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Aim for Gunslinger?


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I haven't run into this in a quick search, so I figured I'd ask...


(First of all, I have only been playing this game less than a month, when I was in college I took Algebra 3, so I know all of you out there who can graph the math for this stuff are WAY smarter than me, and you are probably better people than I am, as I am about 5 beers deep on a Wednesday night, and I also have a tendency to use run-on sentences for unnecessary exposition; they are usually perfectly punctuated, however.)


That being said, how important is the Aim stat on a Gunslinger? I'm only at level 32 now, but I tend to use my ranged attacks about as often as my tech ones. I just started looking at my stats the other night, as far as what seemed to do what, and this seemed like a non-flameworthy question of a noob.


Impart your wisdom/opinions/formulas/tripe below please.


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Every Class has a main stat, the main stat is of no use to any other class. Aim is the main stat for Troopers & Bounty Hunters. Cunning is for Smugglers / Agents. Strength is for Jedi Knights & Sith Warriors and last but not least Willpower is for Consulars & Sith Inquisitors.


Secondary stats like Endurance & Critical on the other hand apply to everyone but in different. It comes down to what build your going for, tanks tend to use more shield, absorbtion, or defense. etc etc

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I've been doing all cunning and endurance. I asked this because when i looked at the damage modifiers for ranged attacks only, cunning looked like it was around 1/5 of my total cunning vs. 1/3 of my total aim. Considering that my basic attack, and like 3 or 4 other special abilities that I rely heavily on are classified as ranged attacks, is it worth it at some point to add aim into my gear, I guess is a better way to phrase my inquiry.


Thanks for the feedback

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Please people... open your character sheet and move your mouse over each of your stats.


Am I really the only one in the whole world who does this?


One more time:


For every class whatever is their primary stat will boost all their abilities, so they should never wear gear with another classes primary stat


For a class whose primary stat is cunning


CUNNING will give

Ranged bonus damage

Ranged critical chance

Tech bonus damage

Tech critical chance


AIM will give

Ranged bonus damage

Ranged critical chance




Should be the most obvious thing in the whole world that you should wear only CUNNING gear and no AIM at all.

Besides you only get nothing but cunning gear as mission rewards, which should be pretty good clue too.


Now of course you should collect aim datacrons as aim still gives some benefit and taking datacrons you don't loose anything


But never put aim in your gear as it would just occupy a slot where you could have cunning instead.

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Somebody compared the numbers, and I think AIM gives 0.01% or so more crit per point, and about the same amount of weapon damage. However, seeing as Smuggler DPS is still reliant on both weapon and tech damage, loss of cunning cannot be made up with more Aim.
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Yep. The only reason you want Aim is in cases where it cannot be replaced with Cunning.


That means that yes, it's worth it if you want every erg of potency to go snag any +Aim Datacrons you wander by- but don't wear +Aim on gear. Cunning, Cunning, Cunning.

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i wouldnt even go for endurance.


Cunning, Power, Crit, Surge


in that order.




yeah. Endurance will come with gear anyway and you can always have extra End stim or few pieces of armor with endurance stacked if it's needed. I noticed that in PvP it doesnt matter much if I have 20k or 16k HP. If I am focused/stunlocked it won't save me anyway but if I can put more damage it will always help me.

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