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New patch and server maintenance at peak time?


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I hope it finally is the 1.2 patch, which could be a bit of an appologize, as you are supposed to apply a patch on Tuesday as stated, not some other day and NOT in a time when many ppl got time to play as they arrived from work etc. This game is not played by JUST kids who just attend or even don't attend a school for just few hours a day...


gah, i hope not. i still don't have my purple crystal.

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Man people really get angry about downtime. You guys ever hear of a game called World of Warcraft. I remember when i played that game back at launch. It was a pretty fun game. Except that for the first 6 months the server maintenance lasted usually 8 hours longer than planned, the servers were taken offline at least once a day without notice to fix bugs, and there were soooo many bugs that they had to fix.


But now, this game that is what, maybe 4 months old, runs pretty damn smooth except for the occasional glitch/crash (im not talking about exploits, im talking about actually being able to play the game). Unfortunately, most of the "MMO Community" only started playing MMOs when Burning Crusade came out and they didn't have to deal with the annoying patches of Classic.


I have played over 20 mmos in the past 15+ years of gaming and I can tell you this is the smoothest 4 month old game i have ever seen. I hope BioWare keeps up the good work. I mean obviously this game is good or you wouldn't be complaining about not getting to play. So if you are complaining about not being able to play a game you hate this much, then leave. Haters gonna Hate, BW, haters gonna hate.

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readily accept our new downtime overlords.


This is an excellent case of a Catch 22:


1. It doesn't matter when the downtime happens, lots of people are bound to explain. I've seen it happen even when it was scheduled. People just like playing and they take it personally (as if Bioware has a vendetta against specifically them and their needs), when they can't play no matter what the time.


Shut it down during EU's prime, EU complains.

Shut it down during America's time, America complains.


Oh well might as well just shaft the europeans everytime then! Less complaining and upsetting our LARGER base aka america. Screw fairness, let's shaft the euros! There's less of them! Might as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Dev Post
Everyone - we apologize for the inconvenience. We do everything we can to avoid taking the servers down for maintenance outside of our regular weekly maintenance, but in some cases (like this one, unfortunately) we can't avoid it. This patch is necesary to ensure a good experience for all players during our Weekend Pass Trial weekend. We never take interrupting your playtime lightly, and this is no exception. Emergencies do happen occasionally, and we are working as quickly as we can to bring the servers back up so you can continue enjoying the game. In the meantime, we'll keep you updated with any new information that becomes available. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work to ensure everything goes smoothly this weekend.
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If they are only going to be down another hour and a half, I can tolerate it. I realize that this early in a game, there are a lot of bugs to squash and a lot of bits and pieces to fine tune. What everyone who rages about downtime seems to forget, is that this game is barely 3 months old, of course it is going to have more and longer downtimes then a game like WoW that has been around for eight years.
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If you added up all the unscheduled maintenance down times....... I wonder how many hours are truly lost to us the customer?


Maybe we should get a Quarterly refund lol come on Bioware:D


Probably not that many hours. Now, what if it were a security issue and they waited to address it so as not to upset anyone, and all our credit card numbers got out... or our accounts ended up hacked? It's their business and they're not beholden to anyone to explain their business. It's costs the same as two f'ing McDonald's combos to play this game for a month, big deal.

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If you added up all the unscheduled maintenance down times....... I wonder how many hours are truly lost to us the customer?


Maybe we should get a Quarterly refund lol come on Bioware:D

At least one thing blizzard allways did right , if they had unexpected downtime you would get free days on your playtime.

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Why cant they just roll out patches in different timezones at their specific "non peak" time.. it wouldn't be bloody hard to do, I know loads of MMO's that did that



I know. It seems like it would make sense. I mean they already have a team to deploy patches at night (CS time). That team could deploy patches to EU as well.


To me it feels like a recalcitrant IT lead who refuses, on nothing more than principle, to accommodate differing time zones.

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everyone - we apologize for the inconvenience. We do everything we can to avoid taking the servers down for maintenance outside of our regular weekly maintenance, but in some cases (like this one, unfortunately) we can't avoid it. This patch is necesary to ensure a good experience for all players during our weekend pass trial weekend. We never take interrupting your playtime lightly, and this is no exception. Emergencies do happen occasionally, and we are working as quickly as we can to bring the servers back up so you can continue enjoying the game. In the meantime, we'll keep you updated with any new information that becomes available. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work to ensure everything goes smoothly this weekend.



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Considering it has been the EU customer base flooding the general forums w/ complaints about maintenance times since the game launched.. My guess is it would be a "ohh well Cest la Vie"... I play XIV still, all maintenance during Japan off-hours.. I deal with stuff like this all the time.


Lol I remember the Letter From The Director that was posted at 2 a.m Japan time once, that's real dedication to a cause. Was kind of inspiring too ^.^

FFXIV v2.0 sounded really nice from all the concept art and ideas they released last year too, it'll be interesting to see in December :D

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Everyone is whining, and so do i, but the most important thing is that we are arguing getting bored and upset, starting a war beetween Europe and America, but i don't see noone looking at the fact that after this time, about 30 minutes there is no post of bioware about this shutdown.

No apologies.

No kindness.

No explaination.

Just look the forum and start whining.

Nice commercial strategy, best way to get customer close.

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Id love bioware to post the actual numbers on how many people unsubscribed from this game in the last hour or so to see how many of you are serious and how many of you are just being whiny little *****es that just go back to playing the game as soon as the servers come back up again.
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Here no one is saying not to do maintenance to fix failures, only calls for the maintenance of the 3 regions are made separately and according to the times when there are fewer active players, an example at 2 or 3 dawn of the different regions. Wow this made ​​him such fine to the maintenance of separate morning and america / europe / pacific so had everyone happy. This week from Tuesday have been 4 maintenance. Edited by Malidrial
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This is brilliant! I wonder how many pages this thread will get to before the servers back up?


I guess this shows hown many players would have been playing!


More info about the patch please!!!!!


They are fixing a problem with the upcoming Weekend Trial Free Pass, BW stated it in the german forum.



Edited by Meteox
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Oh well might as well just shaft the europeans everytime then! Less complaining and upsetting our LARGER base aka america. Screw fairness, let's shaft the euros! There's less of them! Might as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Stop taking stuff out of context and quote the WHOLE post.

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There are many servers, some allocated for Europe some for the USA and others for ASIA, if they can do that why can they not bring them down in groups?


Sorry but other companies can, I know it may not be an issue but we in the EU usually pay more than most, so all we ask for is a little respect.

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Ok just ended my Sub because of this. Biofail.


Thank you for that. I am glad you are leaving, even though I don't know you. Because if you will quit over an issue this insignificant, then you were never going to be happy here anyway. I hope you find a game that is based in the EU, caters to your every whim, and does not allow anyone that you disprove of. Good luck finding that game.


Ps. I am pretty sure we will all see your complaining for months after you have "canceled"

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When are they supposed to do it? If they do it at time A, it's Europe prime time. If they do it at time B, it's American prime time, if they do it at time C it's some other places downtime. The game was made in America, Austin Texas to be exact. It's gonna favor American time. If it was a European game it would favor European time


Get over it


And maybe the people working for this patch are in the US...


Would be stupid to call every one for an emergency late in the night, when they can do it during the day

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