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Force users should be more powerful! Than Non-force Users!


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Sith inquisitor








All force users should be powerful


Secondary is Bounty hunter


They can stand up to force users and beat weak ones, but Shouldn't beat strong ones.


Agent / trooper / smuggler are kind of minion roles.


How can they match a force user? unless they can resist the force since they have force potential themselves!?!




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I'm trying to understand in comparison to movies and lore etc.



It's all Sith, Darth, and the emperor etc. the Emperor is a force user.


the only significant one you hear about in Lore who was a non-force user was mandalore.

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Sith inquisitor








All force users should be powerful


Secondary is Bounty hunter


They can stand up to force users and beat weak ones, but Shouldn't beat strong ones.


Agent / trooper / smuggler are kind of minion roles.


How can they match a force user? unless they can resist the force since they have force potential themselves!?!





That doesn't work for simple balancing reasons, you can't have alpha classes in a multiplayer setting.

The game you're looking for is called "Force Unleashed"...

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Sith inquisitor








All force users should be powerful


Secondary is Bounty hunter


They can stand up to force users and beat weak ones, but Shouldn't beat strong ones.


Agent / trooper / smuggler are kind of minion roles.


How can they match a force user? unless they can resist the force since they have force potential themselves!?!





I agree!


Lets just make one class and let everyone play the same class that is the most powerful....:confused:

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Sith inquisitor





All force users should be powerful


Your argument is wrong

I do play Sith Inquisitor but I still say Your argument is wrong reason?

Being able to tap in the living force and being able to use the force does not make you "God" even though many force users in recorded past have thought so. You still die, there are loads of ways to even the odds against the force users, here are just few to point out:

  • Poisons
  • Drugs
  • Normal bullets ( not energy weapons )

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Sith inquisitor








All force users should be powerful


Secondary is Bounty hunter


They can stand up to force users and beat weak ones, but Shouldn't beat strong ones.


Agent / trooper / smuggler are kind of minion roles.


How can they match a force user? unless they can resist the force since they have force potential themselves!?!




"king of terrible ideas"

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Force Users ARE more powerful. Does that mean they do more damage? Sometimes. Force power doesn't make you omnipotent, all powerful, so you can just wave your hand and deflect everything that is shot at you. I agree with an earlier poster. You must have lost a 1v1 duel to a smuggler or agent or maybe even a trooper. Seriously, OP. Some characters in the Star Wars universe DO use projectile weapons with solid ammunition JUST to kill Force users. Wrenga Jixton uses twin slug thrower pistols for just such a case. As does Boba Fett on occasion.
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You just have to use your imagination and pretend that all the non-force players and elites in the game are exceptional beings that could stand up to a force user.


I thought one way they could have balanced the lore with class balance was to make non-force users less powerful, but have an extra companion out with them (in groups of 4, they could still have one companion instead of none). After all, jedi often go around in pairs, but troopers would have a squadon (in this case, three).

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Sith inquisitor








All force users should be powerful


Secondary is Bounty hunter


They can stand up to force users and beat weak ones, but Shouldn't beat strong ones.


Agent / trooper / smuggler are kind of minion roles.


How can they match a force user? unless they can resist the force since they have force potential themselves!?!




The Bounty Hunter and Trooper both have armor which offers heavy protections, a ton of training/experience/talent, and the like - it's likely that a fantastic commando could beat at least your average Jedi.


The Smuggler and the Agent are both classes which rely on intelligent, dirty tricks and concealment, and a Jedi/Sith is just as open to backstabbing or a bullet to the head shot by a sniper a mile away as anyone else is.


Also, if you think about it, they could in fact be Force users; it would explain why our characters are all amazing and able to beat Jedi/Sith. Anakin was an amazing pilot just because he was so strong in the force (and naturally talented as a pilot, but he also had superhuman reflexes and all that.).


The only hole there is that pretty much every force user is made to go to the Sith Academy (and to die if they don't turn out to be powerful). But I guess one or two could slip off of the radar (it's obvious that my SI and your SI are the same character with the same story - just two different versions shown to the player. So while we both have SIs, lore-wise there is only one SI.).


As for how most of the higher-ups in the Empire are Sith, if a non-Force user does their job right they won't attract undue attention (unless they're a bounty hunter, in which case they're not really under the influence of the Empire -- at least, not as much as the IA/SI/SW). *shrug*

Edited by Flyceratops
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The lack in understanding on force users vs non-force users in this thread shows that not everyone has to be a star wars enthusiast to play the game. ;)


There are plenty of documented cases in Star Wars lit that shows nonforce users killing jedi....the jedi purge is a perfect example of this as Clone Troopers were ordered to kill jedi.


Boba Fett is another example.


Wedge Antilles was a nonforce sensitive pilot that rivaled any force sensitive pilot he flew with or against.


This is before we even consider the fact that our characters in game are not "average", but rather the top 0.5% of the entire faction's population in skills and abilities.


Then we have to consider that many jedi think they are awesome and can kill anything, then run smack into the Vanguard wall in PVP and die a pitiful death because they don't know how to play their class.


Finally, we end with ....balance anyone?


Get real OP. Your post has no basis in game, or in any SW cannon for that matter.

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OP is assuming that every force user is as powerful as Anakin/Luke/Obi-wan/Qui-gon/Maul/Palpatine etc.... There are many varying degrees of force power. In a fight any one of those guys would straight wreck your character. Just sayin. As if a blaster bolt has never killed a jedi.


You have got to be joking.

Edited by XOrionX
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Its an mmo, there needs to be balance. if you want to play a god-like jedi sim, play force unleashed or something.


Aside from that, I'm glad force users don't walk around like the demi-gods that show up in the more fan fiction like EU books.

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Sith inquisitor








All force users should be powerful


Secondary is Bounty hunter


They can stand up to force users and beat weak ones, but Shouldn't beat strong ones.


Agent / trooper / smuggler are kind of minion roles.


How can they match a force user? unless they can resist the force since they have force potential themselves!?!





Also, anyone who gets shot with a physical projectile should have a VERY good chance of dying immediately in any game, because that's reality, right?


Reiterating what someone already said, please don't become a game designer.

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