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1.2 Changes on PTS now!


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to what pop predation more? I think you're talking up a pile of **** still there.



Read all of the patch notes before you run your mouth.


Relentless Fury has been replaced by Berserker. It requires 2 points in Shockwave and causes Berserk (while in Shii-Cho Form) to immediately grant 2 stacks of Shockwave per point.
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What i meant by having a go as in you say to me that its a buff with no evidence, yet game mechanics wise weapon attacks suffer from them. yet the post under this one of yours seems to back up my claim.


Yet all the people saying its a buff, wheres the proof? 10% increase dont mean much because as i said, your losing out on like 300ish bonus / the coefficient..if thats balanced out by weapon damage itself who knows.


But forgive me that my opinion on it is different from others. Sorry I don't agree with "all these buffs" until it actually goes live.


All the patch notes to me at the moment is

1. Nerfed detaunt.

2. Talents moving around and being called different names.

3. A free respec.


Sigh, I'm tired of having this back and forth argument about interpreting the meaning of one note. I'm done arguing with doomsayers until some actual data (combat parses, dev quotes) is posted. I'm going to do myself a favor and listen to the person that posted above you and just let the builds come out and wait for actual data.

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why? you do realise that with dots etc you will pop out of it that quick that 50% damage reduction will be 0 within a second.


hmm? You only get popped out of force camo when YOU deal DIRECT damage. Don't hit anyone and enjoy the damage reduction for the full duration.

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Sigh, I'm tired of having this back and forth argument about interpreting the meaning of one note. I'm done arguing with doomsayers until some actual data (combat parses, dev quotes) is posted. I'm going to do myself a favor and listen to the person that posted above you and just let the builds come out and wait for actual data.


what back and fourth argument? I said this patch to me is a nerf, you said theres no proof. I said why i believe its a nerf. You said theres no proof.


The problem is in an argument you would actually back up your facts with proof. I'm providing reasons why, yet your not. Thats not an argument thats me talking to a brick wall.

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Except you are wrong. Just stood in AE, camoed and took damage but the camo stayed for the full duration.


Actually, I was in a pit yes. the pit before the goal line. What happened was I popped my detaunt, then got hit with a rocket then went solid. I've had a few instances where I took damage and came out of stealth while camo was up since the last patch.


But thanks for your input on situations you werent there to see.

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Actually, I was in a pit yes. the pit before the goal line. What happened was I popped my detaunt, then got hit with a rocket then went solid. I've had a few instances where I took damage and came out of stealth while camo was up since the last patch.


But thanks for your input on situations you werent there to see.


That is true, I wasn't there to see but no one else was there either. Maybe it happened, maybe it didn't, maybe it bugged out, maybe you accidentally hit something after camo activated, maybe your recollections are faulty. I literally just tested camo by standing in AE, activating camo, taking damage to see if it would break early. It did not. Meaning the 50% reduction in damage while camo is active coming in 1.2 will have value.


Fine, here is an easy way to test the functionality. Go to any planet. Leave all your companions on the ship. Look for something with a red name. Walk over to it and get close enough that it starts to attack you. Activate Force Camo. Watch the thing continue to hit you without breaking you out of stealth. Bask in the glow of being wrong.

Edited by Rouncer
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Maybe it was a bug, considering I seem to be taking damage and coming out from things that are either already applied on on the way to me. But there was a sage and trooper in the pit I popped it as I started running and got hit by it and popped out of cover and still took the damage.


he didnt have his scan up. I was about 10-15m away from him at the time of popping and impact.


Theres def something going on since the latest patch for me.


Either way, 50% is a buff to some but to others a nerf.


I am currently specced for, althought it doesnt work 100% as above, 100% damage reduction.

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Either way, 50% is a buff to some but to others a nerf.


I am currently specced for, althought it doesnt work 100% as above, 100% damage reduction.


It's still not a nerf. Now you are spending 2 talent points for that functionality. After the patch you will have half of that without spending any talent points. At worst it's a push, a neutral change, because there are still desirable places to spend those 2 points.

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It's still not a nerf. Now you are spending 2 talent points for that functionality. After the patch you will have half of that without spending any talent points. At worst it's a push, a neutral change, because there are still desirable places to spend those 2 points.


Maybe not to you. For my playstyle, it's a straight up nerf. Sure I get 2 more skill points, but I'd much rather have phantom than the extra skill points. To each his own.

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Maybe not to you. For my playstyle, it's a straight up nerf. Sure I get 2 more skill points, but I'd much rather have phantom than the extra skill points. To each his own.


^ this.


if i wanted 2 more points for something I would drop 4% crit on force attacks that I barely use in my spec.

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Barely anything? No more Ferocity and Phantom nerf aren't just flavour changes, they're game changers, especially with Short Fuse now being a shared talent. Ferocity changes the way you play Huttball, and is instrumental in defensive swaps in Civil War. With that taken away and redistributed, Annihilation just got kicked in the balls and the torch passed over to Carnage.


So yes, it got destroyed. Ferocity was a favourite among many.


For those of us more focused on PVE rather than PVP nothing has changed for anni, the only difference is now carnage is once again a viable raiding spec now we now have choices.

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Phantom is the only "real" nerf here. And let's be honest it was a bit ridiculous. The nerf only affected our strongest spec. Now the other spec's are being brought more in line. Good changes imo, kind of concerned about overbuffing Rage tree though.
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One thing that isn't actually mentioned in the patch notes, is that Quick Recovery is actually gone (since Short Fuse was moved to the place of Quick Recovery and Decimate was introduced in T1 of Rage). This means that Smash and Sweeping Slash will always cost 3 Rage, meaning you can't spam Smash/Sweeping Slash for 8 or less Rage to get a full stack of Fury.


Don't know why they didn't mention this, seeing as it is a fairly big nerf for PvP. Being able to start a fight with a full stack of Fury while having Frenzy ready is a major advantage in 1v1s.

Edited by Evixy
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This is a huge nerf to Annihilation. Spreading the good PVP abilities from one tree to many trees isn't a buff, it's a nerf. That now means that no marauder has access to the same set of tools they could have before.


All this does is appease the people that didn't play annihilation, which IMO were the non-serious PVPers or the just plain stuborn people.




marauders did not need these changes and I for one dislike them heavily. except a few of course like 30% throw

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For those of us more focused on PVE rather than PVP nothing has changed for anni, the only difference is now carnage is once again a viable raiding spec now we now have choices.


...Except for the fact that we won't be able to immune things anymore with force camo. I enjoyed not having to back off on gharj half the time (Thought with how geared our healers are now I could probably just eat it, but its the principle).


Going to miss the predation speed buff. Might even try out carnage, see how the playstyle compares.

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This is a huge nerf to Annihilation. Spreading the good PVP abilities from one tree to many trees isn't a buff, it's a nerf. That now means that no marauder has access to the same set of tools they could have before.


All this does is appease the people that didn't play annihilation, which IMO were the non-serious PVPers or the just plain stuborn people.




marauders did not need these changes and I for one dislike them heavily. except a few of course like 30% throw


Annih is a PVE spec anyways. The only nerf in terms of PVE it got was force camo, and even then good healers should be able to keep up with the "nerf".


Carnage/Rage are now the viable PVP specs. With carnage being based on 1v1, and rage healer/group harassment. Overall the changes to the class are deserved and well thought out, albeit rage got a bit of a buff.


They are all viable specs still.

Edited by Superdude-
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One thing that isn't actually mentioned in the patch notes, is that Quick Recovery is actually gone (since Short Fuse was moved to the place of Quick Recovery and Decimate was introduced in T1 of Rage). This means that Smash and Sweeping Slash will always cost 3 Rage, meaning you can't spam Smash/Sweeping Slash for 8 or less Rage to get a full stack of Fury.


Don't know why they didn't mention this, seeing as it is a fairly big nerf for PvP. Being able to start a fight with a full stack of Fury while having Frenzy ready is a major advantage in 1v1s.


I was wondering about this - whether we would be choosing situationally between spamming Massacre or Sweeping Slash.


From this it seems when we Carnage maras use Berserk, Massacre will still be the only option for real frenzied spamming (reduced gcd and rage cost) and the best option for single target damage?


But we can make better use of Sweeping Slash at the doors in Voidstar etc. I already moved it from my left quickbar (I only really use it to generate fury atm) to my main keybinds on the bottom quickbar.

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I can sense a great disturbance in the force it is as though a 1000 voices cried out *** when they realize how often maras will be able to smash of doom next patch. especially if overpower has a significant chance (50% or more) to refund rage giving you a great chance to build free fury


It's being nerfed. Currently you can omega smash every 9 seconds. Post patch, 12 seconds, although you get +30% damage (+14.8%x) on it.


Its the weapon damage for Ataru procs that has me jazzed.


Force damage is better than weapon damage. Carnage specs lose 6% crit on Ataru procs now with no benefit. The Ataru procs might also be susceptible to shield blocks, parries, and dodges.


The only balance to that change is the ambiguous "should do more damage" (like the Bleedout/Hemorrhage change was more damage right?).

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I for one have only mainly used Annhilation for the most part of my lvl 50 experiances, either pvp WZ's or HM's and raids. First of all I am very gratfull for the o point rage cost on the roar and obfuscate, this means i can actualy hold a open door right after a re-spawn or stall up a big group without worry of rage.


Now force camo was my one of my best (favorite) moves for scoreing points in huttball, team mate would grab the ball i would predawtion (80% speed boost) and force camo through the flames and get the throw for the win. now this is impossible when this patch hits.

Does undieing rage block fire and acid?


Yeah force power switching to blade dmg is horrible! now juggs, sin, and power techs and block dodge and parry like 1/5 of the procs from aturu. NO bueno!


Well i guess this patch will change alot of things up, might be time to swap out from annhilation and actualy give the other specs a chance. any suggestions for PVP (for after patch)?

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Mara = new FOTM


I think they have over buffed mara and we are going to suffer for it... yes the rage tree sucked major *** in PVP but, with the new buffs, i think this will make this class overpowered.


For the guys that really know how to play well with a mara they will all agree that they are always if not the top at least in the top 3 dps... we didnt need buffing this extent.


All i can say is watch all the new Mara that will play badly and the good mara that will now completely dominate ... within a few weeks everyone will be screaming for a nerf to maras.


Gone are the days when a mara had to play amazingly to get high on the epeen meters.


this makes me want to now level a different class, i started mara as to be good, you had to excel ... now we are just going to be like Smash Juggs, skillless

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