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1.2 release date?


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I'm not waiting till Early May (with possibility of slippage) to play a game with a 2004 UI, not if I'm paying for it.


Judging by this, I don't think you will be happy no matter what. For the sake of your own enjoyment, I would recommend you unsub.

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IBW simply did not provide enough for any serious gamer to keep playing their game.


It's really telling that players like you who have a beef against the game and Bioware are incapable of stating your case without feeling an urge to belittle everyone else.

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I wish they'd implement things in smaller patches rather than 1 large patch. I want the new crafting now. That would hold me over and let me prep for the ops and such. I realize then, of course, there could be new bugs associated with the new crafting. Well there's going to be bugs with the huge giant patch NO MATTER WHAT. Making me wait without giving me a heads up with a time reference is dumb. I am a patient person, but I've done everything there is to do in this game up to this point. I don't want to roll another 50. I don't want to create the mirror image of my imp toons on pub side. There's somethings I don't want to do. PVP isn't all that challenging, I have my BM gear. I have ALOT of free time, I seriously beat this game. This is an MMO, you're not supposed to be able to beat the game. I DID. I beat the game by doing everything there was to do. Now all I can do is set arbitrary goals amassing wealth for absolutely no reason.


Without a proposed release date, how am I to justify continuing my subscription? I know for a fact that 1.2 will come out, and I will play it. But I want to have an idea of when. In the mean time I need to find something else to do. I've been thinking of this new thing they invented called jogging and going out doors. It sounds frightful, but I need something to do with my time. I have ALOT of free time.


What's going to happen with this game, and is happening, is alot of people are going to cancel their subs and move on only to learn 1.2 dropped. People will log back on, get hooked for awhile, beat the game again and then wait for the next patch. That's how players are in these games. But that doesn't mean we don't want to know when 1.2 will come out. What if we have to balance our entertainment budget? What if I subbed to a different game or played ME3 or something? I'm not going to resub to SWTOR if I already spent money on another game that month.

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I was originally hoping for an April 10th release date, but after reading the PTS forums I feel like they need more testing time. :/ I am starting to get tired of waiting but at the same time I'd rather not get frustrated by glitches that could've been prevented through testing. Bioware just needs to pick up the pace and make PTS copies easier...


Anyways I'm not holding high expectations so I'm thinking anytime before end of April = ok release date.

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I rather them push it back honestly. This patch is massive, and with some considering that the game hinges on this patches success any major flaws could be detrimental to the future of TOR.


Testing is already hard as you cannot transfer finished characters into the PTS, and a lot of the changes are end game oriented.


This, totally, 100% agree!

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Are they planning to raise the level cap in this patch:confused:


And if not, does anyone know when they plan to ;)


Thanks in advance :cool:


No level cap increase in 1.2.


That will probably occur in an xpac which I would guess is a year+ from now.

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Its a shame that it isn't coming out till after pax east.


There are things in 1.2 that are really patches and fixes to the existing game, quests and class balance. Now I can fully understand why the new systems and Ops need a lot of testing but to hold back on fixes to companions and quests is a little annoying. These are things that effect paying customers and shouldn't be delayed while the new opperation gets tested.

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Tell a child that you should be able to afford a new toy gun next week, and you'll regret it when he screams and cries and calls you a liar when you explain that you just didn't have the money you thought you did and he'd have to wait another week.


Terrible analogy aside, I honestly want this patch a lot, I'm waiting to re-roll because of it, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the game as is until it comes. If you cannot play this game right now, chances are this patch won't hook you to the point where it'll just be your game.

Honestly, I would love for them to release it before spring break (Power of Christ compel me, I don't even have a son!). But if they release it before it's ready, people will be more upset than if they push it back to even the end of May.


I get we're all contributing $15 a month, but don't act as if that's a fortune. Sure, it builds up, but so do your checks. If they don't, at least a little bit, maybe this game isn't really a chief concern? Besides, you could merely cancel your sub, and come back later.

Point is, when they announce a release date, you will know, if not by the launcher, by weekly check-ups.


Contrary to evident popular belief, the costumer is not always right. Give them time to make sure when we get this, we are satisfied with it. To an extent, considering most people aren't ever satisfied. :rolleyes:

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:( I also believe some of the items in this patch could have been released, instead of hording them into one big update.


It makes me feel like this was done because they can promote how many new features and content they are releasing in this update.


I also am disappointed that it likely won't get released until after PAX. Again I think that is partially because they can use PaX to announce a date which I expect to be late April or Early May with the bugs on the test server.


Really disappointing since they advised when 1.1 was released that 1.2 was planned for March and then in March they said Early April and it appears it won't be making that date either.

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I want to know the ETA of 1.2 as well... Being a mount hoarder I have been doing non-stop PvP to get to Valor Rank 65 for the Korrealis Prince... I'm 62 / 65 and if it comes out this Tuesday I would be crushed for missing it by 1 or 2 Valor levels. My guild leader tells me he believes it'll be the 2nd week of April, I pray he is right. Please BioWare, give us an ETA so we can all stop going nuts!!
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<snip> Please BioWare, give us an ETA so we can all stop going nuts!!


They would be crazy to say anything till they are ready to release. The way these forums QQ about everything, if they missed the date all "HE double hockey sticks" would break loose.

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They would be crazy to say anything till they are ready to release. The way these forums QQ about everything, if they missed the date all "HE double hockey sticks" would break loose.


Well than my question for you is will they give a release date once they are ready? Because from your statement we can assume that since there isn't one yet, that they aren't releasing it within the next week?

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yeah they have to keep all the people praying that it will fix the fps issues in for another month of subs before the game goes free to play you know . =)


Sad but true .. There's been a lot of info coming out on 1.2 lately though .. It would be stupid to hype something still a month away .. and tbh the patch should ve been out a month ago .. now .. it probably won't even matter .. a lot of servers, including ours, are dead after march subs ran out.

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Well than my question for you is will they give a release date once they are ready? Because from your statement we can assume that since there isn't one yet, that they aren't releasing it within the next week?


That is correct, they are NOT releasing it within the next week. Or I bet the week after...

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Well than my question for you is will they give a release date once they are ready? Because from your statement we can assume that since there isn't one yet, that they aren't releasing it within the next week?


I would wager that it's not coming out within a week because of Friday's Q&A about 1.2. They said they're going to give out more answers about 1.2 next week, which would be somewhat redundant if 1.2 dropped with Tuesday's patch. I definitely wouldn't be shocked to see it within the next two weeks though.

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