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RP-PvP = PvP?


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Is it just me or is it just plain stupid to have RP-PvP servers without enforced RP? I mean running around seeing names like "Noobeater" and "Tpformybunghole" is completely ridiculous on an RP server of any kind.


As it stands right now an RP-PvP server might as well just be a PvP server by a different name. And before the trolls come out screaming at me to go to a pure RP server this is why I don't. I prefer my RP with open world PvP.


And it's not like I'm trying to force anybody to RP. Just respect the people that do want to RP because after all. You're on an RP-PvP server. Not a pure PvP server.


Does anybody else feel the same way?

Edited by Ellvaan
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I never will understand it...especially on RP servers.


I do fall into the category of not completely hating names like that as they do perform a service for me. They indicate that I am likely not to want to spend time with someone who chooses 'em. :)


No clue why there are RP servers (PvP and non) where this is allowed. Maybe a case of they haven't been reported? Honestly, I haven't read up on the naming policy so for all I know...they're (guh) "legit".

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I think such names (and the associated behaviour) are reason for instant disintegration on any type of server.


Actually my guess is, that a certain clientele is more common among PVP-Gamers. Why such people would choose a RP-server however, eludes my imagination.

Maybe they just didn't read what RP means as they are certainly the kind of persons that <spacebar> themselves through all conversations, cutscenes and popups.

Edited by ConnorSalak
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Is it just me or is it just plain retarded to have RP-PvP servers without enforced RP? I mean running around seeing names like "Noobeater" and "Tpformybunghole" is completely ridiculous on an RP server of any kind.


As it stands right now an RP-PvP server might as well just be a PvP server by a different name. And before the trolls come out screaming at me to go to a pure RP server this is why I don't. I prefer my RP with open world PvP.


And it's not like I'm trying to force anybody to RP. Just respect the people that do want to RP because after all. You're on an RP-PvP server. Not a pure PvP server.


Does anybody else feel the same way?


Tpformybunghole lol!!


Like someone said above me, the stupid names give you a clue as to who you should and shouldn't be grouping with. I don't RP but, i am on a RP server, just for the fact that i can avoid the kiddie population.

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I'm not sure what the source is, maybe the guild summit? The devs explained that the reason they don't enforce naming rules on RP servers is because in SW Lore there are some seriously ridiculous names - like Jet Nebula, Jagged Fel, Booster. I mean, how far of a leap is it from Jet Nebula to Noob Cannon?


Having said that, the TOS prohibits: offensive, trademark, leetspeek (which noobcannon would qualify as), as misspelled trademark (like bubba'fat). So next time you see a Noobcannon or a BoobieFett on your RP server, hit that ? on the top bar and report it.

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I'm not sure what the source is, maybe the guild summit? The devs explained that the reason they don't enforce naming rules on RP servers is because in SW Lore there are some seriously ridiculous names - like Jet Nebula, Jagged Fel, Booster. I mean, how far of a leap is it from Jet Nebula to Noob Cannon?


Having said that, the TOS prohibits: offensive, trademark, leetspeek (which noobcannon would qualify as), as misspelled trademark (like bubba'fat). So next time you see a Noobcannon or a BoobieFett on your RP server, hit that ? on the top bar and report it.


THOSE aren't what I have a problem with, not even close as they are not, well, utterly moronic.


The ones with reference to bodily parts, functions etc. are the ones that baffle me.


"HI everyone! I named myself after an orifice that excretes human waste. I am teh k3w1"



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Tpformybunghole lol!!


Had to wait for my keyboard to dry before replying after spitting my coffee all over it after reading that.


I don't think it would hurt if BW enforced a name change for these people or moved them elsewhere. Moving them to a different server wouldn't be bad since they're obviously not RP'ers with names like that.

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You always have the option to report those people right? O_O


It has been my understanding that people can use whatever name they like on a RP-PvP server. I think the names are enforced on a pure RP server, not sure though.


But to the poster that said something about doing my RP on a RP server and PvPing on another server. That's just a pain in the butt. And while I'm RPing if I see a Jedi I want the option to attack and not worry about them being flagged for PvP or not.

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I have a complete burning rage to people that play on RP servers that dont even RP and then complain about RP...



Bioware is *********** stupid, I DONT CARE IF YOU'RE GONNA GIVE ME AN INFRACTION IT gosh darn TRUE! for no have some form of enforcement on an RP server. Jesus can I atleast get some form of protection? I pray to God they atleast listen to RPers in GW2.

Edited by Ellvaan
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I have had great success reporting people for breaking the naming rules.


Most of the time i get contacted by live staff on the customer service chat within minutes, and most of the times, i never see the players reported again.


They seem to take this stuff seriously, and as long as they actually break the naming rules they seem to take them out quickly.

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sad..sad..sad day when this happens...


instead of roleplaying games being everybody roleplaying..


we have to have "roleplaying" servers for those who want to "roleplay" in an online "roleplaying" game...lol anyone else...not getting that?


It's a roleplaying game folks. Deal with it. It's everywhere!

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Well, I suppose you could all RP characters who hate people with certain names and feel the need to cleans them from the galaxy. You are on a PVP server and characters that can't go ten steps without getting ganked don't get played very much. While it sucks to end up on the recieving end, if the developers don't police the communities, then the communities have to police themselves.


Of course, the better route would just be the developers making it so that you can toggle it so that /ignore makes the target completely unseen by you, including nameplate. (At bear minnimum developers could give the UI an option display a nameplate that just says IGNORED over the heads of ignored individuals.)


Then there is just the option of recognising this is a game, it is meant for fun, some people like being silly, and respecting that others may have fun in ways you don't. That might just be too hard though. Respecting differences is too much work.


I'm gonna go pwn someone who names their characters after kitchen utinsils now.

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Some of the best players I have met on my pve server have had names like "Derpy Derp", "Muffin Caekz", and "Burrito Stuffings". These guys had problem solving skills to get us through ops and 1.1 material before there were youtube videos. Also they had amazing raid awareness to make key clutch plays to completely save encounters. I've been gaming for years, know what good players look like, and these were those kinds.


Honestly, rp server aside, you shouldn't knock people with silly names. RP people, well, hmm... come in all shapes and sizes I guess, rarely of the caliber of these guys you might have shrugged off as "stupid" at first glance.


So what's in a name? I guess I'm guilty of generalizing when anyone clearly spells their name incorrectly or has "Lord" in it somewhere. Yes, you can tell when people are young, or young-minded, but lighten up. These guys can learn and someday may be great for your "side".

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Tpformybunghole lol!!


Like someone said above me, the stupid names give you a clue as to who you should and shouldn't be grouping with. I don't RP but, i am on a RP server, just for the fact that i can avoid the kiddie population.


Yes yes


Darth Tpformybunghole

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On another note, every time I log into SWToR I'm "roleplaying". You may not know this but I'm not really a blind alien with Jedi powers in real life. I figure the rest is just cybersex or different gravitations of cybersex peripheries, so I avoid your nazi roleplay like the plague. Edited by Kaelano
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In other games I would RP on and RP server and some idiot named "PWnzorz!" would approach me mid RP and "lol" at me then walk away. Even though I clearly understand the need to show respect to others for the name they chose, I will not do it on an RP server where people make fun of role players. For all sorts of names we have servers without RP tags... the RP tags are there for a reason. So excuse me if i don't approach people named Obi Juan with as warm a heart as one would expect.
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On another note, every time I log into SWToR I'm "roleplaying". You may not know this but I'm not really an blind alien with Jedi powers in real life. I figure the rest is just cybersex or different gravitations of cybersex peripheries, so I avoid your nazi roleplay like the plague.


I agree with everything you said in regards to the vast majority of servers for this game. I play for immersion, which many consider roleplay, but I never talk "in character" and such. And I don't care what other people name their characters. Some make me laugh, and I'm appreciative of that.


But you disregarded the most important part of the OP. He's talking about that name on an RP server. This server is created for people that enjoy the "nazi roleplay" you despise. By playing on that server, the OP is respecting the fact that you (and I) don't play that way. We have 90% (or more) of the servers in this entire game.


To join an RP server and willfully choose a name that is contradictory to everything an RP server stands for is disrespectful.


I'm not talking about someone that might choose that server accidentally or ignorantly. I'm talking about people that do it fully knowing that a server is designated for RP. Derpy Derp on a regular PVE server may be a great guy, but if he willfully chooses to create that character on a server designated for RP... well, that's not quite as nice.


And that was the point of the OP. It wasn't a complaint of the name. It was a complaint of the name on an RP server. The OP intentionally chose to respect that you don't want him on your server. He's only asking for that same level of respect.

Edited by Vecke
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PvPers go to RP-PvP servers because traditionally they have a lower population. That way they have less competition, and can be big fish is a smaller pond.


By and large, having made the mistake of starting on Ajunta Pal, most if not all the RPers have left. There are perhaps two RP guilds of Republic, three of Empire, and no-one advertises they are role-players. Why? The instance the PvPeens realize you're a RPers they will grief you non-stop, parking their SUV speeders on your group, spamming AoE attacks, etc.

Just not worth the hassle.


To the person posting they think all RP aside from logging into the game is about cybersex, you're wrong.

Role-playing, group role-play, is about communal storytelling. Your character is a single character is a novel that the group is writing together. It's about exploring how your character interacts with the lore, with their own background (rarely the imposed Story Quest background), and most importantly, with other characters.

As an example; our group was going to run Hammer Station for the first time. We spent the night before with our characters having accepted the mission and then planning out our approach, what we expected to find, and how we would deal with the final solution of either trying to retake the station or destroy it. Most of a night with no combat at all.

The cybersex is like most negative things on the Internet; it's gets the most attention. But it's not the core of role-playing at all.

And no, just logging in and making a character isn't role-playing. If that were the case, Call of Duty, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Pokemon would be role-playing games.

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Oh.. "your" roleplay is bigger than "my" roleplay. I see how it is. Just in spite I put on a brown hooded cloak to post this. I bet you don't even have a long, scraggly, white beard.


New rule: All roleplayers must physically dress in real life as the toon they are playing at the time. If you don't, get ye hence to the pve server! Forsooth.

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