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1.2 really should have been 1.0


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....Just like WoW.....


Just to show the truthfulness of your observation, back in January, I responded to another one of these "we are paying to play beta" threads. I included a quote from the WoW forums using this same, trite, unoriginal line. The irony is, that thread was less than a year old, meaning they are saying it about WoW years after release. Since I have seen this same tired phrase in every game I have played, I will just correct you in one thing, it is "... just like every other game ...."

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I think its funny how people complain about the content that was in this game at a launch and then point to GW 2 as their savior.


GW2 isnt going to have any raids , its going to 8 dungeons total in it (5 player) all with different paths (which will pretty much be the same and its not like the paths are at the begining of the dungeon) and you wont even beable to play all those dungeons at top level, you can play through the story mode of the dungeon then you can play through the much harder repeatable version for maybe the next 5-7 levels if you want to play it after that then it will scale you down to a lower level (but you will still be beast for the dungeon) and there wont be any loot thats viable to you. From what ive seen of the 2 dungeons that they have shown they dont look to be anywhere near the same quality as flashpoints in SWTOR. So really maybe there will be 3-4 dungeons you can do at the end game. And then the supposed dynamic events. I guarantee that GW 2 will have the same problem with lack of content at launch.


If your into pvp sure you will probably be playing whatever Warzones / open world pvp they throw at you. Most people complaining about lack of content for swtor arent really complaining about PVP per se, 3 warzones at launch is pretty acceptable.


And guess what you will have to wait a pretty long time to get new content because GW only releases major content in expansions that you are going to have to buy.


This isnt in reference to anyone in particular talking about GW2 , im just saying that its a problem that plagues most mmo's at launch. And i dont think GW2 is going to be any acception, plus their gearing progression looks to be more abysmal then swtors at launch. I know people say thats not what the game is about , but its still a way in which GW2 is lacking, 1 set per dungeon supposedly with only a few of those being viable end game.

Edited by Samborino
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I don't get it.


We could also say WoW 1.0 should have been Catalyst or the stupid Mist expansion coming up.


MMORPGS is never ever done, they keep evoking and and why is any set of features a better time to release than another time?


The 1.0 we got was a really good release, sure things could be better, but it could be LOTRO (No game past 35) or Age of Conan (No game past the starter island), we got pretty much everything from level 1 to past level 50 at 1.0, we also got some bugs breaking parts of it, but at least it was in game thats more than many other titles.


Biowares foundation seems really solid, only thing that really say oops is the loading screens, but then WoW has those too and I dislike them just the same in WoW, especially since you can't chat or anything while they are active.

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the game is doing remarkably well :)


I disagree completely. It is being almost universally panned in the wider MMO community. Virtually the only place you'll find praise for this product is on these forums. Everywhere else, it is (quite correctly) regarded as a dud.

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Don't see them offering any solutions, so yes that all the argument needed.


Things have deadlines, and they stuffed all they could in before that time period. If you can't accept that an MMO will be in "beta" for 3-6 months after release, you need to find another genre of games to play.


Or you can just accept reality, and get on with your life.


That's totally plausible, but I think the fundamental problems ('the real issues') are:


  1. How much are we, as consumers, entitled to expect from an MMO on release?
  2. Are our expectations reasonable?

Edited by RabidPopcorn
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Although I appreciate your opinion, if given the choice between playing SWTOR with bugs and lacking features in December or waiting for a "finished" SWTOR in April, I'd rather have the buggy/incomplete early start.


Also, this seriously begs the question: when is an MMO finished and ready for launch?


There are people who, post 1.2, will still say the game is missing critical features or has game-breaking bugs. At what point is a developer OK to release the product?


Silicon Knights did this with Too Human. If they had launched during the Gamecube era, the game probably would have been viewed as a good/great dungeon crawler. Instead, they hopped engines, redesigned major game aspects to add "features" and wound up in development hell, releasing a half-baked, garbage game, because development costs + their "vision" + keeping up with the Jones' = fail.

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I've been having a blast for the last 3 months. What's really funny is you could have played the real Beta free and known exactly what was coming on release day, in fact, you could have pre-ordered and played during the head start and if you didn't like what you saw /cancelled your order and not had to pay a dime. Then again, I'm sure you did play in beta and head start. Don't tell me you didn't know what you were getting for your $$$, because that's a damned lie and everyone knows it.


I never had issues playing the game during beta on my computer but since it went live I have had issues with it ever since then. So what i thought I was paying for wasn't what I got when it went live.

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What's BW going to do about this? So far all they've done is offer up a "founders title".

If I bought a car and when I got it home found out the brakes didn't work, the fuel line was not connecting the engine to the tank and the seats were missing I'd be a little PO'ed if all they offered me was a new hood ornament.


Your analogy fails. Pretty hard, too. The brakes or the fuel line not working means you can't use that car until it is fixed. I've logged in every day and played the product that I was paying for. I've run into one quest bug (resolved), two flashpoint bugs (though inconsistently), and some EV bugs that we have been able to work around. 99% of the content is bug free. There's a difference between "won't start/can't drive" and "my XM radio isn't installed yet".


What are they going to do? Keep working on it.


What are they not going to do? Give you any money back.

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I disagree completely. It is being almost universally panned in the wider MMO community. Virtually the only place you'll find praise for this product is on these forums. Everywhere else, it is (quite correctly) regarded as a dud.


And you're still posting here why?


The rest of the MMO community compromises largely of WoW, with a small bit of Rift (who are just more ex-wowbads) who can't stand the idea of another MMO that people enjoy. The game is perfectly fine, and most who hate it are those who can't adapt to the different playstyle.

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I am not sure where you are getting your information. But if I subscribe for 6 months and cancel 30 days in, BioWare is not going to refund me the 5 months remaining. So my analogy is correct. You are correct though, if BioWare fixes problems X, Y, and Z then it is a non-issue.


If... :)


EDIT: I am referring to your first billing.


You buy the game. You get 30 days "free" (yes, that's built into the price of the software, but I don't think I got that when I started playing WoW, so it was nice). If you don't like the game after that time, you unsubscribe and never have to pay for game time. So yes, waiting three months and then crying when they give you what you wanted is a bit silly.

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You buy the game. You get 30 days "free" (yes, that's built into the price of the software, but I don't think I got that when I started playing WoW, so it was nice). If you don't like the game after that time, you unsubscribe and never have to pay for game time. So yes, waiting three months and then crying when they give you what you wanted is a bit silly.


The YouTube clip in your sig is absolutely amazing. I've watched it four times, and every time I think of something else that "ruined an MMO!"

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And you're still posting here why?


The rest of the MMO community compromises largely of WoW, with a small bit of Rift (who are just more ex-wowbads) who can't stand the idea of another MMO that people enjoy. The game is perfectly fine, and most who hate it are those who can't adapt to the different playstyle.


Not true at all, myself, my wife and my friends gave this game a fantastic chance. Why wouldn't we? we had waited excitedly for so so long. The formula for this game was limitless potential. You think one of the most successfull launches was by people not wanting to enjoy this game?


Saddly enjoying the game long term wasn't how it turned out, which is a shame. It took us 1 month to realise we weren't having fun and where playing for the sake of finishing it. My wife unsub after first month.


This game was for her, it was her mmo she had always wanted. She is very upset by it actually.


We aren't haters, its total fans like my wife that had the furthest hardest fall in realising everything this game isn't. We are actually happy to get back to text based quests and a substantial crafting system.


No srsly after hearing the same evil British guy do 7 voices in the one quest hub? We would rather make the fantasy in our minds.


This isn't even counting the graphical limitations of this game and how a graphical fix is a visual nerf apparently.




So yes, there are plenty of people who are devastated by what this game turned out to be. But that just means go find something somewhere else. Game x was not what we wanted, and nothing we can say will change that. Not for lack of trying.




Which is why I will leave this here as a good place to start


April 19 <--- warrants at least a look.

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I exspect this game to have a large subscription base when they do release updated subscription numbers... who knows when they'll do that though...


1.2 is pretty huge, makes up a lot of 1.0 missed. Still though, they aren't really touching on the Guild (Banks is ok, not uber), and not touching much on PvP besides balancing...

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I think that the problem a few seem to be having is that they jumped into the game right away when they would have been better served having waited a year or so before joining.


The few MMOs that I've played from beta I generally end up quitting a month or two after release. Why play those when I have other MMOs that I enjoy that have benefitted from several post-release years of additional development? By comparison the new MMOs are underdeveloped. And yet that is neither a fair nor logical comparison. The new ones simply haven't had the same time to evolve as the older ones.


So far SWTOR has been an exception for me. I started with beta and several months later I'm still enjoying myself. I could stop briefly and return to a game that has had years to evolve after its release but I simply do not feel compeled to do so this time.

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Every single MMO launches to early. Either the company runs out of money and has to ship or delete the game. Or the execs are screaming ITS READY JUST LAUNCH SO I CAN BE RICHER!!! while the devs are crying in the corner because they know that it's going to crash and burn because of it.


It's just the way it goes, even EQ1 was a buggy disaster in the beginning. I do agree though that BW should have launched with these features listed in 1.2 but thats like saying I wish we hadn't elected G.W. Bush as president... but it's too late now.


I'm just super excited about having my Twi'lek Marauder finally.

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