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Darthater asks BW about engine optimization.


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I don't know of anyone who doesn't get a freeze opening their inventory bag or when the quest/valor updates in Ilum.


Every single one of my guildmates has this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEuFZbdJsKk


I can understand the problem, but who really does this during game play? It is not like you can switch out gear mid combat... This does not seem like a priority issue to me and would be more concerned about people that experience lag like that during normal gameplay - not some element of play that no one would realistically do.

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LOL, reminds me of the old joke...


"Hey Doctor, it hurts when I do this..."

"Then don't do that."


Having the beastliest machine in the world doesn't change the fact that your machine is having issues that are only being highlighted by a particular application. You could run apps for years never knowing you had some bad RAM... until that one day you actually ran an app that addressed the bad sector of your RAM. You will swear up and down that it's the software because everything else runs just fine. Just an example, but people are always looking at the latest software added to the system as the problem... when the problem may have been there all along just dormant.


If a lesser machine is running it just fine, you have already proven that the issue doesn't affect all machines. Thus the problem can be traced back to the individuals machine... be it hardware or software.


Simply because a lesser machine can run the game fine doesn't mean there isn't an issue with the game software. It just means for that one combination everything runs fine. This is software that should be able to run on a multitude of hardware and software configuration. God help whoever you encounter if you think that just because a bug doesn't happen on a few machines it doesn't exist and doesn't need to be fixed.

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Lol, if SWTOR looked like WoW, it would have no problem with that scenario either. WoW is hardly system intensive in any aspect.


Then how come LOTRO runs infinitely better then SWTOR while looking twice as good? I could be neck deep in the Ettinmoors and I still get better FPS then this game gets 8v8.

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It doesn't matter if you aren't having issues, a lot of people that really shouldn't are. What the **** do you think engine optimizations are in the first place? Maybe it's not working right for certain hardware. That's why it needs to be optimized.


Additionally, you're full of **** if you say Ilum runs at anything above 20fps in larger battles regardless of your configuration. That's a problem


hahaha. this is awesome.

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The game is poorly optimized but a couple of things generally stand out to me from people who have high end rigs and have problems:


1. AMD processor. I have yet to hear of anyone with an i5 or i7 with bad FPS. This game is hugely processor dependent and getting an i5 or i7 is the single best upgrade you can make.

1/2 my guild upgraded our 5 year old machines to i7s and not a single one of us has had any issues at all.


2. Nvidia video card. Again the game seems to run more reliably on ATI cards. Probably a driver issue.



A big thing is going into the properties of the shortcut and disabling visual themes and desktop composition and running as administrator. I know guys that had this increase WZ performance by over 10 FPS.

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Ok here is the deal... It is partly an Engine problem, and partly a PC problem.


BW has acknowledged that there are issues with performance in certain circumstances - such as Illum (ohhhh the horror). They have also stated that the majority of issues have come down to people's rigs being under / barley meeting the recommended settings. We know people have lied about their specs / issues because BW has called some people out on it. Can't believe everything you see on the internet / forums. And people configure their rigs in different ways which BW can't account for.


For example:


In your registry (regedit), check "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\SystemPages" On your system, is it set to 0? If not, your system is probably not performing as optimally as it should. Some software changes the value to reserve address space. The default it 0 (Zero). It's so that Windows can dynamically adjust the number of page tables available for the system address space at any given time. ATI is good for changing this value. It is a value that I always check and set it back to 0 if it ever changes, restart machine, and go on with my day.


In game testing, Taris was a BIG problem. For me, it would take upwards of 20 minutes just to load. Others, it would take 5 minutes, or 12 minutes, or 7 minutes. Different on various machines. Now once loaded, I NEVER had an issue. I could play for hours on Taris without issue; it was just loading it that was a problem. Well and the occasional FPS issue. For others, after as little as 15 minutes, it was crashing to desktop with memory errors. Personally, it never happened to me or others, but it was an issue. BW acknowledged an issue with memory on Taris; even offical launch Taris had memory issues.




You can't just blanket say "It's the Hero Engine that's the problem." Because people run different software on their systems, and because we all configure them differently it is sometimes hard to exactly determine the cause. I work as a System / Network Admin, so my system is going to be configured differently than someone who works as a Database Admin, or Developer, a SCADA Operator, an Accountant, etc.... So you may have an issue that I don't have. It may only effect certain machine configurations, while others are fine.


BW has acknowlegded that there are some performance issues they are working to correct, but the majority of issues have come down to people's rigs. And since we configure them differently, what you see as a problem, may have no effect on me.



EDIT: And BTW, I have both an AMD processor and an nVidia video card and have almost no issues running the game on max settings

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The stuttering it gets from opening the inventory and stuff is the engine.


As for the darth hater guy and his i7 with a 580 and all that running poorly, I have no idea, because I run an i5 2500k, 570, etc., and I run everything maxed and my FPS never dips below 70, regardless of what content i'm doing.


It really may be an issue with his pc, but more likely it's some sort of driver issue. Based on listening to those guys, I wouldn't be surprised at all if he's running an insanely old video card driver or something stupid.

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The game is poorly optimized but a couple of things generally stand out to me from people who have high end rigs and have problems:


1. AMD processor. I have yet to hear of anyone with an i5 or i7 with bad FPS. This game is hugely processor dependent and getting an i5 or i7 is the single best upgrade you can make.

1/2 my guild upgraded our 5 year old machines to i7s and not a single one of us has had any issues at all.


2. Nvidia video card. Again the game seems to run more reliably on ATI cards. Probably a driver issue.



A big thing is going into the properties of the shortcut and disabling visual themes and desktop composition and running as administrator. I know guys that had this increase WZ performance by over 10 FPS.


I'm running an Asus m2n32 sli deluxe with 4gb DDR2 and an AM2 940 oc'd to 3.5ghz and an nvidia gtx 285.


I have no problems with the game with an AMD and Nvidia video card.

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I used to think it was the game, I thought my card was good enough, but I took a long looks t and realized I may need an upgrade. Coughed up $130 for a new card and now I run the game smooth at 60+fps with everything maxed including shadows. At this is on a Dell box computer.
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Post a video of you running around opening the character/inventory screen with zero hitching.


dont want to sound like a jerk but why do you care about that little hitch? if you are running around opening character/inventory screen,you are probably not in a major combat situation where high fps matters.So why do you care when your on the fleet or w/e if it slightly lags when opening those? not like its gamebreaking or anything.they will fix it in time but ,imo,they have a lot more important things to fix than that.

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Simply because a lesser machine can run the game fine doesn't mean there isn't an issue with the game software. It just means for that one combination everything runs fine. This is software that should be able to run on a multitude of hardware and software configuration. God help whoever you encounter if you think that just because a bug doesn't happen on a few machines it doesn't exist and doesn't need to be fixed.


This conversation about FPS will go on and on forever. They have no intention of admitting the engine is garbage. If you ask the people who say "My FPS is fine.", they do not have a screenshot nor any FPS info available. This works in BWs favor by having massive amounts of people who know nothing about computers commenting in these threads saying everything is working properly.


Funny the friend invites and free weekends already? This game is starting to look very close to WAR. Diablo III May 15th. I bet the patch gets put back till then.

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The game is poorly optimized but a couple of things generally stand out to me from people who have high end rigs and have problems:


1. AMD processor. I have yet to hear of anyone with an i5 or i7 with bad FPS. This game is hugely processor dependent and getting an i5 or i7 is the single best upgrade you can make.

1/2 my guild upgraded our 5 year old machines to i7s and not a single one of us has had any issues at all.


2. Nvidia video card. Again the game seems to run more reliably on ATI cards. Probably a driver issue.



A big thing is going into the properties of the shortcut and disabling visual themes and desktop composition and running as administrator. I know guys that had this increase WZ performance by over 10 FPS.


I have an i7 2700k @4.6 Runs tiptop in all situations apart from ilum. I have an XFX ATI 7970 black edition. Again ilum is still gimped in the PVP zone when a big ops vs ops battle kicks off. Bottom line, the engine needs a serious kick up the ****


http://youtu.be/F2BSMSc3Anc Here is my rig going through the building stages. I hope this answers some of you questions.

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This conversation about FPS will go on and on forever. They have no intention of admitting the engine is garbage. If you ask the people who say "My FPS is fine.", they do not have a screenshot nor any FPS info available. This works in BWs favor by having massive amounts of people who know nothing about computers commenting in these threads saying everything is working properly.


Funny the friend invites and free weekends already? This game is starting to look very close to WAR. Diablo III May 15th. I bet the patch gets put back till then.


Runs great on my PC...like a dream in fact.


Oh and Diablo 3 will be meh. Not launching with any PvP at all....What? LMAO

Edited by Derfmiolleh
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This conversation about FPS will go on and on forever. They have no intention of admitting the engine is garbage. If you ask the people who say "My FPS is fine.", they do not have a screenshot nor any FPS info available. This works in BWs favor by having massive amounts of people who know nothing about computers commenting in these threads saying everything is working properly.


Funny the friend invites and free weekends already? This game is starting to look very close to WAR. Diablo III May 15th. I bet the patch gets put back till then.


Because it obviously isn't garbage. I'm not going to say there isn't some optimization that needs to take place, but saying the engine doesn't work when it clearly does for many people is a little hyperbolic.


This game has nothing to fear from Diablo III, they aren't even the same genre. From some of the stuff I've heard/read about Diablo III it isn't going to be anything to write home about.

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