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1.2 release date?


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Bioware, I'm so tired of this stalling. Just set a date and release it on that date. If you think you'll be ready in one week, set it for two or three weeks and everyone will be happy when it releases ontime, on the day it was originally scheduled to release. I really don't care when 1.2 is pushed through to release servers, so long as we have a date. Stop this vague crud like sometime in April, or "next week", which never turns out to be next week.


You gave us 1.1.5 that encouraged us to credit and PvP grind for items that would no longer be available in 1.2. That being said, don't you think it would be nice for your customers to have a solid date to know how much they should grind ever day for these soon-to-be-discontinued items? Why grind more if I'm not sure I'll even get there when 1.2 is announced only days before it's released?


This blatant lack of communication and customer respect is killing off your less reliable customers, and it sure as heck puts your more loyal customers like me just another notch tighter in their POed belt.


Again, I'm not screaming for sooner, I'm just screaming for a solid date.

Edited by cipher_nemo
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Can you blame people for being mad? How hard would it to just come out and make an offical statement on the progress on 1.2. Yes yes we all know stuff happens, problems need to be fixed, and bugs worked on. People are at the breaking point for staying or cancelling.
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It's not work or a job.

Unsub till they release the part of the game that should have been out when they launched.



Might make them hurry:)


We're talking about a company that basically called their consumers tools because they didn't like what they were given.


I have lost all faith in EAWare.

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Bioware, I'm so tired of this stalling. Just set a date and release it on that date. If you think you'll be ready in one week, set it for two or three weeks and everyone will be happy when it releases ontime, on the day it was originally scheduled to release. I really don't care when 1.2 is pushed through to release servers, so long as we have a date. Stop this vague crud like sometime in April, or "next week", which never turns out to be next week.


You gave us 1.1.5 that encouraged us to credit and PvP grind for items that would no longer be available in 1.2. That being said, don't you think it would be nice for your customers to have a solid date to know how much they should grind ever day for these soon-to-be-discontinued items?


This blatant lack of communication and customer respect is killing off your less reliable customers, and it sure as heck puts your more loyal customers like me just another notch tighter in their POed belt.


Again, I'm not screaming for sooner, I'm just screaming for a solid date.


Why should they set a date before it is ready?


Why should they give this community any information before it is ready?


They clearly cannot communicate, the community will not tolerate any information that is any less than 100% cast in stone, they call hopes a deadline, they call the phrase "we would like to" into a solemn promise


This community has been clearly telling Bioware for a long long time now not to communicate ANY information until it is 100% cast in stone. If you want Bioware to behave differently, then the community must behave differently. I don’t see that happening.

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Can you blame people for being mad? How hard would it to just come out and make an offical statement on the progress on 1.2. Yes yes we all know stuff happens, problems need to be fixed, and bugs worked on. People are at the breaking point for staying or cancelling.


Think about who we're talking about here. The 'Worst Company in America' according to the Consumerist, and winner of the 'Golden Poo' achievement, I believe from Game Informer or IGN.

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Why should they set a date before it is ready?


Why should they give this community any information before it is ready?


When your revenue relies on monthly subs, it's generally not a good idea to give people a reason to cancel said subs. I guarentee a lot more people will cancel subs because they're tired of waiting, then would if they actually gave a base time line. Even a week. Especially for those people that are after certain pieces of gear.


They clearly cannot communicate, the community will not tolerate any information that is any less than 100% cast in stone, they call hopes a deadline, they call the phrase "we would like to" into a solemn promise


This community has been clearly telling Bioware for a long long time now not to communicate ANY information until it is 100% cast in stone. If you want Bioware to behave differently, then the community must behave differently. I don’t see that happening.


There are always a few whinners and criers that complain whenever a loose date is not met. Probably not nearly as many as the crowd that just want's more then 'Sometime in April'.

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Can you blame people for being mad? How hard would it to just come out and make an offical statement on the progress on 1.2. Yes yes we all know stuff happens, problems need to be fixed, and bugs worked on. People are at the breaking point for staying or cancelling.


Yes, I can, because most posters here are the most unreasonable beings I have ever seen.


It bascially does not matter if 1.2. will come out tomorrow or next month, because as allways, people will rage. They will scream it is too late, there are too many bugs, too much fluff, too litle content. 4 months after release I see demands for new playable races, more warzones, more operations, more gear, more everything. Right now and for free.


I really wonder it that many forum goers are just plain stupid or they do it for the sake of trolling.

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Think about who we're talking about here. The 'Worst Company in America' according to the Consumerist, and winner of the 'Golden Poo' achievement, I believe from Game Informer or IGN.


i think this very hard to believe. you have sports brands that use child labour in sweat shops. and confectionery companys that use child labor to gather coco because its cheaper. big brand fish suppliers using illegal fishing practices. and lets not even start on the world banking system, and you think EA would be number1 choice for worst company. that poll is very flawed

Edited by grandmthethird
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Manage expectations?


How do you manage expectations when someone ( in this thread ) takes a statement they made about hoping for an early april release made quite some time ago into the word “deadline” or “promise”?


The problem is the level of maturity ( regardless of age, there are 30 year olds that act like 12 year olds ) what this community has communicated clearly to Bioware, is that they cannot handle any information that is not 100% cast in stone, which means never tell them anything until 3 days before a release.


In the adult world you can manage expectations, but this is not the adult world.


I believe the average age of players in most MMO's is considered "adult" (MMO Demographics, while somewhat dated, I think it holds true for today). And a good percentage are married. So, yes, they need to manage expectations in this environment, because when they don't, they are treating everyone like they are "kids" and that is usually counter productive when dealing with adults.


Maturity is certainly relative and doesn't always correlate to one's age, but throwing a broad brush statement about how these players are all immature and should be treated as such is somewhat dubious.


There are ways to communicate that aren't coy and condescending.


A statement like, "While we know that our players are very excited, as we are, about the changes coming in v1.2, we are working hard to make sure that the content lives up to our promises. As such, we are not releasing a specific date, but rather giving a date range of sometime in April or May for this release. However, as we get closer to the date, hopefully at least 2 weeks out, we will give a more definitive date and will do everything to hit that date once set. If things change, you will be the first to know." vs. "next week" when responding to when we will know something. It leaves a lot of room for speculation and interpretation. I think this is intentional, as is evidenced by most of their Q&A answers... "We definitely want to do something like that and are looking in to it". <-- That's helpful :rolleyes:


More up to date stats on demographics (Here)

Edited by Meldwyn
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i think this very hard to believe. you have sports brands that use child labour in sweat shops. and confectionery companys that use child labor to gather coco because its cheaper. big brand fish suppliers using illegal fishing practices. and lets not even start on the world banking system, and you think EA would be number1 choice for worst company. that poll is very flawed


1. I never said that the Consumerist is all knowing.

2. I don't know who their primary audience is.

3. I just got the highlights, so I'm not sure what the criteria were for the nominees.

4. It beat out GameStop, Bank of American, and Wal Mart. That's bad.

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It bascially does not matter if 1.2. will come out tomorrow or next month, because as allways, people will rage. They will scream it is too late, there are too many bugs, too much fluff, too litle content. 4 months after release I see demands for new playable races, more warzones, more operations, more gear, more everything. Right now and for free.

1.2 falls short. It's the end of the last shred of open world PvP objectives and there's little to look forward to in it for me.

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They waited too long. I realize the patch has bugs and needs extensive Q&A, but they need to balance the wait time.


This patch was supposed to come out in March - then early April - it's already mid April.

I learned my lesson, I am never going to sub beyond 1 month periods ever again.

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They waited too long. I realize the patch has bugs and needs extensive Q&A, but they need to balance the wait time.


This patch was supposed to come out in March - then early April - it's already mid April.

I learned my lesson, I am never going to sub beyond 1 month periods ever again.


They still have a few days before true mid-April. We can hope.

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I don't understand everyone's intent on getting it now.



Remember how ****** the game was with 1.0? Yea, its because they rushed the **** out of it. 1.2 was supposed to be launch. Let them take their damn time fixing it and making it work.

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1. I never said that the Consumerist is all knowing.

2. I don't know who their primary audience is.

3. I just got the highlights, so I'm not sure what the criteria were for the nominees.

4. It beat out GameStop, Bank of American, and Wal Mart. That's bad.


my quoting you was no way sposed to be a dig at you. its not that i don't believe what you wrote and i shouldn't have started with "i find it hard to believe" i should have started with "i'm gob smacked".


my post was just me pointing out that there are much worse companys in america with much worse practices. and i would love to know myself how EA won. surely making a bad game doesn't equate to "worse company", there must be more too it

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They waited too long. I realize the patch has bugs and needs extensive Q&A, but they need to balance the wait time.


This patch was supposed to come out in March - then early April - it's already mid April.

I learned my lesson, I am never going to sub beyond 1 month periods ever again.


While I think that the people here need to chill the eff out, I agree that this "1 huge content patch" is a terrible idea. Too much to test and it gets pushed back again and again. I sincerely hope they learn their lesson and, in the future, release stuff incrementally.


1.2 could have been released in order of necessity. First the ops and class changes so the operations have intended difficulty. Then Warzones, then flashpoint, then Legacy. Of course, relevant bug fixes with the topic of the patch I.E operation bug fixes with the 1st batch. The rest of the things could have been left for last, like UI stuff etc.


I know some would argue that THEIR choice of gameplay should always come first but it would be better to soak that in than what we have now. Guilds falling apart left and right and, like I said in another post awhile ago, the mentality has heavily shifted from "I hope it comes soon" to "I don't care anymore".

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I believe the average age of players in most MMO's is considered "adult" (MMO Demographics, while somewhat dated, I think it holds true for today). And a good percentage are married. So, yes, they need to manage expectations in this environment, because when they don't, they are treating everyone like they are "kids" and that is usually counter productive when dealing with adults.


Maturity is certainly relative and doesn't always correlate to one's age, but throwing a broad brush statement about how these players are all immature and should be treated as such is somewhat dubious.


There are ways to communicate that aren't coy and condescending.


A statement like, "While we know that our players are very excited, as we are, about the changes coming in v1.2, we are working hard to make sure that the content lives up to our promises. As such, we are not releasing a specific date, but rather giving a date range of sometime in April or May for this release. However, as we get closer to the date, hopefully at least 2 weeks out, we will give a more definitive date and will do everything to hit that date once set. If things change, you will be the first to know." vs. "next week" when responding to when we will know something. It leaves a lot of room for speculation and interpretation. I think this is intentional, as is evidenced by most of their Q&A answers... "We definitely want to do something like that and are looking in to it". <-- That's helpful :rolleyes:


More up to date stats on demographics (Here)


Well said. This is all that I ask for personally. I know stuff takes time and you hit snags along the way but if they would just come out and tell us what the hell is going on I would be a much happier consumer. I am just tired of all this secret squirrel crap and open vague communication they gave us.

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I'm amused by the "adults" who think that the community becoming upset with the constant PR flip-flopping is unjustified. It is completely justified to start becoming upset and question things when you are being jerked around.


The PR manager for this game gave some coy reponses on twitter to questions concerning the 1.2 release PR gaffes. These did little to appease an upset section of the playerbase. It had the opposite effect. Being sarcastic in two word twitter responses is perceived as dismissive and rude.


As for a previous poster who did not list all the bugs he was mentioning and got called "brash". That really is rich. There are TONS of bugs still from release. No - not gonna list them all for you in spoonfeed format. We have all played this game. Some notice the bugs and remember and can list them for an hour. Others see the bugs and move on with the game they are enjoying. The fact that there are still tons of bugs from release - so completely true it's not worth questioning.


My personal favourite - When they say they have fixed it in the patch notes but really have not. Happened at least twice now that I can remember.


Oh and they said Early April..... thats gone and no real word from them... Poor communication. Poor PR.

Edited by Blownglass
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Why should they set a date before it is ready?


Why should they give this community any information before it is ready?


They clearly cannot communicate, the community will not tolerate any information that is any less than 100% cast in stone, they call hopes a deadline, they call the phrase "we would like to" into a solemn promise


This community has been clearly telling Bioware for a long long time now not to communicate ANY information until it is 100% cast in stone. If you want Bioware to behave differently, then the community must behave differently. I don’t see that happening.


I think I love you.


No, but seriously, he/she has a point. In nearly ever instance in the past where Bioware has stated they are "shooting" for a time-frame, the community here has devoured them like flesh eating piranhas the second they pass their optimistic goals. They said April. Is April over? No.


But really, I have to ask, what is so wrong with some time in April? If they told you April 30th would that make the wait any less than if they didn't tell you? It is four weeks, people. If you are not patient enough to handle a four week window, wow, perhaps you need more things to fill out your day?

Edited by Dolcia
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The problem is they have said one thing and then another with no content so to speak.


We are the share holders, without us there is NO GAME. I am not saying I want 1.2 "RIGHT this MINUTE" What I want are answers as to why it is taking so long.


1) what cause the delay

2) How are you improving the day to day progress on the implitations of this and future patches.

3) Where is a timeline that you can show us as progress from start to launch of 1.2


Most of us all we ask for is Communication it goes a long way, just talk to us, tell us what is going on. What we can expect to be certian this week. Maybe short term guarantes that wont keep us in empty space.


Instead of giving us previews of what 1.2 can offer, why not hold a press conference as to why there is a delay. And that most people are paying the 15 bucks a month just to sit around while waiting for 1.2 to drop that was said to be a month ago.


As for myself I bought the 6 month block of time, so I got about till AUG 1 till it runs out and "IF" 1.2 drops by then and if it does not blow my mind while we get a 1.3 is in the works. That may be my last day.


As a true star wars fan, I wanted to love this game, and wanted to hold on to the fact that I am a star wars fan first and stick through the bad, however, again all I ask for is communication from a source that is dependable as to why the shortcomings on patches that they dangle in front of us.


"1.2 better hit before 5.15 at dawn or there will be hell to pay"

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Now: "Release 1.2 now, we don't care if there are some bugs!"


Once 1.2 releases: "OMG there's bugs, you should have taken an extra month to make sure it was bug free!"



Guarantee it'll be the same people both times.


As for why they don't communicate... let's look back at every single time they communicate.



BW dev- "Hello forum, next week we intend-"


Player 1- "omg he just confirmed game's going f2p!"

player 2- "that nerf to my class is rediculous!"

player 3- "xpac next week already? lol fail BW"


player 5- "GW2 isn't going to be like that, unsubbing"

player 6- "lol pandas"

player 7- "y dos BW nevr talk 2 us?"

player 8- "Clearly this is an illuminata conspiracy- William Wallace has been brought back from the dead to lead zombie Scotland to freedom, and they're using this game to brainwash you into supporting it."


BW dev- ".... to fix a bug-"




BW dev- "... where we won't be taking down the servers-"


player 10- "y dos this game even has bugs after 6 years and 500 billion dollars spent? maybe they shud be gud programmrs like me am is"

Edited by fungihoujo
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Now: "Release 1.2 now, we don't care if there are some bugs!"


Once 1.2 releases: "OMG there's bugs, you should have taken an extra month to make sure it was bug free!"



Guarantee it'll be the same people both times.


You forgot to add that they unsub because they are paying to beta test. Incidentally, it's the exact same people who said the exact same thing with 1.1.

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I think I love you.


No, but seriously, he/she has a point. In nearly ever instance in the past where Bioware has stated they are "shooting" for a time-frame, the community here has devoured them like flesh eating piranhas the second they pass their optimistic goals. They said April. Is April over? No.


But really, I have to ask, what is so wrong with some time in April? If they told you April 30th would that make the wait any less than if they didn't tell you? It is four weeks, people. If you are not patient enough to handle a four week window, wow, perhaps you need more things to fill out your day?


I take it that you think BW can do no wrong? Make no missteps? Doesn't need to learn anything?


This game is new, as is the developer to this genre... I assure you, in their back rooms, they are scrambling at times and trying to figure things out on the fly (as most businesses do when delving in to new ventures). They will hit the mark sometimes and other times they won't.


Hopefully, when they don't, they learn from it. Unfortunately, their communication methods and style leave a little to be desired from a consumer perspective, imo.

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