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Where do lightsabers go from here?


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Why do the colors and styles of lightsabers have to improve and be more special as you level anyway? Other than the fact that it was red, was Darth Vader's lightsaber in Episode IV any better looking or more unique than the one he used as Anakin in Episode III?


Do we really need obvious visual cues to discern another player's level or faction? Why can't customization of one's appearance (including lightsabers) be included right out of the gate? Why should we have to wait until a particular level or be a particular faction to use a particular color or style of anything? Oh, I know why, because that's how WoW did it.


Well, you know what, **** WoW!



Edited by Blackavaar
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As I have suggested several times before, a 5th modification slot for Emitters that alter the shape and VFX of the blade would be really awesome, along with it stat bonuses that make sense.


EX., a crude fiery blade with a power bonus, or a thin long fencing blade with accuracy bonus.


Just to give you an idea, a fencing/dueling blade would look something like this, held by Nomi Sunrider to the left: http://images.darkhorse.com/covers/400/s/swtjtpb.jpg - the blade starts out a little fat or even rounded at the hilt and gradually tapers off into a long, thin blade that is very concentrated/focused


A crude or phobium emitter would yield results more similar to this saber held by Freedon Nadd: http://images.darkhorse.com/covers/400/s/swtjii1.jpg - is a more fiery and less coherent blade

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Light whips.


Seriously..they have those in Star Wars :)


THAT would be awesome! Imagine a melee class that has light whips and can dual wield!!! droooooooooool


Call them "Night Sabers" and have them be Cathar. ROAR!

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how about this... a light gun. its a gun that shoots out light.. sabers. hilt and everything. it shoots them out and they twirl like it looks when you use saber throw except you shoot them out of a gun. to get the twirling effect they can have the appearance of a skeet shooter sort of. the key is that it "launches" the light saber.
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BW is accused of not listening to it's player base. TBH after reading thrugh threads like this one I hope they really don't.


90% of these ideas are either horrible (aesthetically, or lore wise) or unworkable (physically, or technologically). But even worse is the "we need to change it, OMG its more than 5 minuets old, and im getting bored" mindset behind the changes speak sadly to the immature, wasteful and flighty nature of the online "community of gamers'".

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Short dagger like sabers, whips etc. They have a few avenues that will be within the lore, just not immediately identifiable by the movie fans.


Like shown here?


You ask and I deliver :p



Or here, CLone wars season 4 :


Edited by Panthian
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Loving those chopsabersticks!


I'd like to see new light saber combat animations and maybe we could dual wield a regular saber and a double bladed saber at the same time like in one of the intros, or maybe dual wield 2x double bladed sabers.


Or the limp saber Mr. Herbert has haha.

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One thing WoW did right is weapons. Getting a new weapon from a raid, EVERYONE wanted to see what it looked like--and it usually didn't disappoint.


Really not sure where they go from here...I would say fancier hilts...but some hilts are already fancy--just almost impossible to see clearly.

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how about this... a light gun. its a gun that shoots out light.. sabers. hilt and everything. it shoots them out and they twirl like it looks when you use saber throw except you shoot them out of a gun. to get the twirling effect they can have the appearance of a skeet shooter sort of. the key is that it "launches" the light saber.


oohhh ohhh how about this, they could make like a Bo staff, but you would have a crazy little monkey duct taped to one end, and this little monkey would be dual wielding lightsabers....omg that would be awesome.


But seriously,


It's actually ok that they dont have to focus so much on new weapon designs. Maybe it will give them more time to make armor models that dont suck

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Dude a light saber is already the most exciting weapon ever. How can you improve on that you ask? You simply cannot.


As far as hilts go I agree. There are already many hilts in the game. A wide selection, and it is enough for any fan to find one he loves.


From what I've heard (though not making any assumptions): in the next major patch custom items will be able to be modded to be as good as the epic ones. Also mods from epic items will be removable on light sabers as such. That's why the color crystals were released in the shop.


The last part I can almost completely say is true.


Actually if the crafter crits on the custom item, the item will actually better than an epic once modded with epic mods and an augment.

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I think there should be a second crystal slot added like in KOTOR. Using a power crystal will bump a stat or give special powers, adding a color crystal will change the color and mix colors if the two colors don't match.
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Wait wait.. you people are wanting something more fancy lightsaber wise?


Hold on... -=The sound of a woman cackling, calling her girlfriends up, calling attention to some thread she found on the internet while sharing it on facebook.=-


Ok.. now to the facts:


It's Star Wars. A lightsaber is a lightsaber. Aside from color they're not really that different. Hilt design aside, once you've seen one lightsaber you've seen them all. Think of it as the cost of being a force user: You're stuck with a glowstick for a weapon.


The biggest thing they can do for your lightsabers?


Some Drum and Bass.

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