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10 Good
  1. When making Twi'leks I always go for Body Type 1 then the last face option because it's the only one available where she looks like she's smiling, all the others are either too serious or look miserable. http://i40.tinypic.com/14uys1d.jpg Some of the hairstyles though look absolutely atrocious.
  2. Is he friends with Navigator Plex on the Esseles?
  3. Ashara Zavros She's a bit whiney sure, but she looks quite nice in sithy clothes. Although... Malavai Quinn is so cute and yummy that it's hard to make a decision
  4. I hope Bioware laminated the forums so all the tears don't soak in.
  5. GENIOUS! Makes me wish I'd chosen the legacy name Strike, so i could have made Desert Strike, Jungle Strike, Urban Strike, Nuclear Strike...
  6. My absolute pet peev with the game... hmm... Companions getting in the way of what I'm trying to click then spouting random useless gibberish because they think I purposefully clicked them. *Click* Khem: "Nein oof jallu jaba julidafra mashi heshay idelajubidafram" Me: "SHUT UP YOU OVERSIZED POWER RANGER!!!!" Is there anything more annoying?
  7. When 1.2 comes out I'm thinking of making a Chiss smuggler named Sneakysmurf, The Outlaw Sneakysmurf, of The Chibi Legacy. My guild does have a Captain Caveman in it though.
  8. A trooper named Hansolo. Not that silly, but it did make me bash my head against the desk a few times screaming "WHY?!" and shouting curses at the person playing him. I was a bit drunk at the time though. Also saw a Sith Juggernaut called Sithlord, was hoping he'd have Sith as a legacy name so with the title he could be Lord Sithlord Sith.
  9. Magenta colour crystals are a shade of pink. Unless you mean light pink which would be hard to do because the glow would make it practically white. I've always pondered on the black lightsaber that one of the ancient sith lords once had (I don't mean the darksaber with it's black blade and white glow), it'd be kind of cool in dark rooms 'cos you'd only hear the sound, but no light would be emitted unless it emitted black light (which is a long drawn out scientific theory which may not actually be possible.) A Burgandy colour crystal would be interesting.
  10. Oh, and the Bioware division that deals with ToR is in Austin, which is in Texas, so not as Canadian as you'd think.
  11. Lol I remember the Letter From The Director that was posted at 2 a.m Japan time once, that's real dedication to a cause. Was kind of inspiring too ^.^ FFXIV v2.0 sounded really nice from all the concept art and ideas they released last year too, it'll be interesting to see in December
  12. EVE Online has a 1 hour maintenance every single day. Don't think I've ever seen their player-base complaining about it. If you don't want to pay for the professional service Bioware is providing, then go play Fly For Fun or Legend Of Edda or the other few hundred korean free2play mmo's, they have hardly any maintenance downtime ever. Of course they have a few hundred million bugs that make their games barely playable too because of it.
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