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Will SWTOR be able to compete with upcoming MMOs?


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Swtor is a joke


GW2 will see to the end of this nonsense


I have a bad feeling about this. Seen this many time with many other names....Deja-vu


The game might be pretty good but like many previous attempts in the WoW-era no one seemed to breake the mold.


While the game gets some rather interesting inovations the mostly praised one is so called 'dynamic events'. Behing those is just an algorithm that randomly on a time scale will just create an event but in the end those events are limited to a certain number, dont get me wrong but the game itself can not create events they are preset by the programers.


I wonder if a dynamic even happen in a village the aftermath will just disaper right after that event end it or it will persist in time I mean that village will stay in ruin for some time and with each passing week I can see a progress in rebuilding, cos if the aftermath will be diminish only to the event itself than thats not big deal is like them events from Rift which some times they geting quite annoying.

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See how easy that was?


Well, you are probably disappointed in what you wanted in the game. As am I for certain missing features.


However, me and you are not the common denominator to swtor's success. We are probably a small numerator depending on what you were hoping for, or expecting.


Regardless, this game has great potential. It will deliver because it has awesome things for it to develop and in time the overall product can only be greater. You can agree that with time and more areas of development it will be better, right? If not then you are probably too angry to care about swtor atm.


Anyways, 1.2 looks good. And then there are mini games down the line. That to me is already shaping up to be great.

Edited by VegaPhone
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All hail the king that is WoW :p


Speaking of TERA though its not that grindy for an asian mmo. Ive played alot of asian mmo's and TERA is far from a grindfest.


I like TERA's combat its different, it feels fresh and it suffers from lag lol.


I think TOR will struggle unless it catches up as currently all it has is the unique setting and story. I could just watch the star wars films and get the same, or read a star wars book. Or actualy play one of biowares good games such as kotor.


GW2 is looking good.


Secret world has the advantage of being skill based and not class based but from what ive seen graphicaly looks awful, which is suprising considering its funcom.


All i can say is that I will be playing TERA and i will be playing Guild Wars 2. I might even play mists of pandaria but at moment finding very little keeping me with TOR as i fail to feel that its an mmo and i can play better single player games.

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Every MMO from here on won't be able to compete against that "game" because the majority of us are trying to enjoy a genre that we used to enjoy.


Feel bad for the upcoming MMO games because it'll always get compared to that "game" and when they make all those comparisons, that new mmo won't appeal to them.


Don't worry guys MoP will fix it!

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Will swtor lose alot of player base to mmo's that are coming out soon, TERA may 1st, and GW2 around dec? After playing TERA over beta weekend it seems like a very developed and quality MMO that has all the things an MMO'ers heart can desire. These mmo's didn't give the excuses that they are a new MMO and need to develop after launch.. they are delivering everything we expect in a modern day MMO on release.. How will swtor hold up to the competition is the question?


TERA is a Korean mmo that failed in its own country- we don't take kindly to K-mmos to begin with, we absolutely won't be taking to one that failed.... also, yes, yes it did fail to deliver on launch- look at TOR and how much flak it got for not being released in Asia at same time as NA- consider that TERA has already been out over a year. Compare TOR after a year to what TERA is now.


The Secret World (not mentioned here, but I know it often is) will be out in June (apparantly), yet what have we seen of it? We've seen it looks like a modern day WoW. Who knows, it might be different/smooth enough to be good- but doesn't look new.


GW2- the next 'saviour' of mmorpgs. Looks like WAR with better graphics/animations- same PQ idea. Nothing new to gameplay- other than getting rid of class roles and limiting your abilities to 10, which in turn are specific so you can't even load up 10 you want. Very limited in choice, but, for those who just like to dps without those nasty tanks and healers spoiling there fun, this should have the simplistic 'burn them down' fun that appeals to the average gamer.. and thus, the game should do well.

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TERA is a Korean mmo that failed in its own country- we don't take kindly to K-mmos to begin with, we absolutely won't be taking to one that failed.... also, yes, yes it did fail to deliver on launch- look at TOR and how much flak it got for not being released in Asia at same time as NA- consider that TERA has already been out over a year. Compare TOR after a year to what TERA is now.


The Secret World (not mentioned here, but I know it often is) will be out in June (apparantly), yet what have we seen of it? We've seen it looks like a modern day WoW. Who knows, it might be different/smooth enough to be good- but doesn't look new.


GW2- the next 'saviour' of mmorpgs. Looks like WAR with better graphics/animations- same PQ idea. Nothing new to gameplay- other than getting rid of class roles and limiting your abilities to 10, which in turn are specific so you can't even load up 10 you want. Very limited in choice, but, for those who just like to dps without those nasty tanks and healers spoiling there fun, this should have the simplistic 'burn them down' fun that appeals to the average gamer.. and thus, the game should do well.


Other mmos being bad doesnt make swtor less of an epic fail.

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No. They could turn things around tho. Get rid of the entire customer service dept.

Hire a consultant to help them choose a better staff. Use other games as a model of how to deal with customer service issues. The dev part is always going to get better. It has to if the game wants to survive. But at this time this game can not compete. If a mmo comes out soon

and its good this game will lose a lot of people. If a mmo comes out and its great this game is dust.

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TERA and GW2 are just sad WoW-Wannabes.


What will keep people on SWTOR is that this is Star Wars, not just a bunch of medieval green people trying to beat eachother with sticks.


OOoooohh, don't forget the pink butterfly combat animations in GW2!!!!

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No Diablo 3 and GW2 will kill this game


D3 is going to disappoint a lot of people. Actually, it already has on a massive scale and isn't even out yet.


GW2...I refer you to pink butterfly combat animations and gnomes...

Edited by Azzras
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D3 is going to disappoint a lot of people. Actually, it already has on a massive scale and isn't even out yet.


GW2...I refer you to pink butterfly combat animations and gnomes...


And the fact that the only endgame seems to be RvRvR, which is so laggy, it's more unplayable than Ilum

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And the fact that the only endgame seems to be RvRvR, which is so laggy, it's more unplayable than Ilum


Nothing is worse than ilum. Dead lifeless, broken and failed attempt at world pvp. At least Gw2 will try to do something different. You keep your ilum....ill take my chances elsewhere where designers may have a clue.


Ilum. Lmfao!

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D3 is going to disappoint a lot of people. Actually, it already has on a massive scale and isn't even out yet.


GW2...I refer you to pink butterfly combat animations and gnomes...


D3 has gotten bad reviews from the latest round of beta because of all the changes they've made in past year or so.


There's also the fact its NOT AN MMO. ffs you can only have 4 people in one game, even D2 had more than that.

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SW:TOR will do just fine against the new MMOs. This game speaks to a different audience, a different more story focused kind of gamer. Once the growing pains are out of the way this game will be a haven for folks who want something a little different, from the standard raid gear grind.


The other new games will fill in the gaps for the eSport raid crowd.


SW:TOR is gonna be here for a while.




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Nothing is worse than ilum. Dead lifeless, broken and failed attempt at world pvp. At least Gw2 will try to do something different. You keep your ilum....ill take my chances elsewhere where designers may have a clue.


Ilum. Lmfao!


GW2 = Asian Grindfest.

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