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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New patch and server maintenance at peak time?


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All joking aside; along with the stupid jabs back and forth across the ocean, I feel for the European players. They are interrupting their paid play time, for what arguably will be free time for more US players than European players.


I will quote this for those that may not get my sense of humor in other posts.

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so just compensate and give us some extra playtime 4 al the shutdowns so far.

then we won't complain anymore:mad:


ITS TWO HOURS. You don't know how an MMO works, do you? If this is affecting your life so drastically , you need to reevaluate your priorities.

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they couldnt have installed this patch on tuesday's maintenance day....really


Don't you mean...


"they couldnt have installed this patch on tuesday's maintenance day"




"they couldnt have installed this patch on tuesday's emergency downtime for the hotfix to fix the patch"


3 days, two unscheduled server outages during EU peaktime.


Now if only we could establish a link netween that and the 4% a month drop in subscriber numbers... Hmm.

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Spend this downtime reading this entire thread from start to finish. Then sit and reflect on the people who share this community with you. Yeah, how does that make you feel. It's ok to cry. I know.


How true it is. Yet, with all of the QQ'ing, there are gems of sanity to be found. Wish I could find more of you in-game.

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Wait wait wait wait.


"Corrected an issue allowing incorrect access to weekend pass players"




You let us in the game 7 days early if we played the beta, and now you're taking down the servers cause two extra days of access to those weekend players would end the freakin world?

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Bioware is a US based company. And thus, its most likely that major work (patches, for example) are going to be done when the US based employees are at work, and able to handle any issues that may arise.



No matter what time they take the servers down, its most likely peak time for SOMEONE.

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It's funny how people take a forced break from playing the game as an opportunity to complain about the game that they put above everything else in their life.




PS: Missing two hours of playing this game is ruining my life!


Nice Strawman you're making there. It's got the hat, the gloves, and everything.

It's just a shame it bears little resemblance to the real thing.

Edited by Tarka
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it is the same qq you get in every single mmorpg or fps game. the company CANNOT cater to a timezone. tough luck buttercups.


but do you see me QQ'ing all over the place?



Yes they can cater to diffrant timezones, prime example, EQ2, EU servers were patched at 5 AM GMT whereas US server were patched at 3 PM gmt previous day, worked out pretty well tbh cept for when they release broken patches on US and still pushed them live on Euro servers next morning!


I see you QQing about the QQ, so yeah, I do

Edited by flobdeth
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I understand the european gripe. It sucks when prime time is down. But for the US crowd complaining? Be quiet, please. I'm sure all of you had 2:30PM Operations planned on a Thursday.


This right here. My guild doesn't usual get on until around 5-6 PM Central anyways so I couldn't care less about maintenance right now or during peak times. I have other thing I could do other than gripe on the forums. Go outside people, it's beautiful out in Canada right now. Alittle windy but beautiful.

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WOW it's 2 hours out of a whole week if you round things up and not to be excate if you pay £9 per month on a 30day month about 30p per day 1.25p per hour so these 2 hours have cost 2.5p out of your subs and 2 hours or playing time out of your life.



get a grip people :D :D :D

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I will put it out there again just so people are aware:


Bioware shafted it's paying customers so they can earn more money.


That is what they did here. Just so you know.


How much more pissed would you have been if the servers crashed all weekend during the trial pass hmmmm? You people are crazy lol, please learn to be an adult.

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Don't care about losing 2 hours gametime.


I do care about losing the raid we had planned. Members free up a night for these raids.


Bioware, better communication (telling this to us in advance) would be nice. Well, it's more of a must really.


This is an extremely valid point. +1

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Everyone - we apologize for the inconvenience. We do everything we can to avoid taking the servers down for maintenance outside of our regular weekly maintenance, but in some cases (like this one, unfortunately) we can't avoid it. This patch is necesary to ensure a good experience for all players during our Weekend Pass Trial weekend. We never take interrupting your playtime lightly, and this is no exception. Emergencies do happen occasionally, and we are working as quickly as we can to bring the servers back up so you can continue enjoying the game. In the meantime, we'll keep you updated with any new information that becomes available. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work to ensure everything goes smoothly this weekend.


So what your saying is this

" We knowlingly and willingly decided to screw over our paying customers in favor of a FREE WEEKEND"


ARE YOU *********** KIDDING ME!?

My game time will end in 3 days, like everyone who started playing in Early Access and who uses gamecards to purchase extra time, gues what i will be doing day 4..... NOT PLAYING SWTOR! you guys realy have your head way up your own asses if you think taking down servers during prime time is acceptable behaviour, Especialy when you know your playerbase is getting less active all the time, its like you WANT us to quit. I'll gladly oblige.

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I love how EU and AU players make it all about them when BW is based in Austin so It make says to revolve around that time zone. **** happens


Ever heard about a global product and player base? This is 2012 and the world stretches beyond Austin, Texas last time I looked.


Stevie Ray anyone?

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so on the weekend we tell all new trial players that BW shut down the servers in EU primetime to allow them to play.


Not a good reputation for BW MMO.


What BW can do....we can do too!






p.s. of course we will not do it because we love this game. But next time BW ...WE DO IT!

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I will put it out there again just so people are aware:


Bioware shafted it's paying customers so they can earn more money.


That is what they did here. Just so you know.


WHAT!?> are u kidding, a company is trying to make more money!!! crazy...

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Wait wait wait wait.


"Corrected an issue allowing incorrect access to weekend pass players"




You let us in the game 7 days early if we played the beta, and now you're taking down the servers cause two extra days of access to those weekend players would end the freakin world?


And taking the servers down for 2 hours is the end of the world?

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Updates, patches, bugs, hot fix's, unplanned and planned maintenance are all a part of MMO's.


Don't forget how much enjoyment this game has to offer!


I am personally having a great time. Leveling, Questing, Dailies, Flashpoints, Ops and all the great socializing with my friends is fantastic.


Sure there are a few bug's or things I'd like to see added to the game, it's not perfect, but what is? In the meantime I will continue to enjoy what I have and NOT take it for granted.


It takes more energy to be angry and frustrated than to be happy and appreciative of the wonderful things in life that we DO have.


My 2cent


Servers will be up soon, hope everyone has a great day

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Cant read them Bio keeps closing and or removing them


Who'd know there isn't even a search feature....my six year old's KD class has a forum with a search feature, lol


But if you could actually "search" the forums maybe we'd see and read things BW doesn't want us to read???

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The games majority staff is located in NA. They work by the common business hours of the geographic location where they are located. What company in their right mind would pay people overtime to install a patch in the middle of the night?


really? how many multimillion dollar, and that's what they are. Shoot, EA might be multibillion, rich son of a guns, have branches in different countries? oh ya, ALL OF THEM.


Think about what you're posting, it's not like they're some tiny company, this is Bioware and EA, both have divisions in a multitude of different countries US and EU, why they can't patch at different times according to the time zone makes about no sense at all.


I'm not an EU though, sorry guys. Hope they start paying attention to your needs more, but feel comforted in the fact that us US people aren't getting much better service either :p.


man, this thread is getting big as heck... 102 pages at the moment. think about that. We've filled up 102, probably more by the time I finish this edit, pages in the last 90 minutes. That's, one heck of a lot of people all angry because The Admins have the belief that they can just do whatever they want when they want to and noone will care. maybe this thread, will show them they need to keep us in the loop about these kind of downtimes. I gotta say I doubt it, but man, I hope so.

Edited by Macabakur
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