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What's your dumbest blunder?


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I once force pushed a mob into a group of tougher mobs and wiped my FP group, it was just bad placement.


I also once wasted a ton of comms I had been saving by mis-clicking at the vendor.


Two days ago I misclicked again and bought the damn Czerka patroller from the NPC on Carrick.

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Definitely a bug, but still a /facepalm blunder (as I had other clues to tell me this):


Huttball match. My team was down one point, and I was in scoring position and the ball-carrier was down below. I was jumping up and down frantically, telling him to pass the ball ...


... not realizing I was in stealth, because my toon was visible to me.


He passed (that was his blunder).


My blunder was my stance, which should have TOLD me I was in stealth.


I could have scored and tied the game, and then let the Randomness decide the winner.


The worst part about it is the b***hfest that took place afterwards, even after I explained I was bugged and apologized.

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My Mako is an aggro magnet, she's an attention hoar who wants to stop & talk to every mob I'm running past & trying not to kill cause I don't have to since killing them is not part of my main quest or it's bonus quest. So I click Mako's passive button so that I can run from mission to mission without having to stop & fight NPC's every 15 feet.


Sometime's I end up aggro'ing the NPC's & now I do have to fight them, except I'm so annoyed at causing unintentional aggro, I forget to unclick Mako's passive button so I end up nearly dying or I do end up dying since I'm become too reliant on her auto-healing to save me.


Companion passive buttons are the problem, not me! :p


I need Vett's shock collar on Mako so I can shock that silly girl for looking at me doing nothing as I'm getting shot at by NPC's.


One way it's a way to make this easy-mode game much more challenging, just dismiss your companions entirely or keep them on passive.

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Yeah I hate cover-nodes. Thats why I moved my Roll-Cover button to the ~ next to 1. I have to purposely reach that far to hit it etc...


I had my steath key and my "opening clobber" key right next to each other. After a few times of stealthing up, carefully, to do my thing and hitting the stealth key instead of the clobber key and, basically, saying: "Hi! I am behind you. Uh...surprise?" I made a few adjustments.


This leads me to wonder why hitting the cover key gives you "You are already in cover" whereas the stealth key toggles in/out of stealth.

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My first character after launch was a Trooper. At level 10, I hit the AC choice and chose Commando. When I looked in my inventory, for some reason I thought that the bag that was related to your advanced class was some kind of "totem" or chit that I had to keep with me throughout the game so that I could play as the Commando variant.


At one point in the mid-20s I got to Nar Shaddaa, still carrying the little bag with me. I got tired of it taking up my inventory slot so I stuck it in the cargo hold.


Right after that, I tried to go out to get the Strength datacron, and after getting all that way, when I went to open the datacron, I got a message "YOU MUST COMPLETE MISSIONS BEFORE YOU DO THIS."


At the time, I had no idea what it meant, but I assumed it was because I had left my AC bag back in the cargo hold. So I ran all the way back there to get it, then came back to try the datacron and after finally jumping those damned pipes enough got back to it, and still got the same error.


(It was because I had too many missions in my mission log, but I didn't know this at the time.)


So anyway, I kept the bag with me after that, out of superstition I guess.


One day I'm back at the fleet, taking a break from the missions on Tatooine. I'm level 31 at that point.


I see someone over General chat say, "Don't forget to open your advanced class bag to get your goodies."


And I get this chilling thud in my stomach, combined with the thought, "You didn't really do that, did you?"


Right click the bag, boom, there's the assault cannon I should have received back at level 10. LOL




Loved this. LOLs this morning. Happy to say I *didn't* do that, but that was just luck. :)


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I kept running to the wrong side with the Hutt ball. I would die before I got there and people started freaking out. Not only did I not know what side to go to but I had no clue how to pass the thing.


Attacking a turret I always saw the enemy arrive on speeder bikes. I would complain about hacks in chat. I started complaining at work about these "hackers" and everyone started giving me a hard time about being such a scrub.

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Back before they added the Confirm Purchase option, I accidentally spent all my planet commendations on a piece of armor for the wrong class :(




Well I'll add.


I spent at least 100k on reuseable stims between my characters, only to figure out later that reverse engineering would have given me the schematics.


- DH

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Accidentally force pushed someone over the Hut-ball line....




This reminds me of the time when someone on my own team FORCE-PULLED ME FROM the goal line!


I was about to score, and we lost the point.


She claimed she was trying to heal me and clicked the wrong button.


Good times.


- DH

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Accidently selling one orange skirt and equipping the wrong skirt. Was a great skirt for the level that had dropped for hubby that he had sent to me. When I went to equip it, I went to take the mods off the old skirt, and accidentally equipped it. Ended up selling the wrong skirt. :( Very sad. Also, used commendations to buy the wrong class armor, didn't have enough to get the right one. :(


Oh, and I might add, the skirt that I had equipped, was modless, because I had stripped it. I don't sell oranges anymore - even if they are outleveled, because I might like the look of them and just add the mods to them.

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During Beta, after I chose my advanced class, I didn't realize that there was an entirely separate tab for my Sage talents... So I went to level 20, only learning the shared Consular talents and wondering when I was going to learn how to heal. D=


I did that too, only the game was live when I did it!

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There's a tunnel on Belsavis where the elevator shaft looks EXACTLY like a floor from the right angle. I fell down it.




Glad I am not alone.... looked like a slope that I could walkdown... at least from my camera angle.... till I plummeted to my death.... ooops

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I'll start.

On Quesh, you land and walk over to this elevator right away to take you to the main area.

I fell.


Not only did I fall, I fell so badly... i died.



Fought my way through hoards of Republic troopers and Sith-eating monsters, and then fall down. No enemies. No rush. And it wasn't even in the Cantina.


I'm sure I'll never live that down with all the other Dark Lords out there.


Just thought it would be interesting to see what else people have done.



I have done that pretty much every time I go to Quesh. With three or four of my alts past Quesh, that's a lot of visits. I have no idea why it doesn't occur to me to wait for the elevator....

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I had my steath key and my "opening clobber" key right next to each other. After a few times of stealthing up, carefully, to do my thing and hitting the stealth key instead of the clobber key and, basically, saying: "Hi! I am behind you. Uh...surprise?" I made a few adjustments.


This leads me to wonder why hitting the cover key gives you "You are already in cover" whereas the stealth key toggles in/out of stealth.


I used to have Corrosive Dart and Sleep Dart next to eachother on my hotbar on my Operative. I must have accidentally DoTed targets dozens of times before I gave up and just moved them to different action bars. After doing that, I immediately hit Corrosive Dart instead of Sleep Dart anyways. Four times. In a row. Oops.

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Ive had many dumb falls. The best of probably during the beta I jumped off a bridge on the Imp station to see if i could... Its not the fall that kills you but rather the impact with the ground.


Another time in an FP jumpin down an elevator shaft without hesitation thinking it was a steep ramp. Still makes me laugh thinkin what that must have looked like to the other group members



Finally not fall related, 1 time after beating a normal quest boss , he dropped to his knees and went green, while i quickly used my heals on my comp before talking to the downed boss to finish the quest. Unfortunatly failed at targeting my comp and instead healed the boss before having to finish him off and having not healed my comp, we got beat down

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Obi-wan voice "Elevators are the death of me"


This. I hardly ever seem to see that the corridor has turned into an elevator (or rather big hole of death, as the platform is invariably at the bottom), until I'm waiting sheepishly for the rez countdown to finish.


There should be flashing lights or safety signs for the oblivious. ;)


My other one was putting my companion on passive without realising it then starting a big fight. I couldn't work out why Qyzen Fess suddenly decided the wall was more interesting than tributes to the Scorekeeper.


Unless he put himself on passive after seeing me fall to my death too often. :p

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