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1.2 release date?


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Frankly I don't care when it drops, but I want more than a couple days notice.



They cant do that, if they give you more than a couple of days notice, then something might change, and people would scream "liars" at the top of their lungs


The community as a whole is not mature enough to handle more than a couple of days notice.


If there is one thing the people in this community have taught them in no uncertain terms, is that they are not to ever say anything at all about their plans until they are 100% cast in stone.

Edited by Dayln
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K I'm going to put in my 2 cents worth. First I am a business owner myself and can sympathize with BW, they don't want to release something unfinished. That in itself would be bad for business. That's the same reason there is no set release date yet for 1.2. By setting a release date and missing it would be bad for business. people could leave because they feel BW is unreliable simply for missing a release date for an Update or Expansion.


That said, at the same time they don't want to wait too long before releasing 1.2. They are in the business to make money. And people will get fed up and leave if BW takes too long in releasing new content, which means a loss in revenue generated.


So their actually in a bind, if they wait too long they loose money from subscribers leaving due to no new content. If they release it too early, people could leave cause of the bugs.


Which is the lesser of two evils?

Edited by APhantasm
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K I'm going to put in my 2 cents worth. First I am a business owner myself and can sympathize with BW, they don't want to release something unfinished. That in itself would be bad for business. That's the same reason there is no set release date yet for 1.2. By setting a release date and missing it would be bad for business. people could leave because they feel BW is unreliable simply for missing a release date for an Update or Expansion.


That said, at the same time they don't want to wait too long before releasing 1.2. They are in the business to make money. And people will get fed up and leave if BW takes too long in releasing new content, which means a loss in revenue generated.


So their actually in a bind, if they wait too long they loose money from subscribers leaving due to no new content. If they release it too early, people could leave cause of the bugs.


Which is the lesser of two evils?


Option 3: Break the big patch up into smaller patches and release new stuff as it becomes ready. Don't hold up features a, b and c just because feature d and e aren't ready.


That'd be my vote.

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This patch will be tested better on the PTS than any that have come so far. Saturday night I started a new character to check out changes, there were 147 people on Korriban in instance #1, and there were 2 instances.


There is a reason there were that many people on Korriban. EVERYONE had to start their toon from scratch. I bet there weren't that many people testing the new FP, Ops, warzone, or playing around with the legacy system. I bet there weren't that many people doing all of those things combined!!!


I hope that after this patch get out and bugs get worked out, they will take a couple devs and have them implement the character copy / premade system like WOW has. We have toons that we already leveled on live. Most of us don't want to level the same class again to test out upcomming content.


I assure you that there would be a lot more people testing on the PTS if character copy / premade were implemented. More people testing = larger sampling of data for the devs to judge how the content will hold up. It also gives them a better chance of discovering bugs and tuning issues with new content.

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Option 3: Break the big patch up into smaller patches and release new stuff as it becomes ready. Don't hold up features a, b and c just because feature d and e aren't ready.


That'd be my vote.


This sounds like a simple enough solution, but doing this would actually slow it down more. Each of the patches has to be tested multiple ways, multiple times. In and of itself, this wouldn't necessarily slow things down. But when a patch becomes live, the code just fragmented. Now any bug fixes applied to the live system force re-testing of the update, pushing it back. Even for small changes, the total update could then take much longer.


While I find it strange that people make decisions about whether or not to continue their subscription based on new content coming out quickly enough, I do accept that Bioware can use this for their marketing and to build excitement in the community. Massive changes are more exciting than a couple of small ones.

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I have no reason to log in anymore and haven't logged on for almost a week now. I'm not trying to brag, but I guess you can say I "beat" the current content.


* I have full Battlemaster gear and 8 extra BM comms.

* I hit War Hero legitly before valor increase and now there's a dozen of them on both factions.

* Only 20% of my friends list actually log on anymore. When I get home from work there's maybe 3-5 friends on and its hard to put together a premade.


* PvE gear is so ridiculously easy to get. I mean, I raided for two weeks and got a full Rakata set. I remember Naxxramas in WOTLK launch and it dragged on agonizingly for several months. The encounters aren't even hard, even on nightmare.

* I have 4 mil cash. I don't think its a lot, but its likely enough to pay for augmented gear next patch.

* I got bored leveling my alt after lvl 25.




TLDR; patch 1.2 needs to be the Jesus patch. :(

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Option 3: Break the big patch up into smaller patches and release new stuff as it becomes ready. Don't hold up features a, b and c just because feature d and e aren't ready.


That'd be my vote.


THIS....at least give us the cool new UI setup FFS, I've been suffering with the tiny text for months now, let us scale our UI and play with our hotbars already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I personally believe they should drop 1.2 right now and do the bug fixes as they go along. Holy ****, like we're not all used to that by now. I played Taral 5 for the first time yesterday, cannot see target errors galore. I give 2 ####s that peoples eyes are pink. I have 2 lvl 50s on one server and a 38 on another. I don't really want to level the 38 up on the high pop server because I already know there's no point and the game becomes the same dead end. It's been the same dead end for 4 months. I've seen 2 guilds I've been in stop doing 16 man ops because people have stopped logging on. Why did they stop logging on? Because they got all the gear and there is nothing to do.


This game is cementing its reputation of the one that has nothing to do once you hit level 50. That is why the patch needs a release date. The promise of something to do. Other games are coming out, if Bioware wants to keep their foothold in this market they need to step it up and be aggressive.

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I personally believe they should drop 1.2 right now and do the bug fixes as they go along. Holy ****, like we're not all used to that by now. I played Taral 5 for the first time yesterday, cannot see target errors galore. I give 2 ####s that peoples eyes are pink. I have 2 lvl 50s on one server and a 38 on another. I don't really want to level the 38 up on the high pop server because I already know there's no point and the game becomes the same dead end. It's been the same dead end for 4 months. I've seen 2 guilds I've been in stop doing 16 man ops because people have stopped logging on. Why did they stop logging on? Because they got all the gear and there is nothing to do.


This game is cementing its reputation of the one that has nothing to do once you hit level 50. That is why the patch needs a release date. The promise of something to do. Other games are coming out, if Bioware wants to keep their foothold in this market they need to step it up and be aggressive.


Yup, they suuuuuuure do, and I hope more endgame content is coming soon down the pipe as well, nothing worse than grinding your gear only to have nothing to do afterward.

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Ipredict that 1.2 willl hit some time after april 20th.

Because doing so will force those on the fence about keeping there swtor sub active.

Basically making those that are so so about staying resub for 1 more month if they want to see 1.2

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Ipredict that 1.2 willl hit some time after april 20th.

Because doing so will force those on the fence about keeping there swtor sub active.

Basically making those that are so so about staying resub for 1 more month if they want to see 1.2


I think that would have the opposite effect. Right now a lot of people are just letting their subscription end. BIOWARE needs to give people a reason to log in and get interested before their subscription ends and have THAT convince them to want to keep playing.

Edited by AislingKerrigan
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So you pay for your car too, go tell the car company the date they are to release a new model


Give it a rest, pushing against an arbitrary date is what causes problems with games/patches and updates


Release it when it is ready, not before


A car is an item you buy with a one time fee assessed to it when you buy it. This game is an item, plus a service you pay monthly for. That service is to cover expansions and updates to the game.



Car: One time purchase.

SWTOR: Recurring payment for a service.


Your comparison makes no sense.

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A car is an item you buy with a one time fee assessed to it when you buy it. This game is an item, plus a service you pay monthly for. That service is to cover expansions and updates to the game.



Car: One time purchase.

SWTOR: Recurring payment for a service.


Your comparison makes no sense.


Um, when you buy a car, you have to pay may fees to keep it in running order. Gots to buy gas, change the oil, buy insurance. . . All of these things are reoccurring. If you don't pay, you can't play. If you don't gas up, you don't drive.


So in that light, his comparison makes perfect sense :D

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Ipredict that 1.2 willl hit some time after april 20th.

Because doing so will force those on the fence about keeping there swtor sub active.

Basically making those that are so so about staying resub for 1 more month if they want to see 1.2


Actually you would be wrong. If its not out before the 20th when people's subscriptions would end. They may not renew cause of the lack of new content. Why keep playing a game your now bored with, unless there is something new and fun to do. That's why they need to get this out before the 20th. That way people will have something new to do, and will resubscribe.

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Drop patch early with some bugs: QQ

Wait with patch till it is polished: QQ


Unfortunately, doing things perfectly and blindingly fast isn't quite possible yet. Obviuosly everyone wishes it was, but both they and we must live with how it is.


I agree that you can't make everyone happy all the time, but come on... Don't you think BW is using this time to build hype for 1.2 in hopes of attracting new customers and/or retaining current ones? Over at mmorpg.com, how many videos / articles have been released detailing 1.2 or showing it in action? They're milking all the PR they can get out of the patch, and I don't blame them -- it makes good business sense (to a point anyway).


The team is probably working on a build 2 or 3 patches ahead of 1.2 right now. 1.2 will be released to live as soon as they've gotten every last drop of PR out of it that they can.

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I agree that you can't make everyone happy all the time, but come on... Don't you think BW is using this time to build hype for 1.2 in hopes of attracting new customers and/or retaining current ones? Over at mmorpg.com, how many videos / articles have been released detailing 1.2 or showing it in action? They're milking all the PR they can get out of the patch, and I don't blame them -- it makes good business sense (to a point anyway).


The team is probably working on a build 2 or 3 patches ahead of 1.2 right now. 1.2 will be released to live as soon as they've gotten every last drop of PR out of it that they can.


Pretty much this. I mean, it's a new post every day on Facebook talking about the features in 1.2. It's been beaten so many times, it's turning to dust.

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