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New patch and server maintenance at peak time?


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You do NOT, EVER!!!! screw over your paying customers for a promotion weekend. period. If the servers are not ready for the weekend then move it a week. It realy is as simple as that. this is NOT an emergency patch. its a patch to enable the free weekend players to get on. that is NOT an emergency. An emergency would be an exploit or gamebreaking issue. this is neither.


But they were preparing the weekend pass so the people can PLAY.

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You do NOT, EVER!!!! screw over your paying customers for a promotion weekend. period. If the servers are not ready for the weekend then move it a week. It realy is as simple as that. this is NOT an emergency patch. its a patch to enable the free weekend players to get on. that is NOT an emergency. An emergency would be an exploit or gamebreaking issue. this is neither.


Oh Christ settle down. Poor precious snowflake, you lost a few hours. Deal.

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This should land on page 8 or 9 of people posting about how ****** it is that the servers are down and the servers have been up for 10 minutes they are just too busy QQing to notice.


maybe it's because the issue is alot bigger than just this two hour downtime, ever think of that?

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This game is dying...why are so many people complaining about not being able to play?


You would think people would barley notice a 2 hour down time, since the game is dying and full of empty servers.


Honestly this was probably was a test, one the trolls/haters of this forum failed miserably at.

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I don't blame our EU brothers for being pissed about maintenance during prime time, we all know that if they did this during American prime time hours the forums would explode with QQing so bad people might think the end of the world was upon us. Honestly, most of the EU posts are just frustrated do to the lack of information, explanations, and reasons for all the maintenance. I think it would go along way if Bioware (or whichever company handles the CS) would be a bit more open about what is going on, what they are doing, and why they are doing it.





Someone actually gets it.



But, if everyone was that understanding these past hours would not have gone by this fast, so thank god for that.


Oh well, off to work so I can come back to another downtime I guess.

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Do you really sit there thinking that they just simply decided to make European players mad? Try a dose of common sense. If the servers are going down for an unscheduled patch, something big is broken that needs fixed fast.


Or, tighten the twists on your tinfoil hat.



^^^^^^^^A wise and completely rational thought.Sadly,the ones who would benefit the most from your advice , have already lost the ability to think critically.....

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It would seem to be good customer service to have EU servers updated at an off-peak time even if the most efficient way for BW to do maintenance is all at once. I agree with the poster above that our US players would explode if this were done to them. I'm amazed at some of the confrontational posts here. If the shoe were on the other foot... Edited by Bamajawn
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I've had my playtime interrupted by the Maintenance almost never before now, apart from the odd weekend one. I have this weird thing called a job..........


I live and work in the UK.


If you are free to play during the normal weekly maintenance of SWTOR then your likely not in a major % of players UK or otherwise, certainly not if your paying for yourself.


I loose a day of game time every week, and I also have this weird think called a job, but in addition to a job, I also have kids. So, when is the best time for me to play? When I am not working (I work nights) and when the kids are in the kindergarten. Thats right, thats in the middle of the weekly maintenance!

But ofc, to you, everyone that gets affected by the weekly maintenance is an out-of-work basement dweller.....



I live and work in Norway, nearly the same time zone.


And I do realize me and others on my schedule don't make up much of the playerbase, but, still, it would be nice to be recognized in this game as well, and that the maintenance for Europe be moved to early hours (although, ofc, some would still be affected, but probably an even lesser percentage).


Just because an issue doesn't affect you, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Edited by Tigalo
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This is something I posted in the Aussie server maintenance thread, and thougt it might be good to post here as well...


All of you who have a problem with the current maintenance schedule, have a think about this.


BW does not care (they are most likely prioritising fixing the game, not the maintenance), you complain but continue paying them a subscription. What's going to happen when you cancel your subscriptions as a sign of protest? Do you think BW will still not show a care in the world when their bottom line is being affected?


Power in numbers - if enough of us cancel our subscriptions BW will be forced to make a change. I've already cancelled my subscription and I'm aware of a few others who have done the same.


Look at what we did to the retail industry in Australia - we got sick of paying them their inflated prices so we turned to buying online and caused them to go south with their revenue. The result? Bigger than normal sales and some retailers even closing. Bottom line - we were unhappy with their treatment of us and decided to do something about it (consciously or not).


So yeah, please think about cancelling your subscriptions if you are adversely affected with the current maintenance schedule. I for one will not be paying them and waiting for 3-6 months so they can fix the issue.

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Bioware is playing with fire. Taking servers down in primetime!


Welcome to Australia.


As much as I dislike server downtime at any time, the reaction to these things always gives me a giggle considering it happens every single week in this (and other games) for an entire region. Bioware/SWTOR is well ahead of the pack by actually giving us local servers, but a lack of consideration for non-US/local-to-the-developer players is commonplace (and rather human).


Personally, I'm just curious to see if they stick to their "maintenance during the time that'll affect the least people" thing if/when they open in China... cos there's a larger (potential) player base in China than the US & Chinese offpeak is US primetime =)

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Any particular reason the servers are shutting down from 6pm - 9pm GMT? Delaying a patch for a few hours shouldn't make a big difference....


no, it is vale time,

seems to be a reasonable downtime,

i can accept it.

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I work providing infrastructure management for some of the UK's larger financial institutions. I'm not particularly well funded but I do have to provide 100% up time 24/7 even though most of the end users are down the pub by 3pm and don't get up before 10 they still want all the services available all the time. So I understand a little from the other side of the fence about providing internet services and the requirement for maintenance windows, updates and patches.


I start early in the morning and generally during the week if I have a quiet day I get home at about 5pm from work. It then takes me about an hour to clean up the house, get the kids to sort their rooms and start homework and settle in. My wife starts dinner at about 6pm and I have about an hour, maybe 2 of free time. During that time I might go to the driving range, I might decide to watch the news. Yesterday I decided to play some TOR with my son. :mad:


The normal maintenance window is 8am to about 4pm here in the UK and that doesn't effect me, it doesn't effect most people who work or go to school. In holiday times you can work around scheduled maintenance as you know when they are and can arrange your time accordingly. When things break and need a fix, well it's irritating but stuff happens and you deal.


Unscheduled maintenance at peak hours (6pm to 8pm IS peak in the UK) to fix and issue that was not going to be a problem for 2 days is stupid. They should have done this patch Friday morning in their usual 2am CST window and they have not provided any reason as to why this was not the case.


It's the kind of thing that if it becomes habit will make me think twice about renewing my subscriptions. That's not a threat, just an emphasis on how badly I think they have treated their customers by not properly communication and scheduling this episode.

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^^^^^^^^A wise and completely rational thought.Sadly,the ones who would benefit the most from your advice , have already lost the ability to think critically.....


How can a patch that is there only for the weekend promotion, to ensure that they dont have more access then the weekend, have priority or should even be scheduled in prime time. They could have done it later during their normal times on friday. They could have fixed it in their normal tuesday schedule and give those that dont pay a few extra hours.

Instead they turn off the EU servers during prime time.


And to top it of later they only turn off EU servers for a patch because it is US primetime. Yet they claim that what they just did isnt possible.

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How can a patch that is there only for the weekend promotion, to ensure that they dont have more access then the weekend, have priority or should even be scheduled in prime time. They could have done it later during their normal times on friday. They could have fixed it in their normal tuesday schedule and give those that dont pay a few extra hours.

Instead they turn off the EU servers during prime time.


And to top it of later they only turn off EU servers for a patch because it is US primetime. Yet they claim that what they just did isnt possible.


But the worst bit is they patched:

1) Asian servers

2) US Servers

3) And last (and most definately least) were the EU servers...


If I hadn't of seen it I wouldn't have believed it.


BIOWARE, it seems from the server numbers that EU is pretty much half your subscriber base.


As there was well over 24 hours before the hotfix *had* to be applied couldn't you have:

A) Given us more than 15 minutes notice

B) Waited until it was not peak time


Or if A and B were not possible


C) Done the EU servers first?

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Greetings everyone,


Server maintenance schedules remain a hot topic with many members of our community. This thread was originally started in response to yesterday's unscheduled down time so we are going to go ahead and close it, but if you would like to continue the conversation about maintenance schedules in general, you may want to join the following discussions:


Weekly server maintenance EU times?

Aussie Server Maintenance


Thank you for your feedback!


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