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Mr Georg Zoeller/Bioware Team


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SWTOR is one of the best games I have ever played. My favorite AC is Operative, in either the Stabs or the Healing tree.


I think sometimes all the negative feedback gets out of control. I absolutely love this Advanced Class and I started as a bubble popping lightning thrower (got to level 39). I also ran a Marauder to level 24 before starting my IA operative.



I am extremely excited about the Group heals improvments for 1.2, possibly a change to TA and so much more and everytime I get a hint or read an article about 1.2 changes, I get excited all over again. Even if all the stuff i'm dreaming about doesn't come with the patch, well, I already love my AC so all your doing is improving my experience from here on out.



Dual Spec's has me excited for the future ( as popping between stabs and heals gives me a the variety to keep the game fun )



This Legacy system sounds amazing... I mean the first thing I did was try to make a Chiss Sorcerer. The Heroic abilites are fun fluff and anything added to my space ship is ok with me. I hope one day we can share a legacy somehow with our IRL wives and have the same last name, but all in all its great.



Armor appearance changes/player customization is a great addition. Everyone spends a ton of time on their models ( even if they dont admit it ) and looking kool is every bit as important as healing/dpsing/tanking well.





p.s. There is no Chiss Avatar to choose for my forum picture and this means the web design team hasn't gone blue yet....... try it .. you'll like it ! :)

Edited by Sevrent
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Every class is broken in the wrong hands...


The problem is... in the wrong hands the OP classes aren't broken and actually perform very well... so either Smuggler/Agents need love, or the OP classes need to be toned down a little so the playing field is even.


I had been really hopeful, thinking this game was on the right track... but with a metric ton of unimportant stuff coming up in the next patches and fixes for classes that need them are being ignored.


I understand that somewhere around 40-50% (according to BW's own chart) of the population is playing Sages/Inquisitors, but come on... but just because we are their anti-class (sort of, but not really, generally only for the dumb ones) doesn't mean we should sit here in the dumpster needing fixes...


If you find the class is fine great, but the real truth is, it takes a much higher skill level to excel with a smuggler/agent than the popular AC's and we still perform at a lesser level. Is that really fair? I can do well with my Scrapper, but I have to work hard for it... on my other AC's? Not at all, I can mash buttons and be successful in PvP and even PvE to some degree.


I get that the OP is (probably) trolling. I do... but I Just wanted to say that I myself am completely losing faith in BW. I've never actually had this happen to me with an MMO, when things need fixing they generally will come out and say, "why yes loyal players, we see that X class needs a little work and will be looking into it" not "hey, X class *middle finger*, go roll a better AC because we aren't going to fix you even though you actually need it because you might make the whiny babies cry".


Sorry for the rant... I'm just getting quite disenchanted with game as of late. I'm trying to tough out my Scoundrel, but being the worst DPS spec and the worst Healing spec in the game with little hope for fixes on the horizon is a huge turn off. I'm beginning to think all the hate for this game was deserved with people in charge like that guy... and I've been a staunch defender of this game so far. That's all changing though, just getting tired of the BS. I was willing to overlook all of the coding flaws, optimization issues, etc... because I enjoy Star Wars and I enjoy the game, but being a broken class with no hope and no desire(more like absolute refusal to forcibly reroll) to reroll to a popular/overplayed/overpowered AC is really starting to get to me...


Please Bioware/Zoeller/whomever, fix the issues with your game that really matter instead of adding fluff... not everyone wants to play a Sage/Sorc...


P.S. I know Sawbones is getting a slight buff to group heals... maybe that will bring them up to par...

Edited by Paralassa
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Yeah, GZ's comment "A nightmare mode operation with all Operative healers is completely possible!" bothers me - not because I disagree, but whether it's "possible" isn't the issue.


This is the issue. You are a raid leader and you need to pick 1 of 3 options, not knowing anything about the players themselves:


1. All Op healers

2. Op healer, Sorc healer

3. all Sorc healers


Whether it's a problem of perception or real numbers, they would probably pick option 3. The answer would IDEALY be #2. You should want to have two completely different styles of healing that are synergistic/complimentary with each other.

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That's like saying the problem with lead paint on a child's toy isn't bad, we need to blame the child that keeps putting it in its mouth and not the manufacturer. :rolleyes:


No, it's like saying that Photoshop is broken because a 5 year-old doesn't know how to apply an unsharp mask to improve the quality of an image. Don't blame the tool if you can't make it work.

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Is the class broken? No it is far from broken.


It requires an extra effort from other classes for the same result? Yes but every MMO needs some easy mode classes to happy the masses.


Is the class unsuitable for Sorcball and Exploitstar (the concealment spec only)? Yes but I believe that Concealment Operative was never ment to be a part of warzones but part of open PvP. When they fix this one I believe the class will find its proper environment.


Does it need some improvements? Well... a power management for DPS spec or better Tactical Advantage regain for healing spec would be nice but I can live and without them.


Do I trust Bioware for further development of Operatives? Absolutely not. Untill now they give me the impression their only source of information about this class is youtube videos.

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I fail to see how anyone in their right mind could even look at our talent trees and ability lists and come to any conclusion other than the fact that we are broken.


Operative and Scoundrel are the only haphazard mish-mash of abilities and roles that don't even synergize within the AC, much less with our allies.


It just boggles my mind that anyone could consider that anything but broken. :eek:

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SWTOR is one of the best games I have ever played. My favorite AC is Operative, in either the Stabs or the Healing tree.


I think sometimes all the negative feedback gets out of control. I absolutely love this Advanced Class and I started as a bubble popping lightning thrower (got to level 39). I also ran a Marauder to level 24 before starting my IA operative.



I am extremely excited about the Group heals improvments for 1.2, possibly a change to TA and so much more and everytime I get a hint or read an article about 1.2 changes, I get excited all over again. Even if all the stuff i'm dreaming about doesn't come with the patch, well, I already love my AC so all your doing is improving my experience from here on out.



Dual Spec's has me excited for the future ( as popping between stabs and heals gives me a the variety to keep the game fun )



This Legacy system sounds amazing... I mean the first thing I did was try to make a Chiss Sorcerer. The Heroic abilites are fun fluff and anything added to my space ship is ok with me. I hope one day we can share a legacy somehow with our IRL wives and have the same last name, but all in all its great.



Armor appearance changes/player customization is a great addition. Everyone spends a ton of time on their models ( even if they dont admit it ) and looking kool is every bit as important as healing/dpsing/tanking well.





p.s. There is no Chiss Avatar to choose for my forum picture and this means the web design team hasn't gone blue yet....... try it .. you'll like it ! :)




STOP TRYING TO get BW to buff you L2P or just reroll or goe back to wow stop your QQ

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No, it's like saying that Photoshop is broken because a 5 year-old doesn't know how to apply an unsharp mask to improve the quality of an image. Don't blame the tool if you can't make it work.


Operatives are like MS paint and other classes are like Photoshop.

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