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Invitation for all who urge server merges!


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Latest info on population of The Red Eclipse server:


Empire fleet 112

Republic fleet 102


Spread the word!!!


Really wish I could start another character there but I really REALLY dont want to grind another character all the way through all the quests I've done so far, if I did would be my 4th time, so over it, wish BW would just fix this bs and do server mergers (amongst fixing the FPS and rubberbanding etc etc, lord the bugs in this game and bad customer service makes me a sad panda)

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Really wish I could start another character there but I really REALLY dont want to grind another character all the way through all the quests I've done so far, if I did would be my 4th time, so over it, wish BW would just fix this bs and do server mergers (amongst fixing the FPS and rubberbanding etc etc, lord the bugs in this game and bad customer service makes me a sad panda)


Hey :)


Its your choice really :)


Its always a chance to make different class and have new story still 80% same quests though.


Current pops on The Red Eclipse 14:40 CET


Imperial fleet: 127

Republic fleet: 109


lvl 10-49 queues go up like in 15 seconds those for 50 took a little longer atleast when i tried republic side


Loving Mercenary on Imps and making a new char on Republic now again for Esseles.


Great community guys, keep it up.... Dromund Kaas had 100 people on earlier(an hour ago)


Spread the word!

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Loving Mercenary on Imps and making a new char on Republic now again for Esseles.




If you need heals for Esseless, I have an alt sage that will run it regular. (Masumi)

Also joined a very active lowbee level guild (Republic Legion) If anyone needs an active guild for fp/heroics when they reroll republic on Red Eclipse whisper me. (Masumi/Natsumi/Shiri'ani)

Most of the people in the guild are rerollers themselves.

Edited by Kirameki
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Thanks for your contribution.


Basically i took a week and looked over the population at peaks... and came with results that The Red Eclipse(Standard-(once Heavy) in 7 days and Tomb of Freedon Nadd Heavy(twice Very Heavy or Full) in 7 days.


Everything else was standard for 7 days... or i missed the peak on other servers i generally checked 20:00 CET


So i joined that server and started lvling got to fleet on both sides checked etc, and decided that people only complain so i came with idea for us to make our own server merge ('' '')


I have NOT checked anything for US i only put those down since they were 1st encouraged so i am thinking of removing it since its no good proof that pop is good there.


I am enjoying it on the red eclipse though... and i see people took the idea with wide opened hands, and now server is Heavy each night on peak times 19:30-23:00 CET


Which is good


Something I found interesting though, is in researching my existing servers against my full/heavy server - I found a HUGE discrepancy in populations defined as standard


Zaalbar, Lord Ieldis, Ajunta Pall and The Harbinger


Zaalbar had 20 people at peak afternoon hours on sunday, and was classified as standard; The Harbinger had 90 people at peak afternoon hours on a sunday and was also classified as standard. I have screen shots of all of the servers I visited, including that of Zakkeg Beast which, at the same time, had approximately 180 people just on the starter planet.


What concerns me, is if 20 people (as a sampling) on a fleet is considered standard, up to 80-90.. just how barren are the majority of servers listed that were hovering at light around the same time??

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What concerns me, is if 20 people (as a sampling) on a fleet is considered standard, up to 80-90.. just how barren are the majority of servers listed that were hovering at light around the same time??



Take in mind BW counts the whole server population, not just the fleet.


There might be 160 people on Dromund Kaas/Coruscant and perhaps only 5 on Fleet. Was on Red Eclipse yesterday with only 4 on fleet but when I flew to Taris to do some quests there were 57 people there.


On a sidenote : To those being rude to me that I let people know Red Eclipse is a populated server and I'm on it and I should keep myself away from topics that urge a server merge.

I also have toon on a very low populated server but instead of playing some more unknown months on a desolate server and qq about it on the forum I preferred not to waste my time on my old server and did a complete reroll. I dont mind server merges or transfer but waiting on it is a waste of time. So I kept my old chars on the old server and joined a new and now actually enjoying it with a very active guild. When tranfers come I will personally merge my legacy together, in the meantime I play with a new toon instead of going omgmyserverisdeadishmergenow.


Also keep in mind that all these topics on merge this, merge that is not positive read for possible new players and could make them not bother to sub meaning less players for this game.

Edited by Kirameki
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If anyone is looking for an EU RP server, The Progenitor had just under 100 in the fleet (Republic side) this evening. The factions are pretty evenly balanced, slightly more Imperials, but not a huge difference. The community overall is very nice.


Yes, and we have a very good pvp com on rep side lvl 10-49 bracket.

Instand warzone invites.

Some RP events.

Very friendly players on each side.


A common lfg channel, called LFG on Rep side and Flashpoint on Imp side.

The channel holonet is for IC communication.


The forum:



feel free to visit us, you are welcome :)

Edited by Pyranja
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Cleverly hidden come to my server post that should be moved like all the other ones IMO.


Yeah sure, but luckily its only in YOUR opinion that matters nothing ;)




Spread the word!


Population is flourishing guys, 3rd lvl 50 on its way, got groups for EVERY flashpoint though some took awhile :p


See you soon hopefully

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You're apparently unaware of the old axiom of "perception is reality." While your motives may be noble, your answer is lacking. ;)


Luckily as in luckily devs or better say MODS believe it is noble and did not remove it...


Whats the point of me lying? I am lvling a new character anyway, EVEN if lets say potentially i do have all chars on this realm from start... i would gain ZERO well ok a couple legacy levels...


But i hardly care for legacy, and i enjoy lvling characters.


The bottom line though is that i dont have time/will to explain to anyone if people do not trust it then simply ignore it, but those who took the idea and joined it are hopefully mostly happy on a new ''home'' enjoying together with me a better gameplay experience.


For those thinking like the guy above my reply I would only say ''mind your own business'' If you are so ''corrupted'' or ''cheating'' that does not mean everyone else would be/is

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Great numbers on The Red Eclipse even in mornings over 30 people online on either fleets...


Evening server is now constantly Heavy sometimes(sundays) going Very Heavy


Keep up the good work, tons of groups to find for esseles and BT... alot of interaction, guilds are rising...


Spread the word!

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Server population on The Red Eclipse at 12:30 CET


Republic fleet: 76

Imperial fleet 102


Spread the word and keep up the good work guys...


Pvp popping almost instant on 1-49


Loads of Esseles and BT groups also other in range of 20-35


Spread the word!


Btw edited main post for PvE East Coast... I got info from a nice player/guy who provided alot of info... make sure to check those in USA.

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Thanks for the bump, meanwhile


The Red Eclipse server at 10:50 CET:


Republic fleet: 49 people

Imperial fleet 55 people


Spread the word!


Meanwhile lvling guild called Rage on Imperial side has already got 100+ players that mostly rerolled on a new home


Contact Firegenic.


For Republic side I am in process of finding a lvling guild I am sure someone has found it and will be noted soon


Spread the word.


Btw: We need more Republic players ratio is roughly 1,80 Empire players on 1 Republic(thats how it feels since like on 10 warzones at peak we get 3-4 Huttballs Empire vs Empire

Edited by Alcarinn
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15:30 CET


Republic fleet: 139

Imperial fleet: 151


It seems there is Republic guild called re-rolled If someone knows the GM of the guild and his forum nick please post here seems its full of those that rerolled on that server

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(except a few hours around peak)


Tell you what. I like the game but I feel really violated. Why are they doing this to me?

Moving characters should have been forseen. And if not, merging servers should have been.

Its a lie that its difficult. Merging servers wouldnt give that much legacy problem, would it. You just move all characters


I'm fed up. I put my trust into Bioware/EA to deliver a MULTIPLAYER Game and all they've done is the soon™ for 2 months. My gaming experience is nonexistant.


I look at my lvl11 toon at Tomb of Freedom Naad. Which is one of the few servers that work. But I cant conect to it. I just get this feeling of an abysmal climb to reach any type of level so that I can have fun again.


I'm thinking about just deleting the characters I have so that I have no choice but to quit for good. If someone ****s with you, you have to **** them back.


Tell you what soon™ doesnt work on me any more.

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This is what this community needs at this time as BW wont be making merges soon so props to you m8 for having the balls in taking the first steps to get things going;) Edited by skotish
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This is what this community needs at this time as BW wont be making merges soon so props to you m8 for having the balls in talking the first steps to get things going;)


Thanks for that... Nice to see some people still having a sense IRL, the ''project'' is already working big time...


60+ on all 4 starting planets every day... 100+ on Dromund Kaas and roughly 200 on EITHER fleets at PEAK hours.


Still waiting for someone to inform GM of Republic guild called re-rolled to contact me asap.


Thanks in advance and Spread the word!

Edited by Alcarinn
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