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Tracer missle Nerf.....not sure how i feel about it.


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Tracer Missile is a community favorite, and I can flat out state that if you pull the Tracer Missile stun on a skilled player, you are not going to live. It’s not working. Alright, if you know how to use interrupts, we see people stand there and they die. But that said, it is also dangerous to have people in a state where they can have a fairly decent DPS rotation with almost no effort. That isn’t good long term for them either. It is boring and it doesn’t add as much combat adrenaline as we want. So we did some changes there to rebalance that particular tree to move a bit out of the Tracer Missile, and require you to be more active in your combat style to achieve that kind of effect. You can call that a nerf. I call that housekeeping.




Overall it will probably be a good thing. Alot less newbs spamming on me who dont deserve to do so much damage with such little effort.


On the other hand, skilled players will probably be buffed from this.


In there current state its easy as hell to shut down a spammer, but its sounds like from this nerf/buff, it will be harder.


So i guess its a nerf to the n00bs, and a buff to the good players.


What do yall think?

Edited by -Rinzler-
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Overall it will probably be a good thing. Alot less newbs spamming on me who dont deserve to do so much damage with such little effort.


On the other hand, skilled players will probably be buffed from this.


In there current state its easy as hell to shut down a spammer, but its sounds like from this nerf/buff, it will be harder.


So i guess its a nerf to the n00bs, and a buff to the good players.


What do yall think?


definitely agree. the short time that i played arsenal spec, i dominated. tracer missile would get interrupted, but i had a ton more abilities to use, and they all hurt. depending on how the re-organize the arsenal tree, it may become more viable in pvp

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Overall it will probably be a good thing. Alot less newbs spamming on me who dont deserve to do so much damage with such little effort.


On the other hand, skilled players will probably be buffed from this.


In there current state its easy as hell to shut down a spammer, but its sounds like from this nerf/buff, it will be harder.


So i guess its a nerf to the n00bs, and a buff to the good players.


What do yall think?


I'm looking forward to seeing what they have in store. If it's not something that gives the spec flavor then I will roll Pyro just to have something different.

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They'll probably take whats already there and spread it over.more abilities. They said the intention isn't to nerf it, but to redistribute things in the tree.


Edit: lol love how the community locks onto words like nerf and buff without realty even trying to understand things.

Edited by MartyrLXXVII
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They'll probably take whats already there and spread it over.more abilities. They said the intention isn't to nerf it, but to redistribute things in the tree.


Which is why it is a pvp buff. Right now a competant player with an interupt (not many of those seem to exist on this board) can completely shut down the damage of an arsenal merc. After 1.2 interupting tracer will not devastate dps so much.


It's really funny how many people complain about one of the easiest classes in the game to completely shut down since every class (except other mercs) have an interupt. The whining in 1.2 will be hilarious.

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Idno.. Too me, and knowing Bioware, they probably just put a 6 sec cooldown on tracermissile, so you should have to use railshot, powershot, unload etc. in between "to be effective" :p


Not like arsenal/gunnery isnt already considered the weakest spec in the game by serious PvPers with half a brain. The problem however is that most of the people playing are brainless scrubs with no sense of interrupt, positioning, LoS etc, so I guess they nerf it to appease these people.


My two cents. They could surprise though, by actually making gunnery a competetive spec for ranked, cause as of now the only spec mandos have for that is heal and maybe hybrid.

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They are also going to stop/nerf the Armour stacking of different players together.


So thye are directly nerfing Tracer Missle by altering the Tree, but indirectly nerfing it by nerfing the Armour pen.


At the moment if you have group 4 Mercs/Coms all spamming TM/Grav Round you get 80% Armour penetration on the target (8/160% - 16/320%), making them way OP'ed in Flashpoints and Operations.


After the nerf they will be stuck at 20% max.

Edited by AngelousWang
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Which is why it is a pvp buff. Right now a competant player with an interupt (not many of those seem to exist on this board) can completely shut down the damage of an arsenal merc. After 1.2 interupting tracer will not devastate dps so much.


It's really funny how many people complain about one of the easiest classes in the game to completely shut down since every class (except other mercs) have an interupt. The whining in 1.2 will be hilarious.


And so many are completely oblivious to this. Lol

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And so many are completely oblivious to this. Lol


Its not so much a problem shutting down one merc, but when you have more more above you afk spamming tracer missle at everything the damage is exponential.


Now it will take more effort to get the same results. Which i am fine with.


Basically baddies are gonna get badder (lol) and good players will be uneffected and possibly boosted.

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When in the history of MMOs did a nerf a class go right? The class always gets over-nerfed without much improvement in other areas. You really think they are gonna add some magical combo that only a skill person could do and would get equal dps to what he has now? This is Bioware...."Come on Man!" It is gonna be something like , tracer will only do one type of debuff, powershot the other. Tracer will probably be nerfed in damage by 15%. Edited by AHChrist
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Interrupt has a range to it- which is far less than the range of tracer missle as itself. Additionally, tracer missle does push-back skills with casting time a great deal.


Good BH's will be able to adapt to the changes and to being interrupted with skills.


The one trick ponies who spam tracer missle will ***** about the changes and stand there stupid when they do get interrupted.


The way I see it is- the game is meant to have a decent rotation for all players and shouldn't be any one class spamming a skill.


I am glad it is getting adjusted because the scorekeeper stop giving points for BH bads a long time ago.

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Its not so much a problem shutting down one merc, but when you have more more above you afk spamming tracer missle at everything the damage is exponential.


Now it will take more effort to get the same results. Which i am fine with.


Basically baddies are gonna get badder (lol) and good players will be uneffected and possibly boosted.


This is my favorite compaint. More than one Merc spamming. You can insert "more than one XXXX" and get annihilated just the same, just as fast or even faster, but no, it's TRACER MISSILE SPAM that is OP. lol


Basically, everyone, people don't want more than one Arsenal Merc in a WZ. That's what this boils down to. Because the arguments of, well when there's more than 1 are laughable. Same with spamming it all day and never over heating. Or not being able to LOS it because I am tunnel visioning on killing someone else.


All of these are laughable to ones playstyle. Sorry guys, but I play an Arsenal Merc and even when I hear a TM go off and it hits me, I LOS and look for who is doing it. Honestly, not that hard.....


However, I said it once and I'll say it again, I look forward to see what they have in store for Arsenal Mercs and welcome the changes/new QQ.

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After the nerf they will be stuck at 20% max.


Good, not like every other spec seems to have some way to negate this anyway like but good.


It's only really an issue when there's more than one, recently been running into 2-4 people from the same guilds all gunnery/arsenal spec'd just rolling out TM/GV. It is a joke, in the same way that having 2-3 Sorcs/Sages in Huttball is a joke.

Edited by ilovethepink
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Well in that interview he practically admitted the change for operatives was due to people "not having fun" fighting them and the so called data they had to make the change was probably just a bunch of people leaving the game or stop playing wz. Obviously this makes sense from a business point of view but it's not a good sign for class balance overall.
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