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Everything posted by Tierven

  1. Well, I suppose you could all RP characters who hate people with certain names and feel the need to cleans them from the galaxy. You are on a PVP server and characters that can't go ten steps without getting ganked don't get played very much. While it sucks to end up on the recieving end, if the developers don't police the communities, then the communities have to police themselves. Of course, the better route would just be the developers making it so that you can toggle it so that /ignore makes the target completely unseen by you, including nameplate. (At bear minnimum developers could give the UI an option display a nameplate that just says IGNORED over the heads of ignored individuals.) Then there is just the option of recognising this is a game, it is meant for fun, some people like being silly, and respecting that others may have fun in ways you don't. That might just be too hard though. Respecting differences is too much work. I'm gonna go pwn someone who names their characters after kitchen utinsils now.
  2. What would be really awesome is if the app let you do your auctions and other mundane stuff as well. If the app also let you participate in guild or other chat channels so you could socialize with your gaming group while away would be amazing.
  3. If you feel that way, then it probably isn't a good idea for you to be on any MMO game at launch. This is the nature of the beast. If you want a MMO that has already gotten most of the kinks out, then don't play during launch. Launch is a great time to participate in a growing, developing game. It allows players to help shape the game they want to play. I'm sorry your expectations were unreasonable, maybe you might like it more when it has been allowed to develop without your further influence.
  4. My server (Mind Trick) still has plenty of chatter in general, not all the time, but a good deal of the time. In my years of gaming though, I don't think I have really seen people respond in a non-sarcastic manner to someone just saying "hi" in general unless the people responding already knew the initiator. If you want to start a conversation, you have to draw peoples interest. If you walked into a crowded room full of people you don't know IRL and just shout "hi" to the whole room you're going to get ignored (or in mmo's /ignored). If you walk into a room of people you do know, and shout "hi" you can expect a response, same goes for guilds and social chat channels. If you want to just shout into a crowded room and get a response though, you have to shout something that makes people want to continue a conversation. Ask a question, make a statement, tell a joke, give people some reason to want to talk to you.
  5. I like how the engine randomly throws a bunch of stuff out of the ground personally, but I do agree the gravel thing is a bit weak in appearance. My suggestion to Bioware would be to do the same thing with the gravel shooting attack as with the bigger throw, randomly change the animation every time you cast it. Sometimes it could be gravel still, but sometimes it could be nuts and bolts, or ice crystals, or force pulses, or jawas, or other random things that are lying around. Also, making it so the stuff comes from somewhere would also improve matters. Also, increasing the amount of different things I'm throwing with my other ability would be cool too, one of my favorite things about playing my sage is laughing at the random stuff I'm pulling out of the ground to hit baddies in the face.
  6. I approve. If you're going to get a tat, it should be something important to you that speaks about you. The Star Wars universe and sagas are rich in symbolism and depth. It's a tattoo that doesn't just speak of a game, but of a worldview. Plus, it looks awesome.
  7. I'm from the SW corner of the KC metro. On Mind Trick I'm in two guilds, Hutta's Angels on Empire side and Temples Reclamation on Republic side.
  8. My solution: Only get involved with women who share my intrests. It makes finding things to do together awesome, seriously my lady drags me to tabletop game stores and nags me to pay attention to the game when I try to make sure she isn't feeling ignored. Found her at a D&D game. Plus, gaming gear being a "romantic gift" is just awesome. It does require having to accept that I may not at all times be the most hardcore gamer in the couple.
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