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10 Good
  1. Do these stupid ****s even play ? .... REDICULOUS!
  2. Another Operative nerf... are you *********** kidding me?
  3. Sevrent

    PvP Healing

    I'm still healing for 300k as well.... but they die anyway. I can't keep anyone alive even with 300k heals. Oh well, just my thoughts like I said.
  4. Sevrent

    PvP Healing

    Is it just me or is healing after 1.2 twice as hard? The way expertise curves for Dmg vrs defence vrs heals = lames in blue gear can out damage a healer ? ... Just my thoughts
  5. It doesnt stack with sprint .... so you wont notice it unless your in COMBAT ... which means OUT of stealth .. its stupid yes....
  6. 10% plus it heals over 6 seconds now.... the speed of the ticks is what is going to make the change AMAZING.
  7. LMAO.. I can see your G15 Keyboard ( or whatever Macro device your using ) spam going off like crazy.... You rock or well maybe your keyboard does...
  8. Read the Assassin/Shadow patch notes for 1.2 They are untouched....... Read the Marauder/Sent patch notes for 1.2 They got buffed....... Now as far as I can tell, Sin's/Shadow's are already the "BEST" 1v1 PVP class in the game. Now take into account 1.2 Nerf for "every class" and wonder why you arn't a Shadow/Assassin. The Doom and Gloom is justified and the reason why is that we are getting worse every patch, while the glow sticks are getting better or left alone. Concealment is going to be BAD if they leave these patch notes as they stand. Our competing class are just better... I feel the Healing changes are going to be great though. There's my 2 cents.
  9. This is what I got: Backstab: Nerfed 3% Damage from Culling loss Increased 5% according to patch notes Increased 4% from new talent 3 Seconds added to Cooldown Burst increased by 6% and sustained nerfed by a ton because of 3 second increase to cooldown of Backstab .. which in turn further nerfs Acid Blade AND its Armor penetration. PVE players got the stick again, while PVP players might still benefit from the increased BURST (if they dont have to go into a second rotation to kill their target) (In other words ... its FUBAR) Laceration: Nerfed 10% Damage from patch notes Nerfed 10% Damage from its proc via patch notes Increased 4% from redesigned talents Nerfed 6% off the top and basicly FUBAR Shiv: Nerfed 2% from redesigned talent Probably not noticable unless the rest of the crap is taken into account with it, so FUBAR Rotation? Guess Overlaod Shot is gonna get used twice as much waiting on BS+AB cooldown. RESPECS AVAILABLE ... LEARN HOW TO HEAL!
  10. Thank you so much !! Now I can fomrulate an opinion.
  11. Can you tell us how much Sawed off is increasing the damage of Backblast per point and also how much Turn the tables is increasing sucker punch/flying fists per point ? Thanks,
  12. Another Troll post without the numbers..... /sigh ANYONE ??
  13. These patch notes dont say how much the TALENTED abilities increase the damage.... try again.
  14. Wish I could copy my toon to PTS and test that.... I refuse to go level up a nub from 1, so I'll wait. As for the 2 Piece BM.. I already run the aforementioned 2 sets and do ok using RN as an additional HoT.. this change will just make it that much more bad arse.
  15. If no one knows what the TALENTS do .. then how can you judge a DPS gain or decrease ????? For all we know talented back stab hits 20% harder and Laceration (plus its proc) hit 30% harder.... Judgement without information is silly !!!!!!!!
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