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Over Powered healing killing PvP


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They should add a debuff that automatically applies when you enter combat that reduces your healing by some percentage. Make it the same as the amount of bonus healing a player gets to out dps NPC mobs so that the only difference between a DPS and a Healer is who is better. Lets say 30%?


Oh wait, they did that and you're still crying. You literally don't know how easy you have it.


Healing is getting BUFFED, because it's underpowered. If you don't know that it's because you're a noob and no other reason.


You lose games versus healers because your team has none, because you aren't one. You don't want to go play games where its 3 healers vs none? Then ROLL one.


If you can't kill a healer it's not because they're overpowered. It's because you're bad and you don't know how they work. Stop prentending like it's something else. You have all the tools, and the required nerf to healing in pvp. Stop making excuses. You're losing because you're bad.




Also, I played a healer on my main specifically because I knew healing would help win warzones more than anything else. That's how it is in every MMO ever, so I figured this one would be no different. And I was right.


Playing on my marauder alt though, WZs are rather frustrating. Half the games I'm in have no healer at all (I often top the healing through self-healing bleed effects), and the other half have 1 who usually sucks. Its gotten so bad I'm actually tempted to start a trooper and go heals, just so I'm not part of the problem again. But that's the 10-49 bracket for you - anyone who wanted to be a healer already made one and hit 50 2 months ago. Most people there are just screwing around on alts like me, so I don't really complain when we have no heals because that's just the way things go. Afterall, I didn't make a 2nd healer either.

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i pvp (and heal specifically) to drink e-tears, thank you OP for providing more


This! And also - When I heal in PvP and meet a premade i get atleast 2 sitting on me the entire WZ, giving me no room to keep my team alive. I do better when I join with a group of friends and I got someone guarding me, keeping the riffraff off my back. But as a single healer? Nah - Outplay, keep em busy and burst them to the ground. Whats the problem? Geesh. Dont be angry because you dont have your own personal pockethealer and the enemy team does. ;)

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Gosh.. Could you please stop with the "NERF HEALING!" ? How would you like PvP to be? Attack, spam rotation without switches and CC and something dies ?

In answer to your question, yes this is what people want. As in the crazed cries of unfair DPS queue times in WoW there's some strange expectation people have for the game to be made fun only for them. Maybe just maybe people should group with friends and/or figure out what they're doing rather than constantly crying for nerfs. Would anyone play a healer if every class in the game wtfpwns them? Should some characters seriously be worthless without a team?


Board Warrior 1: Healing sucks, get rid of -30% debuff

Board Warrior 2: Healing is totally OP give a bigger penalty

Board Warrior 3: Tanks are useless, please give more HP

Board Warrior 4: Guard and Taunt are totally BS please get rid of tanks


Should we all just be playing Marauder/Sentinel?

Edited by SWImara
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Roll a healer to 50, play some PVP and then come back and tell us it still isnt noticeable.


You are extremely ignorant.


BM Marauder here, it isn't noticeable.If a geared healer (especially sorc/sage) gets 2 second window he gets almost full hp in one heal.I can bring them down..eventually... but it takes so long it's not worth wasting the time chasing one while your braindead team mates just attack closest target regardless that is being guarded, healed by people half of map away.

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BM Marauder here, it isn't noticeable.If a geared healer (especially sorc/sage) gets 2 second window he gets almost full hp in one heal.I can bring them down..eventually... but it takes so long it's not worth wasting the time chasing one while your braindead team mates just attack closest target regardless that is being guarded, healed by people half of map away.


If you are a marauder and can't kill a sorc/sage healer...then it's time to reroll a new toon.


I'm not joking.

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BM Marauder here, it isn't noticeable.If a geared healer (especially sorc/sage) gets 2 second window he gets almost full hp in one heal.I can bring them down..eventually... but it takes so long it's not worth wasting the time chasing one while your braindead team mates just attack closest target regardless that is being guarded, healed by people half of map away.


What in the world are you smoking and can you share please? Heal a person to full in 1 heal? LOL - Sure, if you have 5500 hitpoints, I can heal you to full, no problem. Dear god, think before you write.

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it has nothing to do with being bad, i do premades with my friends, all war hero before these changes, people that quit and came back, it`s not so much that they`re overpowered, it`s that when you have 2-3 BM healers on both sides, on say Voidstar. Now, we`ve all had one of these games, where neither side gets passed the first door because both sides have amazing heals, tanks and dps. It doesn`t matter how hard we cc, how hard we interrupt, the truth is healing is SO powerful, you`ll never burst that sorc healer down before that other healer, and the healer you`re on, heals right back up. You`ll never put out enough dps if you split dps on both healers either. It`s frustrating and annoying, and it`s just not fun.


I`d also like to point out that healing in this game is boring as boring gets. Someone takes damage, you click and cast a heal, someone takes damage you click and cast a heal. There`s no hand of freedom there`s no CDs there`s no increased haste, should I use this spell to prevent slows for 10 seconds or should I wait for when this other class casts this. There`s 0 thought process in healing it`s just boring.


Again, Post went from "Healing is overpowered in PvP" to "Multiple Healers with Tanks guarding/taunting is overpowered in PvP"


It doesn't matter how powerful you think Healing is, You get enough GOOD dps on the target and its going down.


I've been in Warfronts where there is a crap ton of healers all healing one another in a spot, and most of the time, It comes down to proper assisting and having good dps. Have 2 Marauders who know what they're doing, or two Powertech's, and you'll burst down anyone in this game before they can be healed up.

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BM Marauder here, it isn't noticeable.If a geared healer (especially sorc/sage) gets 2 second window he gets almost full hp in one heal.I can bring them down..eventually... but it takes so long it's not worth wasting the time chasing one while your braindead team mates just attack closest target regardless that is being guarded, healed by people half of map away.


No.. not even close..

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What in the world are you smoking and can you share please? Heal a person to full in 1 heal? LOL - Sure, if you have 5500 hitpoints, I can heal you to full, no problem. Dear god, think before you write.


In PvE as a merc healer (whos heals are stronger then a sorc when it comes to individual heals) I can heal myself for 7.5k


In PvP I can *sometimes* break 6k...not anywhere near 7k though....and I can do that once...maybe twice per WZ (depends HEAVILY on high crit/surge rolls in a 10 second window throughout 3-5 heals)


I have 19k health.


So I'm VERY interested how a sorc can heal for 18k-19k (full bm armor healer health) in 1 heal in PvP.

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BM Marauder here, it isn't noticeable.If a geared healer (especially sorc/sage) gets 2 second window he gets almost full hp in one heal.I can bring them down..eventually... but it takes so long it's not worth wasting the time chasing one while your braindead team mates just attack closest target regardless that is being guarded, healed by people half of map away.


You have two issues here.


1.) You are really really umm...under performing.


2.) Your teamates are under performing just like you.


So shall we nerf healing so under performers can appear better at gaming? Boats keep sinking. Lets drain the ocean!

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In PvE as a merc healer (whos heals are stronger then a sorc when it comes to individual heals) I can heal myself for 7.5k


In PvP I can *sometimes* break 6k...not anywhere near 7k though....and I can do that once...maybe twice per WZ (depends HEAVILY on high crit/surge rolls in a 10 second window throughout 3-5 heals)


I have 19k health.


So I'm VERY interested how a sorc can heal for 18k-19k (full bm armor healer health) in 1 heal in PvP.


Sorry to say from some the posts I've read so far not yours as such are just people who are inexperienced with the game.


As a sage seer I cannot heal myself if I'm A stunned B interrupted, when I have my own dedicated team of enemies willing to take me out even with a tank gaurding me I'm usually alive for alittle while or dead at all times.


The other two classes have far better staying power than I do and far better escape mechanics or are just godmode (mercs/comdos) anyway with someone guarding them. I'm 50/50 BM Rakata purely because I gain nothing from 1-3% reductions nore boosts to healing & dmg compared to having better stats for healing and HP. Unbuffed I've never exceeded 5k on my highest heal, I don't think I've ever got even that high.


If I'm left alone I might be a powerful asset on the field but thats just the enemies stupidity for letting me freecast... I get the worst instant heals in the game compared to OP/Scuds Mercs/Comdos, I also have the lightest armour in game which doesn't take much damage to bypass it all basically.


But I'm telling people now if they nerf healing anymore for my class in anyway there will be ZERO point in playing it and only the die hards will use them if at all. They are the weakest class in terms of solo PVP against good enemies as a healer and NEED a working team to thrive and do all the peels taunts etc otherwise you are useless or dead!


Until they somehow nerf talent trees hybrids and classes, give more brackets and ranked I can almost assure people they have it all wrong when people are equally geared that some classes are just OP. But not mine when I face equal teams.

Edited by kilomax
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Hi, i'm a reeeeeally good sorc healer, pretty much unkillable. I laugh at people who try to 1v1 one me. But guess what happens when I come across a good team with 2-3 dps (usually depends on the classes, marauders especially mess me up) who know how to assist and how to burst? I explode in seconds.


Healers are by design inheritely team players. Of course your lone wolf mentality doesn't stand a chance against them. If we can't even keep ourselves alive, we can't do our job.


Oh, and I also play a sniper who drops most healers in seconds (decent geared mercs/troopers are an exception). But that's because they are bad or occupied.


Play smarter. Play better. Use teamwork.

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I die to good DPS 1v1 all the time on my sorc healer. GOOD dps...

Bad ones I just kite and knockback until they go faceroll someone else.



REALLY funny when two baddies try to kill you... they just mash DPS skills and let you freecast...


Why waste a second using an interrupt when the other guy can get it. I mean, it's not even on the GCD, but who cares? That's .25 seconds I could be DPSing this healer. STUN?! HAHAHA yeah right that uses a GCD I could be using to smash the Ravage button harder!! OMGOMG HIS FRIENDS ARE COMING WHY WON'T HE DIE?!?!?



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I die to good DPS 1v1 all the time on my sorc healer. GOOD dps...

Bad ones I just kite and knockback until they go faceroll someone else.



REALLY funny when two baddies try to kill you... they just mash DPS skills and let you freecast...


Why waste a second using an interrupt when the other guy can get it. I mean, it's not even on the GCD, but who cares? That's .25 seconds I could be DPSing this healer. STUN?! HAHAHA yeah right that uses a GCD I could be using to smash the Ravage button harder!! OMGOMG HIS FRIENDS ARE COMING WHY WON'T HE DIE?!?!?




1v1 a healer should be able to survive against a DPS but not indefinately but even with that in mind, 1v1 isn't the point. When you roll into rooms where there are 4-5 healers you have a problem because you really need 8 dpsers to take them down with any kind of efficiency and if you spend all your time killing healers, you're losing objectives. I'm not saying that healers should be nerfed but in games like Hutball, them having such an easy time surviving makes being anything other than a healer dumb or frustrating.

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Hi, i'm a reeeeeally good sorc healer, pretty much unkillable. I laugh at people who try to 1v1 one me. But guess what happens when I come across a good team with 2-3 dps (usually depends on the classes, marauders especially mess me up) who know how to assist and how to burst? I explode in seconds.


Guess what happens if there are 2-3 more healers next to you? Something that's starting to happen more often these days. In fact I just did a Voidstar with 4 trooper healers and one sorc on my team, it was sad.


Healers are by design inheritely team players. Of course your lone wolf mentality doesn't stand a chance against them. If we can't even keep ourselves alive, we can't do our job.


I'm not arguing with that, a healer shouldn't die one vs one against a DPS, but he should be forced to go on full defensive without outside help, until he's resources are depleated.


Oh, and I also play a sniper who drops most healers in seconds (decent geared mercs/troopers are an exception). But that's because they are bad or occupied.


I play a sinper too, and vs several healers there's literally nothing I can do, I can hit hard but their health just goes up before I can shoot again.


Play smarter. Play better. Use teamwork.



Funny how that works. As DPS need teaming up and teamwork, even a comm chat, to deal properly with healers. As a healer you don't need that to heal, when you are backed up by two or more other healers.


The point is, healing is fine as long as there aren't too many healers around, like the OP says.

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