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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Will SWTOR be able to compete with upcoming MMOs?


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I predict the next "Great" thing in MMOs will not come from Asia, will not come from any Western or Eastern AAA company, it will not cater to the casual, it will target a very specific demographic and attempt to please that demographic only and by result become great. It will probably not use either tab-target or first person style combat as we know of today. It will probably be an Indy project from a company no one has ever heard of before and it will do things no other mmo has ever let you do. It may be many years before this happens or it could be tomorrow. But nothing currently released nor on the horizon truly looks worth a monthly fee. In that respect GW2 has one thing going for it. No monthly subscription.


SWTOR's biggest competition right now is itself. Because even a player like me who is a pre-release, took my time, joined with friends, fan of star wars and huge fan of Bioware has cancelled my subscription. If this game had a GW like buy-to-play model I probably would have stayed. But the next game to get a monthly fee from me will have to be impressive.. and this game simply is not impressive, nor are any of the others I've seen on the horizon.

Edited by Aethyrprime
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/facepalm ...sense much stupidity in you


You should take advantage of your senses and make a wager with me on how many MAJOR ( over 2 million subscribers ) there will be 12 months from now. And which MMO’s they will be.



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Will swtor lose alot of player base to mmo's that are coming out soon, TERA may 1st, and GW2 around dec? After playing TERA over beta weekend it seems like a very developed and quality MMO that has all the things an MMO'ers heart can desire. These mmo's didn't give the excuses that they are a new MMO and need to develop after launch.. they are delivering everything we expect in a modern day MMO on release.. How will swtor hold up to the competition is the question?


The problem with tera is its combat system. That alone will keep a lot of western mmo players from playing it.

The very fact there is no targeting in tera will hurt it badly here in the western market place.

Me and the wife did the recent beta for tera and while i ding have much issue with it (i play fps games a lot she doesnt) my wife played all of about 1 hour and then uninstalled it.

The not being able to target some thing along with having to toggle between combat mode and cursor mode drove her crazy. She is also a clicker and clickers are going to hate tera period! There is no clicking abilities since there is no cursor while in combat mode.


Say what you want about clickers but a LOT of western mmo players are clickers and that wont change. people do not like to be forced out of their comfort zone and will just not play instead of adjusting.

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The only upcoming game worth mentioning is Diablo 3.


What is this Tera you speak of? Are people forgetting the rope that led you by the nose from instance to instance in GW1? I can't wait for those games to come out and be promptly ignored.


They have rose colored glasses on. And each time a game fails to live up to their unrealistic expectations, they will trash it and start more threads on why the next game will be the One.


Meanwhile back on earth.....

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If all you are looking for is a MMO then I suppose Tera and GW2 could hold some sway for you, but personally I am sick and tired of fantasy and manga style animation. Neither of those games even have me the least bit intrigued. They don't look bad as far as MMOs go. They just look the same as pretty much everything else out there.


Now if there were a new sci-fi game somewhere in development that looked halfway decent I might check it out. Unfortunately there is no such game. So, yeah, I'll stick with SW:TOR for the time being.


Currently the only other game in development that even caught my interest at all is The Secret World. A MMO set in the modern day is actually a new idea.



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see, there arent any orc's in tera, you guys haven't even given it a look over.. and its not a korean grind fest.. most of their mmo's are, but this isnt the case.


I question if you have played Terra? While playing the beta I picked up three quests one after the other where I had to kill the same lot of enemies in different numbers for no apparent reason, that to me is grind.


Not saying its not a good game, but it defiantly has its down sides, the game has been out for a year now (in Asia) and they still have some issues that they have not fixed, that alone will kill it for a lot of people (based on how impatient people are here "issue x hasn't been fixed yet! *** come on its been a week!")


I don't mind it, has some good ideas, combat is different (kinda in a good way, some times bad i.e if you are a large character you can't hit a small character at your feet because of the way targeting works...intended apparently).


IMHO it isn't going to 'kill' anything, it should do ok and hold a player base just because it is something kinda different, but I don't expect it to be one of the top MMO's. Again all just my opinion, which you can take as you like.

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Will swtor lose alot of player base to mmo's that are coming out soon, TERA may 1st, and GW2 around dec? After playing TERA over beta weekend it seems like a very developed and quality MMO that has all the things an MMO'ers heart can desire. These mmo's didn't give the excuses that they are a new MMO and need to develop after launch.. they are delivering everything we expect in a modern day MMO on release.. How will swtor hold up to the competition is the question?


Yo dog, I'm glad you like TERA and all. But it may very likely not make its release date. It's currently being sued due to the whole issue that the people who made TERA kinda-sorta STOLE a bunch of stuff from NCSoft's Lineage III Project and tossed it into TERA lol.

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If all you are looking for is a MMO then I suppose Tera and GW2 could hold some sway for you, but personally I am sick and tired of fantasy and manga style animation. Neither of those games even have me the least bit intrigued. They don't look bad as far as MMOs go. They just look the same as pretty much everything else out there.


Now if there were a new sci-fi game somewhere in development that looked halfway decent I might check it out. Unfortunately there is no such game. So, yeah, I'll stick with SW:TOR for the time being.


Currently the only other game in development that even caught my interest at all is The Secret World. A MMO set in the modern day is actually a new idea.




Agreed, I am just over Fantasy, its been done to death. I have always been a Si-Fi boy at heart, I was so disappointed that STO was done so poorly. I tried to love that game, so hard though :(.


The Secret World looks good, classless gearless progression scares me a little as far as balance but I am still very willing to give it a go because of the setting, Templar's unite!

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So is gw2 going to be much different from gw1, in the sense of how the world worked? Because GW wasn't close to what I consider an MMO. Plus GW2 has no subscription fee, so it doesn't really compete for the same MMO dollar after the initial purchase.


As mentioned, Tera looks like the typical same old fantasy setting with the typical Asian char look. Pointy ears ftw! Just look at the class list: Archer, Berserker, Lancer, Mystic, Priest, Slayer, Sorcerer, Warrior. The only one with a different name is Lancer, but then you find out that it's the typical mitigation tank while the warrior is an avoidance tank. Been there done that, and I can already predict people preferring the Lancer while many warriors say they do just fine.

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Guild Wars 2 is definitely going to take a big chunk out of a lot of MMOs. Not just because it doesn't have a subscription fee, but because it's *actually* changing the MMO formula, rather than just adding surface stuff while still following the same WoW formula like TOR.
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You just said in your other thread that you are leaving Swtor to play Tera... so why do you care?


Cya later. Enjoy your asian grindfest.


And you hang around and enjoy another AMERICAN FAIL,BIOs only hope is to what what ALL major corps. are doing now days, send it offshore and get it done right,instead of GIT- ER- DONE in America

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And you hang around and enjoy another AMERICAN FAIL,BIOs only hope is to what what ALL major corps. are doing now days, send it offshore and get it done right,instead of GIT- ER- DONE in America


You seem to have America issues, my friend. Not sure what this has to do with anything.

Edited by Jederix
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what could BW do to SWToR w/ in the limits of its gaming engine/code , that would counter some of the nifty fealtures found in GW2/Tera/Secrete World ? does it even need to do anything ? Edited by badseed
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what could BW do to SWToR w/ in the limits of its gaming engine/code , that would counter some of the nifty fealtures found in GW2/Tera/Secrete World ? does it even need to do anything ?


No, they don't need to do a thing. And quoting yourself in your sig? Ballsy.

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He was talking about WoW with the orc. Also, I played Tera for a beta weekend. It is exactly an asian grind fest. No lie.


They need to add a new entry in the urban dictionary:


"Asian grindfest": a term used by gamers with a mental age of approx. ten years of age in referring to a game that has a leveling curve they cannot handle, because they've been conditioned by gaming companies who nerf their content to toddler level to expect to be able to get to maximum level in a few days time played on their mommy's credit card, and who other than this, have absolutely not the slightest clue what they are talking about when they use the term they have learned in the same way a parrot learns to say "Polly wants a cracker."


A mouthful, but it covers all the relevant angles.

Edited by Sephendrine
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Guild Wars 2 is definitely going to take a big chunk out of a lot of MMOs. Not just because it doesn't have a subscription fee, but because it's *actually* changing the MMO formula, rather than just adding surface stuff while still following the same WoW formula like TOR.


Blizzards next mmo likely won't use WoW's current "forumula." Thats because blizzard knows WoW's current "forumula" is for milking expansions to an already seasoned game while it coasts to a stop and these other company's devs roll out WoW's expansion plan as their game's debut release.

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what could BW do to SWToR w/ in the limits of its gaming engine/code , that would counter some of the nifty fealtures found in GW2/Tera/Secrete World ? does it even need to do anything ?



Rip them off, for god´s sake, please do it. And steal from SWG too please, as much as you want, concentrate on JTL with the idea looting.


And don´t forget ArcheAge and Mortal Online!

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They need to add a new entry in the urban dictionary:


"Asian grindfest": a term used by gamers with a mental age of approx. ten years of age in referring to a game that has a leveling curve they cannot handle, because they've been conditioned by gaming companies who nerf their content to toddler level to expect to be able to get to maximum level in a few days time played on their mommy's credit card, and who other than this, have absolutely not the slightest clue what they are talking about when they use the term they have learned in the same way a parrot learns to say "Polly wants a cracker."


A mouthful, but it covers all the relevant angles.


Its called a Korean grinder, get it right, and I never doubted that your mouthfull covers all the relevant angles.

Edited by Vlaxitov
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