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Interview with Gabe Regarding 1.2 Changes to PvP


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It's scary to read that and realize how clueless the developers of this game really are.. The very fact that they are more concerned about slave dancer outfits than open world land control pvp tells me all. By removing the faction vs faction of this game it has begun the death dance with pvpers. It has decided that catering to the lowest common denominator is a winning strategy. They don't understand how wrong this is.


Time to go.

Edited by Aethyrprime
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It's scary to read that and realize how clueless the developers of this game really are.. The very fact that they are more concerned about slave dancer outfits than open world land control pvp tells me all.


Time to go.


Or he was answering the questions that were asked about slave dancer outfits? Lol.

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It's scary to read that and realize how clueless the developers of this game really are.. The very fact that they are more concerned about slave dancer outfits than open world land control pvp tells me all.


Time to go.


or maybe they just think since the problem with ilum in the first place was more of a playerbase problem and not a bioware problem.that its pointless trying to make something else for that anyway because it'll just get ruined by the community again


eather way,in my opinion.it doesnt matter,with the direction pvp is going in this game your looking at all the serious pvpers leaving once guild wars 2 and tera come out anyway.game just doesnt seem to me like it was made with pvp being much of a focus at all

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the problem with open world pvp from what i saw wasnt a bioware problem anyway.it was a playerbase problem


but i guess thats what you get when the majority of people who are playing came from a mmo where alot of people have the mindset of doing things only for the gear and not for enjoyment




So clueless. Just as the developers are.


Players just respond to the systems that developers make for them. It's a chicken and the egg thing. Developer makes a map. Players play it. They react to the design. Not the other way around. Which is why everyone on this forum should be insulted as Bioware has told us it is OUR fault for Ilum being a complete failure.


Of course people are going to kill trade or cap point trade if there is nothing standing in their way. IE bases with bosses at the final door with turrets and what not on the walls that the defenders can use.


^^ If Ilum had had this at launch none of the problems that the game had would have been present. There would have been NO base camping. There would have been NO kill trading. None of that would have happened.

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the problem with open world pvp from what i saw wasnt a bioware problem anyway.it was a playerbase problem


but i guess thats what you get when the majority of people who are playing came from a mmo where alot of people have the mindset of doing things only for the gear and not for enjoyment.eather way,i dont really care.in my opinion with the direction pvp is going its not gonna matter anyway the games gonna be a pve only game when tera and guild wars 2 come out


or at least all the serious pvpers will have left


While I agree with your sentiments regarding the direction of pvp, you can't blame the player base for anything.


In an MMO, players will only play the way the game is designed. People may exploit or hack or be obnoxious, but the majority of players will follow the rails laid down by the developer.


Bioware designed Ilum very poorly, and the reason open pvp failed in this game is because of those design choices. No one did anything in the game that the game didn't encourage them to do.


Faction imbalances should have been addressed in the first few weeks of launch with incentives to roll a particular faction/server. Ilum should have been structured in a way that players wanted to engage in pvp.


I know what you mean when you say that people play for the virtual carrots, but that's really all anyone does in the game. It's up to the developer to make a carrot that people want and put it on a stick that makes them play the game in a fun way to reach it.


I will see you in GW2

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the problem with open world pvp from what i saw wasnt a bioware problem anyway.it was a playerbase problem


but meh,to be honest.i dont really think it matters,with the direction im seeing pvp in this game going.when tera and guild wars 2 come out you might as well chalk up star wars the old republic to a pve only game.i guess only time will tell though if bioware steps there game up and actually makes pvp good in star wars the old republic


It is not a playerbase problem. It doesn't exist here. Ilum is not Land Control PvP.




That is Land Control PvP! :)




PS AO has been around since 2001 and the Notum Wars booster shortly there after. No game since has come close to creating a valid open world land control pvp system. That is why as old as that game is.. LC PvP still wins there hands down over every other game. If only the rest of the game didn't suck now due to age.

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so much information in that interview I almost fell asleep.


When this game was in alpha, I thought it was admirable that BW was being so tight-lipped about things. They tout this as their design philosophy: "it will be finished when it's finished".


Unfortunately, the past 4 months have only demonstrated that they don't have many details to be tight-lipped about. They act like the community is overreacting, but the reality is that every single step in this games growth in the past few months has been underwhelming and at times irrational. The more interviews I read, the mroe I realize that they just don't have much to say.

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Bioware designed Ilum very poorly, and the reason open pvp failed in this game is because of those design choices. No one did anything in the game that the game didn't encourage them to do.



and i cant seem to find it,but that other video which is basically one side just spamming aoes on the other sides respawn.to me,it looks like the playerbase ruined ilum and it had nothing to do with the design of the place in the first place


eather way,if they end up just completly giving up on world pvp in this game.thats a pretty big negative checkmark in my book

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It's sad that the ONLY Star Wars MMO game has to abandon Faction warfare because of

too many Sith Sorcerors... just sayin... its ironic, sad and takes the already stretch to the limit franchise ip





this isn't Faction Wars or <insert Nondescript Game Company IP here> it's Star Wars...


o well.. I hope at least it's fun.

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It's scary to read that and realize how clueless the developers of this game really are.. The very fact that they are more concerned about slave dancer outfits than open world land control pvp tells me all.


Time to go.


Excuse me, the concern over slave dancer outfits was an effort to ensure they don't RUIN YOUR PvP EXPERIENCE!

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Excuse me, the concern over slave dancer outfits was an effort to ensure they don't RUIN YOUR PvP EXPERIENCE!


What PvP experience? See my above post for details of what PvP should be. This game is a joke for PvP.


PS. PvPing in a slave dancer outfit is fine by me. Or didn't Princess Leigh solo kill a Hutt (Jabba) while wearing one? Did I miss something?

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It's scary to read that and realize how clueless the developers of this game really are.. The very fact that they are more concerned about slave dancer outfits than open world land control pvp tells me all. By removing the faction vs faction of this game it has begun the death dance with pvpers. It has decided that catering to the lowest common denominator is a winning strategy. They don't understand how wrong this is.


Time to go.


The devs are responding to the majority of player feedback. A new iteration on Illum is already in the works. Your arguments are null.

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PS AO has been around since 2001 and the Notum Wars booster shortly there after. No game since has come close to creating a valid open world land control pvp system. That is why as old as that game is.. LC PvP still wins there hands down over every other game. If only the rest of the game didn't suck now due to age.


I played AO too, and guess what happened after Notum Wars? That game fell into well deserved obscurity.


Perhaps hardcore PvP isn't as popular and sustaining as you seem to think it is.

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I played AO too, and guess what happened after Notum Wars? That game fell into well deserved obscurity.


Perhaps hardcore PvP isn't as popular and sustaining as you seem to think it is.


Uhm. No. You obviously didn't play AO to make such a claim. The game suffered from other problems. Notum Wars is the Only thing that kept it alive as long is lived. Check out that video up top for proof of just how wrong you really are.. Note the dates 2007-2011..


Try again please! :)



The devs are responding to the majority of player feedback. A new iteration on Illum is already in the works. Your arguments are null.

This statement isn't even worthy of a fully thought out response. Ilum has proven they don't even know what Open World PvP is.. I have 0 faith the next iteration will be any better than the last 2 or 3 or what ever.

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The devs are responding to the majority of player feedback. A new iteration on Illum is already in the works. Your arguments are null.


a new iteration on ilum is already in the works.but my guess is,when this "new ilum"gets put in.all the serious pvpers will already be long gone


but i dont know,the more i think about it.the more i feel like im on a sinking ship in terms of this game,far to many people ive seen make posts talking about unsubscribing

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When this game was in alpha, I thought it was admirable that BW was being so tight-lipped about things. They tout this as their design philosophy: "it will be finished when it's finished".


Unfortunately, the past 4 months have only demonstrated that they don't have many details to be tight-lipped about. They act like the community is overreacting, but the reality is that every single step in this games growth in the past few months has been underwhelming and at times irrational. The more interviews I read, the mroe I realize that they just don't have much to say.


Yeah...they're philosophy of it's finished when it's finished is great....


Except one thing....what's that one thing we constantly hear about MMO's...


They're never finished.

Actually what their motto has proven to be is that they deride and look down upon the very ones who feed them.


We dont have cross faction chat because we couldnt be trusted not to troll the other faction and hurt their feelings, and nobody should have to figure out how to use the ignore feature...they actually said that....basically saying...you're too stupid to to be relied upon to use something like ignore or report. .....I wish I was joking or making this up.


They are shocked PVP is so popular because the constant day to day to day PVP threads on the forums for the past 4 plus years evidently wasnt a big enough hint. The thousands of post from the community on the matter...while closed with the quickness and iron hand of a hitleresque proportion....evidently didnt give them a clue that there was a significant number of pvp enthusiasts following this game.


When players take the path of least resistance....it's the players fault for not playing the game the way the developers wanted us to. Yeah...that works.



And to put icing on the cake. I submitted a ticket a few weeks ago about a stack of 99 nanosilk disappearing, I got the email for the auction and the deposit was in there but not the stack of 99...I clicked on the deposit, and the email auto deletes. No biggy, I go ahead and open a ticket on it. Few days later I log in to find a response that says, the logs dont reflect this, and the ticket closed with no option for me to respond.

I do helpdesk support, I dont get to close out the ticket til the person who opens it is ok with it being closed. Obviously I am just a little miffed that my ticket is closed out. I go to the cusotmer server forums here, I post the ticket number and ask to speak someone concerning it.

Ignored and I just bumped it last week. Still ignored. I could care less about the stack, hell, I had it on the GTN for 20K, and had a few hundred thousands of cridet in my account. Not like I am trying to scam or get rich off of it. But Bioware isnt concerned about their customers, they couldnt give a **** less.


So, I'll have a nice long rant about BW, but that was the main thing that pushed me over the edge, I know how to do their job, and according to my boss, I am in the top 10% of a crew of 500 for a large technical company that wins awards for our Tech Support...to put it simply.. I could do their job and run circles around them doing it. But then I am American and Bioware couldnt afford to hire me. and that is the main reason I am leaving, I can take bugs, and poor design decisions that are acknowledged, but poor customer service...that wont be fixed.


BUt I plan to raise a little hell til my sub expires.

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