have built a mechanic to promote starting over but you have also created systems that have you invest heavily into a character and all that will be lost too.


Crafting is touted as being so wonderful and balanced and accessible but I really feel shortchanged with it. I have four characters that craft, and all at 400: Armormech, Artiface, Cybertech, and Synthweave. I have reverse engineered *many* schematics, invested a *lot* of credits, and spent a *lot* of time hunting through the GTN and sending out companions to get the discovery schematic items. I am even trying to collect them all, I have created checklists and all kinds of things to help me(and my guild) do many various things in the game, but all of this is tied only to that character, so if I delete them to re-roll, I lose *all* my RE'd schematics, my discovered schematics, my super rare items, my discontinued speeders, everything is gone and what do I get out of it? An empty character slot. Time and time again, you incentivise re-rolling, or restarting all over again yet there is no coverage at all for the things we will leave behind and possibly never get again.


Maybe I am just sentimental, but after working on a character that long, and getting them that far, I really dont want to delete them for any reason. I become attached and dont want to replace them. I dont think this should ever be an issue though, since this is not the kind of choices a company like Bioware has typically put before players. It is essentially punishing both those that do not re-roll and those that do.


I feel I shouldnt have to think 'what will I have to lose next so I can try something new?'


Maybe it's just me, but I can only speak for me - a random player.

Edited by Mourn_Blade
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Just reading the PTS forums is hilarious. BH and Sorc tears are freely flowing, careful you may get swept away. BH post-OMG its over, end of the game, BH is no longer viable healer, dps is screwed. Sorc post- OMG its over, end of the game, Sorc is no longer viable healer, dps is screwed.


Just too funny.


I saw a video once of a guy bullying people he randomly passed, he laughed his *** off every time, a bystander that was watching patiently waited, as the bully turned the corner, the bystander knock the bully on his sorry arse. "just too funny" ... wait till the shoe is on the other foot.

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Just a few of the things to look "forward" to in 1.2 (never mind the class balancing)

Just take a look at the first page of the test forums for more info.


*The Battle of Ilum daily and weekly missions have been removed from the game.



*Medpacks once per boss fight



*“in 1.2 and beyond, you’ll be able to move new endgame gear set bonuses by removing the armoring mod. However, this change won’t be applied to older endgame items, just to those new in 1.2 and beyond.”



*Very large “adjustment” (aka lowering) of credits earned in a WZ



*Boost to xp for WZ (nice for leveling to 50, but can’t afford new gear)



*Very poor art design to the new endgame armor, Very “unStarWarsey”

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They have always touted that the Legacy system is more for alts and stuff... so yeah, it's relevant.


Sounds like the game isn't going in the direction you want it to go. Perhaps it's time to go and hit that unsub button. Good luck... thanks for playing.


hope you enjoy single player mmo (lmao) when most ppl are gone

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TL;DR The Legacy system on the PTS is a complete failure.


Here's the rundown. Personally, I find the whole thing to be a colossal letdown (and not just for my disappointment over the not-actually-new species unlocks).


For starters, a vast amount of Legacy stuff is centered around your companions----you know, those critters that helped you level, but now that you're 50 and running flashpoints, ops and warzones are largely irrelevant. BioWare, how can I put this mildly?




You can also make a "family tree," for exactly no useful in-game benefit whatsoever, which begs the question "Why do we care about the family tree at all?"


We get "heroic moment" unlocks, which are exactly as relevant as companions at level 50 (i.e. not relevant).


We get no new species, just the Crayola species we already don't care about.


We get buffs to our irrelevant-to-endgame companions!


The ship unlocks are nice, if you are anti-social and plan to spend no time at the fleet whatsoever once you've gained them all. Leave it to BioWare to design a system that encourages players to be anti-social hermits who live aboard their ships.


Alignment unlocks---linked to companions and thus irrelevant at 50!


Legacy fleet pass unlock---spend hundreds of thousands of credits to change your cooldown from 18hrs to 12hrs! Or, I don't know, spend 50k credits and have 50 fleet passes from the security key vendor that I can use on a 30m cooldown. Which is more cost effective?


Rocket Boost---this is now a required money sink for all competitive PVP play. Good job. (By which I mean, bad job. Didn't you guys play WoW? Remember how all competitive PVPers had to become Engineers because of Rocket Boots? Remember what Blizzard did about that? Yeah.)


Punching skills! Yes, this is exactly what we need---more skills to try to cram onto our already crowded toolbars!


More emotes---okay, you got me. I see nothing wrong with this. Good job on adding a dozen emotes to a game that already has dozens of emotes. I'm sure the 5% of your playerbase that actually roleplays in-character is jazzed. I have no doubt that this was an excellent use of developer time.


I was really looking forward to this system until I saw it. What a letdown.


Stupid expectations crits some players for 100000 elemental damage.

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Source: http://mmo-mechanics.com/news.php?ar...system-preview


TL;DR The Legacy system on the PTS is a complete failure.


Here's the rundown. Personally, I find the whole thing to be a colossal letdown (and not just for my disappointment over the not-actually-new species unlocks).


For starters, a vast amount of Legacy stuff is centered around your companions----you know, those critters that helped you level, but now that you're 50 and running flashpoints, ops and warzones are largely irrelevant. BioWare, how can I put this mildly?




You can also make a "family tree," for exactly no useful in-game benefit whatsoever, which begs the question "Why do we care about the family tree at all?"


We get "heroic moment" unlocks, which are exactly as relevant as companions at level 50 (i.e. not relevant).


We get no new species, just the Crayola species we already don't care about.


We get buffs to our irrelevant-to-endgame companions!


The ship unlocks are nice, if you are anti-social and plan to spend no time at the fleet whatsoever once you've gained them all. Leave it to BioWare to design a system that encourages players to be anti-social hermits who live aboard their ships.


Alignment unlocks---linked to companions and thus irrelevant at 50!


Legacy fleet pass unlock---spend hundreds of thousands of credits to change your cooldown from 18hrs to 12hrs! Or, I don't know, spend 50k credits and have 50 fleet passes from the security key vendor that I can use on a 30m cooldown. Which is more cost effective?


Rocket Boost---this is now a required money sink for all competitive PVP play. Good job. (By which I mean, bad job. Didn't you guys play WoW? Remember how all competitive PVPers had to become Engineers because of Rocket Boots? Remember what Blizzard did about that? Yeah.)


Punching skills! Yes, this is exactly what we need---more skills to try to cram onto our already crowded toolbars!


More emotes---okay, you got me. I see nothing wrong with this. Good job on adding a dozen emotes to a game that already has dozens of emotes. I'm sure the 5% of your playerbase that actually roleplays in-character is jazzed. I have no doubt that this was an excellent use of developer time.


I was really looking forward to this system until I saw it. What a letdown.


So let me get this straight. A Legacy system, which was designed to provide options for people to level up different alts, is a failure because it's providing options for people when leveling alts and no end-game advantages?


"OMG, I just bought a Honda Civic, and it stopped the first time I drove it into Lake Michigan. HONDA FAILS AT MAKING CARS."

Edited by amantheil
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So let me get this straight. A Legacy system, which was designed to provide options for people to level up different alts, is a failure because it's providing options for people when leveling alts and no end-game advantages?


"OMG, I just bought a Honda Civic, and it stopped the first time I drove it into Lake Michigan. HONDA FAILS AT MAKING CARS."


A better analogy is that when you drive the Honda to the lake, it dies upon arrival. Honda tells you they have some great things in store, but when your car gets back from the shop, they removed the seats and AC, but gave you a tape deck so you're entertained on your trips.


Then it dies again upon leaving the shop. The mechanics also killed your dog and stuffed it in the trunk.


Yeah I think my analogy is appropriate, rational and not hyperbolic at all.

Edited by Antipathize
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Going to really start needing to look at Race change microtransactions bioware..


Why would you need to change race? There are no racial stats/perks so what is the point?


And don't say RP, that would be a want because you rolled the wrong race, not a need.

Edited by RickRedOne
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After reading the 1.2 patch notes...


I can finally play my merc again. I don't care about the rotation changes, the class balancing, the crew skills changes or any of that ****.


I'm just glad my merc wont look like hes unloading a big brown pants missile every time I fire a tracer.

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So let me get this straight. A Legacy system, which was designed to provide options for people to level up different alts, is a failure because it's providing options for people when leveling alts and no end-game advantages?


"OMG, I just bought a Honda Civic, and it stopped the first time I drove it into Lake Michigan. HONDA FAILS AT MAKING CARS."

Let me put it this way:


This thing called the Legacy System that has been promised and touted as substantive?


It's 90% useless fluff.


Not useless as in "eh, I guess I could see a use for that sometimes in the right situation", but totally and completely useless. The family tree? Why are they wasting developer time on this? Look at the effort and energy invested in designing, implementing and marketing a thing that, quite literally, serves no mechanical purpose and grants no tangible benefit in the game. Hell, other players can't even see your family tree, making it that less relevant to even role-playing.


The companion abilities tied to heroic moment unlocks? So what? I mean, seriously...so what? It's already remarkably easy to level in this game, and world PVP is even less of a thing that anyone can pretend exists in 1.2 than it is now. So, seriously, so freaking what?


Training dummy on your ship? Whee. In a game with a challenging raiding environment and DPS tracking, then training dummies are useful to gauge where you are and where you need to be damage-wise. In this game? What is the use?


And this is all aside from my disappointment in the playable species options in this game, which were disappointing from the get-go. That disappointment has now been compounded by the lack of actually-new-species-options in this system.


The whole system---feh. Humbug.

Edited by RolyartNala
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Let me put it this way:

It's 90% useless fluff.


And of course with the 1.2 update the are completely done adding things to the Legacy system.


That disappointment has now been compounded by the lack of actually-new-species-options in this system.


I think it was clear from the start that there were going to no NEW species. These kind of changes/additions happen with expansions most of the time.

Edited by RickRedOne
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And of course with the 1.2 update the are completely done adding things to the Legacy system.
1.2 is now. 1.3 is months away. And right now, the system is mostly useless and pointless fluff. And yet, to watch the developer dispatch video, it's this amazing thing worth our time.


No. Dudes. It's not. Stop trying to sell us on what is the SHELL of what could one day be a useful, interesting system---but isn't.


And you. Rick. Stop drinking the Koolaid.


I think it was clear from the start that there were going to no NEW species. These kind of changes/additions happen with expansions most of the time.
If by "clear" you meant "unclear, obfuscated and deliberately vague", then I would agree with you.
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I agree with a lot of you on alot of what you all said was horrible in the 1.2 patch. Some of this stuff in this patch like all the nerfed skill changes are not a needed thing. Pvpers cried and complained about wanted balance in the game where so many professions were to powerful.


I hate to say it but it looks like the pvpers whining about balance just got what they wanted. The thing is with all the skill changes/nerfs did it really bring a balanced game no it did not.


I feel as if bioware did not look very deep into this subject of the changes very well before they put this on the test server. Bioware also did not think that there were other ways to do the pvp/pve set up that would not need all of this nerfs.


The only options i could see in my opinion are to put pvp on a server by its self with no pve players allowed and a pvper could start at lvl 1 as and grind there toon to max level of 50 by killing other npc's or other player toons as well. Then along the way earn pvp gear,weapons and valor points as well with a awesome level 50 pvp events at the end of the grind.



The pve/rp could be set the same as it is now with no pvp at all. This servers would also be leveling you toons to level 50 with great instances and with other great end game stuff. Story line quest,flash points and heroic missions that would give every one great gear for completing.


In the end bioware did not do it some thing like what i said but decided to nerf all of the professions like they have no clue how it is supposed to be done.


I guess in the end we all will have to sit back and wait and see how all of this fans out to see if it hurts bioware with a lot of people leaving or help bioware get or get more people to join. I guess time will tell right.


Finally to me in my opinion it looks as if this could have a chance to end the way galaxies did but on the bright side lets all hope it dont come to that

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1.2 is now. 1.3 is months away. And right now, the system is mostly useless and pointless fluff. And yet, to watch the developer dispatch video, it's this amazing thing worth our time.


No. Dudes. It's not. Stop trying to sell us on what is the SHELL of what could one day be a useful, interesting system---but isn't.


And you. Rick. Stop drinking the Koolaid.


If by "clear" you meant "unclear, obfuscated and deliberately vague", then I would agree with you.


Actually it WAS clear. but perhaps you haven't been paying attention much, so its ok.

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