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If this game was not Star Wars would you still play?


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So true


the jilted Star Wars: Galaxies crowd, still pining for their ill-starred sandbox that went the way of Alderaan last December.


I read the first comments on your link.


That's all everyone else needs to read too.


So, if you complain about the lousy engine that makes any kind of populated area lag. And it gets worse if they engage in combat. And this is despite a 2GB ATI 5950 OC to the virtually the same benchmarks as an ATI 7950..


That makes you a hater? Those are FACTS.


And when the DEVELOPER trolls you? Saying your Digital Storm, custom-built, over-clocked, liquid cooled i7 ASUS MB computer is a piece of garbage...


You're supposed to agree with the *********? Or the BioDrones that harrass you? Give me a break.[


1) Never expect objective reviews from sites like gamespy. It is owned by IGN and IGN like many other big game websites makes its money off advertisements. As I type this there is an Ad for ME3. If Leif Johnson was to be honest, it would only server to piss off EA since they are paying good money to advertise their games through IGN. For this reason authors like Leif Johnson will always side with the game companies over the players. AD revenue runs gamespy and authors won't do anything to lose AD revenue.


2) I keep hearing everyone argue over the content of ToR. The content isn't the problem, its the difficulty. WoW was released with much less content. The difference between WoW and ToR was that it took players months to hit 60 in WoW where it takes players only weeks to hit 50 in ToR. Gear is handed to you in ToR. When I hit 50 I was wearing all blues with lvl 49 epics I bought compared to when I hit 60 in WoW and was in greens. I had to work for what I had in WoW. Everything wasn't handed to me. I played because I wanted to make my character better. Ever though there was only MC, it took MONTHS before the TOP guilds cleared it. MC kept everyone busy for a while because it was a challenge to clear and get geared.


ToR is made for impatient children who want everything right now. They can't be bothered to get keyed for anything. They just want to hit max lvl, raid instantly and get 3-4 epics a run like in ToR.


Think if ToR made it take twice as long to lvl to 50 and OPs were hard. Everyone wouldn't be running around in all epics complaining there was nothing to do because they would still be working to improve their character. When MMO players feel like it isn't worth it to improve their character anymore they quit. It's that simple.


WoW understood this and excelled at this. In Vanilla you hit 50 and started doing instances. You felt as leet as St. Pete once you were decked out in blues. Your heart pounded when you got your first epic because it was truly epic. You got all epic gear? Congragulations. You were a living God in those days.


Now people may say well only very few people got to see MC and other raids. While true, everyone wanted to see it so they worked to make their characters better. They saw those living Gods walking around in full epic and said to themselves "I want his/her gear" and worked for weeks or months to get it.


In ToR you hit 50, see someone in full epics, and say "I want that gear" and a week later you have that gear with nothing to do.


Sadly MMO's keep getting dumbed down and infultrated with selfish children who are like socialists. They want everything but don't want to work for a damn thing.


IMO doing something as simple as adding a new tier of gear that you can get by collecting tokens from HM's/OP's will go a long way to keep players busy. Make them work for weeks to get a single piece but make it worth it. Players need something to strive for. They need a reason to play.

Edited by Tiaa
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Nope, I wouldn't play it if it wasn't Star Wars.


I won't play Guild Wars 2 or Tera because they are fantasy themed MMO's with elves & fairie crap, same reasons I don't like WoW, EQ, Rift & other fantasy MMO's.


I am looking forward to FunCom's The Secret War. I always wanted to play as myself in a modern persistent world MMO.

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Thanks for proving my point.:tran_grin:


I find it funny when people say "Thanks for proving my point"...


...When you only post two sentences.


One, which was a link to a long, over-written article and the second being a generalization of all those who disagree.


You had no point.


Stop wasting my time.

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I find it funny when people say "Thanks for proving my point"...


...When you only post two sentences.


One, which was a link to a long, over-written article and the second being a generalization of all those who disagree.


You had no point.


Stop wasting my time.



You fit into one of the three groups perfectly.:tran_grin:


Try harder.

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please elaborate. if this game was not star wars then there would be no force or lightsabers. now we have 4 classes which dont fit so you must delete them + all story and all endgame. now you have a game with 4 classes with storylines and only 4 AC per side and now you have rift... congratulations you just created a game that is already out and sux so... NO


im sorry but this question will never fly, there is no game without star wars, you cannot even take a single aspect of this game without star wars being a part of it, sci fi fantasy mmo wont even make sense outside of the star wars universe, especially a themepark one that doesnt put all it's effort into space combat. this game isnt much different than wow except for 2 things, it is star wars and is about the star wars story, not just story but star wars story.

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Sounds like more whiney entitled BS to me. I could read those same over the top comments on the gen board...


You can find plenty of blind Bioware defense post here too that get to the point faster than that article.

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If this game was not Star Wars, but some other lore/world/universe, would you still play?


If yes, list 3 reasons why.

If no, list 3 reasons why.


Constructive and civilized responses only please.




  1. I was only interested in this MMO because of the SW back story / canon.
  2. The market is already saturated with MMO titles. Some are free to play. I doubt I would have picked this title had the Star Wars™ association not been there. I would have instead opted for another F2P title.
  3. To be honest if you remove the Star Wars™ from the game you are not really left with even really basic MMO features. Sure they have voice over but, let's be honest. A whole slew of relatively standard MMO features are not even implemented or should have been at launch (especially for $300 million budget). I don't want to get into a long list but (Guild really only gives you chat with others and that is it, no shared cargo bay, friends list isn't server wide it is per character, UI is very limited, etc).

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Reroll on a heavy server. Trust me, it's NOTHING like you're talking about. I sometimes have to turn off gen chat on my two servers because people are talking nonstop about everything. Fleet has constant "LFG" spam going and most of the leveling worlds have 30-75 or more people even on off nights. It's crazy how different it is.


It's too late for that. And I had way too much invested to simply reroll.


Flippant rerolls are fine for solo players. I invested a great deal of time and effort in forming a guild and leveling to 50. Now I just feel burned and disillusioned. Giving up what few friends I did manage to make who are left to go roll on a server full of strangers is not what I want at this point.


I play on a roleplay server as well, and all the estimated population stat's I've looked at show all the roleplay servers pretty close to the same level of players. Which is pretty much a meager population across the board. The only truly "heavy" servers are pve or pvp, they don't offer the experience I want.


A server merge is needed beyond badly, and It's not coming. For every person that is willing to reroll I imagine many just say to heck with this and walk away.

Edited by savagepotato
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Tsk. May come as a shock but not everyone who doesn't share your sentiments is a "liar". Rhetoric like that just ends up making you look the fool.


That you don't like the game is unfortunate, it is never fun being disappointed but to expect the world to share your beliefs is foolish.


I made you angry, so what category are you? ;)

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The only reason I am here is my friends are star wars fans and there are no new MMOs out there.


Features I Love:


-Appearance Tab. I like to change the way my character looks on the fly. Having to spend million to take out mods and put them in a new outfit just to change my look it not fun.


-Fun Loot. I am sick of the static loot system WoW uses and TOR only expanded on.


-Fun gaming. I dislike games that are 100% serious. This is usually an issue in theme park games like Star Wars, Star Trek, etc. World of Warcraft was based on a world that Blizzard created so in turn Blizzard had the freedom to go in any direction and add in lots of humor.

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Take away the Star Wars, it's scifi, I am sick of elves and orcs to the point I am going to hurl if I see one anytime soon.


the depth of the stories, even with out the Star wars flare would still be cool to me.


I enjoy the War zones.


Plus the game is just fun to me, I like the star wars music, I would hope a more generic scfi mmo would have a good sound trac..:)

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Not at all. It would have to be attached to some other IP I'm interested in, such as Dragon Age or Mass Effect as others have mentioned.


That said, the game simply isn't unique enough to survive without the Star Wars IP. For me, anyway.

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1. If this game had no connection to the KOTOR series I would have never specifically sought it out and then followed it.

2. Star Wars is the huge draw here for me.

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In answer to the OP: No.


But even though it is a Star Wars game, I'm losing interest because:

  • The gameplay is bland beyond the Class Story.
  • There is little character advancement at PVE end game
  • The planets feel like they have no "soul". Therefore I find little reason to revisit them.

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Starwars or not, I'm playing Anno 2070 atm.


Anno 2070 and Settlers 7 for me :)


Free week at Rift, so I'm checking out what they've done over the last year or so.

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