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Everything posted by Rakeria

  1. "Miss everything" - the comprehensive guide of becoming a storm-trooper.
  2. I may be wrong here but combat isn't Smugglers forté, they smuggle, why not do that instead, lots more credits involved and much more safe?
  3. This has actually crossed my mind while playing Warzone. What motive does the Smugglers have to join the battle? They are said to be free and independent and they aren't bound to the Republic. Bounty Hunters, I understand, they get hired to win the battle but that ain't the Smugglers job, right? What do you guys think, what motives does a Smuggler have to fight on a battlefield? (LORE-Talk here, no "My smuggler feels like it to get XP.") I'd be interested to hear anyones RP-motive also!
  4. Currently, I have two droids and a padawan, I can only have one with me outside the ship, I think one of those stayed on the ship ready to take off, especially T7 who can access databases, execute commands and such can make the ship take off when I enter.
  5. Why would the capitals be the mainhub for the champions of either side? 1. War is raging, people need to be on the ships, their both defensive and offensive areas. 2. Carrick station is more secure than the capitals, if you Republic remember, you battled Empire (PvE) in the old Jedi Temple and the Works, how many Empire have you fought on Carrick station? 3. Both fleets are the wars control and planning zones. 4. All classes have a reason to be there, I doubt a smuggler can rest on the crime-spree planet Coruscant or that the Imperial Agent has anything to learn on Dromund Kaas.
  6. I love the space missions! Customizing your ship would be great! However, speaking canonical: Jedi and Sith seems to be quite above kill-markers and all small details on their ship, maybe a color change on the entire ship would be feasible for the Jedi/Sith but I don't think anything else except maybe a Republic/Empire logo or something would count as small details. A little bit of this goes for the Imperial Agent. Troopers, Smugglers and Bounty Hunters are in some way free to modify their equpment/transportation in terms of appearance imo.
  7. That sounds like a neat idea, but their has to be some sort of penalty and finesse to it! For example, they can make it a 24/7 quest! If my main takes my alt out as a companion and uses him in the daily grind and fun and then suddenly, I log into my alt and a "Quest Completed" will show up, showing a amount of XP gained but with no rewards (except Legacy rewards?). The XP gained will be determined by the alt's level and what the main did and then do the math. Of course, the alt will appear as in your own level when selecting it as a companion or that it will be independent of your level, it will make it more challenging and give the player the ambition to level up their alts to get the ultimate companion! That is all.
  8. What is the problem here? I play on the Progenitor and the only time the server has below 20 players on a planet, is waaaaaaay over past midnight! Otherwise its between 50-100+ EDIT: I might even edit in that this is an RP server! RP servers usually don't get that much players imo.
  9. It sure would be a neat feature!
  10. I believe grouping would be a better choice than companions in such cases! To each his own though.
  11. What is this? An actual Suggestion thread that isn't about someone nitpicking problems that will be fixed soon and un-subbing and being all ******? Well anyway! Here is a suggestion about companions! I feel companions have too much of a role in SWTOR, companions are good, don't get me wrong, but I feel if I try to do some quests without companions (Not heroics obviously) it suddenly is very hard, before this game was released, I heard you devs talking about making the player feel like a hero! While a hero need help from his companions, I'd rather get help from friends and other players than companions, and every hero looks ******, storming a stronghold full of bad guys alone! Sure, this may seem a bit like I am asking you to make the characters overpowered. That is not the case however: I'm asking you to re-balance everything so companions aren't THAT necessary, sure, I love to use them on some quests, but to have them as a necessity ain't all that good to me. And here is issue nr.2! I think the companions both are and look amazing and have neat stories and what not! But it kinda breaks the immersion to see every other player have the same companion following them, even if they have diffrent armours and what not! It doesn't hurt the game experience THAT much, but it can be an eyesore at times, maybe have a choice to make the invisible to other players? (Unless you're in a group?) Thank you! I've been only playing for a week or so, but I really love this game! I'm excited for the 1.2 patch! Cheers.
  12. These kinds of threads are so annoying...Just logged on and had a blast, did a heroic and a flashpoint, never had this much fun in a MMO ever, and I played WoW for 2 years So basically, stop these threads... Bioware is updating and fixing all the issues, you're all talking like their blind to the games problems! And even though not everything is up to date, I love it for what it is! What you listed was small-issues imo...
  13. I am content with the current server population, I've found friends and many groups during my time on SWTOR, but of course: The more the merrier! Merging servers wouldn't be a bad idea however.
  14. Well, since the Galactic trade network is for the Galaxy, I think both Republic and Empire mod their terminals so the opposite sides deals does not appear. If cross-trading would be preformed, it would be black market dealing and illegal. Creating a new trade network wouldn't be beneficial either, since the Galaxy is content with the current Galactic trade network that encompasses everything and is for everyone...Its Republic and Empire's fault for being at war.
  15. On Coruscant, I decided it would be cool to jump between two railings. Little did I know there was a gap leading to immediate death, I fell to my demise.
  16. To me it looks like every class has become a king...*****es love kings, so what is the problem?
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