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Will SWTOR be able to compete with upcoming MMOs?


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Indeed. I think so , oh wait. You're right. He won't be here.


I won't be don't worry.


But I'll be replaced with a new wave of people who realized how bad this game is at 50. :D


You will never be free!


So this is your last Hur-rah huh? Don't you have anything else to do? Lol.


Obviously not lol.

Edited by Gohlar
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Will swtor lose alot of player base to mmo's that are coming out soon, TERA may 1st, and GW2 around dec? After playing TERA over beta weekend it seems like a very developed and quality MMO that has all the things an MMO'ers heart can desire. These mmo's didn't give the excuses that they are a new MMO and need to develop after launch.. they are delivering everything we expect in a modern day MMO on release.. How will swtor hold up to the competition is the question?


Sorry but TERA is so bad that even the korean market it was designed for hates it.

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I won't be don't worry.


But I'll be replaced with a new wave of people who realized how bad this game is at 50. :D


You will never be free!




Obviously not lol.


Congrats. Im really happy for you.

Edited by italky
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Will swtor lose alot of player base to mmo's that are coming out soon, TERA may 1st, and GW2 around dec? After playing TERA over beta weekend it seems like a very developed and quality MMO that has all the things an MMO'ers heart can desire. These mmo's didn't give the excuses that they are a new MMO and need to develop after launch.. they are delivering everything we expect in a modern day MMO on release.. How will swtor hold up to the competition is the question?


MMO Junkies will not stay with TOR long term as this isnt a MMO! Plain and simple.


UNLESS It (like it does for me) scratches that Single Player RPG itch.


I have already downloaded Aion and will be giving that game a solid looking over for my MMORPG fix (since its going fully F2P in April).


But TOR will remain because as a single player RPG I find this game very compelling and interesting and fun.


I just dont group with strangers or talk to anyone as there is no community to be found in game.


So yeah, if a player is dead set on playing a MMORPG, TOR will not hold them.

If a player finds paying $15.00/month for a single player game unacceptable, TOR will not hold them (but most likely will return when this game does go F2P).


But if the player thinks having a fantastic single player (with limited Multiplayer experiences) worth paying a month fee. TOR will remain their game of choice as for all the wrong choices they made regarding MMORPGs, they made almost the perfect single player game by accident.


As for the Star Wars thing, I actually dont think many Die Hard Star Wars fans will stay on for the Star Wars fix as the game just never felt 100% Star Wars to me. I made this comment in beta a number of times as well, TOR fails to capture that emotional enviroment that KotOR captured. TOR feels more like a mix and mash of Star Wars meets Mass Effect meets WOW.


There is many times inside game Ill look around and for a sec think im playing Mass Effect because of the look of surroundings or name of enemies and what not.


Die Hard Star Wars fans would be looking for a more loyal Star Wars feel then TOR has imo. TOR just doesnt have that full on Star Wars experience to it like the KotOR games offered up.

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Will swtor lose alot of player base to mmo's that are coming out soon, TERA may 1st, and GW2 around dec? After playing TERA over beta weekend it seems like a very developed and quality MMO that has all the things an MMO'ers heart can desire. These mmo's didn't give the excuses that they are a new MMO and need to develop after launch.. they are delivering everything we expect in a modern day MMO on release.. How will swtor hold up to the competition is the question?


tera doesn't look like anything i'd be interested, then again, i'm kind of weird in that playing a game with a race that appears to represent oversexualized little girls bothers me.

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Honestly after using the combat system in Tera, it makes SWTOR tab click targeting feel like a little kids game.

I'm not sure anyone who plays Tera for an extended time will ever be able to go back SWTOR, WOW, Rift, etc. as they all feel flat, dull and lifeless with the combat system.

I'd almost suggest not playing Tera very much, becasue knowing how much better combat can be will ruin SWTOR for you.

Especially for anyone who does any serious PVP whatsoever... maybe for the super casual lolkiddie PVE gamer they can't see much difference, and Tera combat might even be too hard for them...

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tera doesn't look like anything i'd be interested, then again, i'm kind of weird in that playing a game with a race that appears to represent oversexualized little girls bothers me.



Yes, if that'swhat you see when you look at an Elin, then you are very weird if not sick.

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Yes, if that'swhat you see when you look at an Elin, then you are very weird if not sick.


^ I like all the different looking races.. I'm tired of humanoid only races in swtor that all look the same to appease that nasty game engine.

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Will swtor lose alot of player base to mmo's that are coming out soon, TERA may 1st, and GW2 around dec? After playing TERA over beta weekend it seems like a very developed and quality MMO that has all the things an MMO'ers heart can desire. These mmo's didn't give the excuses that they are a new MMO and need to develop after launch.. they are delivering everything we expect in a modern day MMO on release.. How will swtor hold up to the competition is the question?


I dont gain nothing if the game dies or survive. So i kinda dont care.


Tera sadly does not got Lightsabers no trolls on the forums. A day on ToR's forums is like a walk in the park with Trolls

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I'd like to see SWTOR do well.. The story lines have added something positive to the genre but I find many of the quest givers to be uninspiring. The class quests are extremely well done and I will give credit where it is due.


However, the instancing and design of the zones mean that the game seems too disconnected. I've seen less than 10 republic players out on my travels to beat on and that has been a large factor in my interest waning. I perhaps could have stuck it out to see what the end game was like but I've been battling lots of crashes and poor gfx bugs and performance and it has made my whole experience something of a chore. If that isn't bad enough support has been lax and there was a period when the game constantly crashed, and I couldn't play - no reimbursement for that either.


So with regret I am out, only 3 days left to play.


Re other MMOs.. Secret World looks interesting, and hopefully Funcom has got their act together so it won't be a calamity like AoC was.

Edited by dynamostia
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I'm not sure what exactly the number of subscribers is right now compared to all other mmo's which that number may even be flawed based off the fact a lot of people that may have quit could have paid for multiple months. With that side I believe that Bio-Ware is going to get the job done. I believe this game will be more successful then games such as SWG/Rift. I do not believe a MMO will ever match what world of warcraft did at one point. A lot of warcrafts numbers are flawed because at the point they had the most subs is same point every other person was a bot. SWTOR life i believe falls into the hands of the legacy system and the PvP system. I personally believe that pve is in the right spot first tier's are always trial tiers the elitests make your design's look silly the casuals are amazed at your designs.


To make a long story short yes SWTOR will compete only. It will be a top 5 mmo for a long time. The thing is MMO's are not all going to be what you desire from your previous relationships with mmo's they mmo brand has changed drasticly from what it used to be.


People that played vanilla wow want what that game gave them. They will prob never ever get that again.

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This game, like Rift, is an amazing game to play 1-49. The story arcs and cut scenes in SWTOR take it well above any MMO of the past.


The main problem of Rift was and is the lack of anything to do at 50 ( which is achieved way to fast ) This game has similar issues with repeating low level flashpoints on a higher difficulty... its easy to burn out on grinding the same 5/6 instances over and over to get your gear.


As a prop for SWTOR, they have already addressed this issue by inserting more Flashpoints... as long as people have New content, IMO they will continue to play and to have fun. SWTOR is doing a great job releasing content ( and not just raid content like Rift did ) but group content @ endgame.


This game is win..... and as they continue along the path they are already treading, it will just get better.



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depends really , what condition will SWToR be in when GW2 launches ? i think games like secret world and tera may take a few of the SWToR players , but not many . i think those MMO's will take more players from WOW then they will from SWToR .


but if 1.2 or every other patch after goes bad, well then i fear the worst for SWToR around the time of GW2's launch . ..but thats a pretty big "IF"..

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This game, like Rift, is an amazing game to play 1-49. The story arcs and cut scenes in SWTOR take it well above any MMO of the past.


The main problem of Rift was and is the lack of anything to do at 50 ( which is achieved way to fast ) This game has similar issues with repeating low level flashpoints on a higher difficulty... its easy to burn out on grinding the same 5/6 instances over and over to get your gear.


As a prop for SWTOR, they have already addressed this issue by inserting more Flashpoints... as long as people have New content, IMO they will continue to play and to have fun. SWTOR is doing a great job releasing content ( and not just raid content like Rift did ) but group content @ endgame.


This game is win..... and as they continue along the path they are already treading, it will just get better.




Rift was all about lvl 50. Leveling was painful ..well it's painful here too. Learn to research plox

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There is no doubt that this is a good game. It stretches the MMO genre in a new direction that i find fun. I usually stick with an MMO for at least a year and I played one for 5 years. At this point I don't see myself staying with this one for the first year...there is just to little to do at 50 and the PvP instances are very poor.


50 Vanguard...400 Weapons Tech

50 Sage....400 Armormech

47 Gunslinger...400 Cybertech

27 Commando...400 Bio Chem.


21 Bounty Hunter

19 Sorc.

15 Agent

Edited by Stugotz
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I'm glad all those who raised expectations above their heads for this game aren't repeating their mistakes and doing the same for Guild Wars 2, because being disappointed all over again would be tragic when GW2 falls short of the mark.
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