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Free transfers in the future?


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Honestly if anything it should be the other way around... People need to be staying on lower pop servers to increase the population, there should not be an ability to get off those free. If it was free, those servers would tank in a day guaranteed.


Also, if there are any free transfers at all, it should be to selected lower pop servers to balance things out. If there were free transfers, they should be limited and not be to high pop servers.


This is exactly right, imo.


Bioware doesn't want to close any servers. IMHO, it would be better to offer free transfers from the heavy server to lighter ones...to try and even out the population.


If they offered free transfers off of lower pop servers, everyone would up and transfer to an all ready heavier server....emptying one and potentially over crowding another.

Edited by Skoobie
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I'm from Malaysia.


I've 1 toon that's 50.

He's gonna be a war hero soon. I did this without doing some lame *** Ilum valor trading.


I have about 4 hours of play time every night.

Make no mistake, I love this game.

I don't want to re-roll. I'm happy with my toon.


I log into my server, I see 15 person on IF, it puts me off.

I can't do my heroic quests, I can't find people to do stuffs that I want to do.


Then server transfer option open'ed for an oceanic server. There's 4 country on that list.

I didn't realize there's only 4 countries in oceanic. Even when I'm geographically 30 miles off one of the country listed.


Give me server transfer.

Take my money for server transfer, I don't care, just give me my transfer. I'm not even gonna wait for the free transfer, my friend's interests are waning. I had 8 friends with me at the start of the game, and now? I'm left with 4 that still consistently log in. What do we do? Run ilum for armaments circling the mid for 1 hour while waiting 3 hours for pvp to pop. By then I'm too tired to even complete the required 3 matches, because I've work the next day.

It might seem like ranting, cause to some degree it is. But please do not punish me for not being strategically located.


Give us server transfer!

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Please allow character transfers (free or not). I want to transfer to a populated server. I'm tired of never grouping for heroics, never doing FP's, never doing HM FP's, waiting forever for a PVP queue, looking all week for an ops group, being one of 5 people on a planet, never finding anything on the GTN, etc..
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Honestly if anything it should be the other way around... People need to be staying on lower pop servers to increase the population, there should not be an ability to get off those free. If it was free, those servers would tank in a day guaranteed.


Also, if there are any free transfers at all, it should be to selected lower pop servers to balance things out. If there were free transfers, they should be limited and not be to high pop servers.


That's fine in theory, but in reality there is only ONE European PVP server that is anywhere near full capacity (TOFN), and NO ONE I mean NO ONE on that server will want to go ANYWHERE.

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Pretend it's a new game.

It's kind of difficult to pretend it's a new game when you've done some of the zones 4 times already. It's more like work to relevel a new character and abandon the ones I'm already attached to. I have very limited free time. I'm not going to spend it doing something I don't enjoy. I quit the game because it doesn't look like this issue is a priority for BW (and yes I did see the post about transfers over a month ago and their 1 line response to a question at PAX). It does not appear that there will be a fix anytime in the near future.

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It's kind of difficult to pretend it's a new game when you've done some of the zones 4 times already. It's more like work to relevel a new character and abandon the ones I'm already attached to. I have very limited free time. I'm not going to spend it doing something I don't enjoy. I quit the game because it doesn't look like this issue is a priority for BW (and yes I did see the post about transfers over a month ago and their 1 line response to a question at PAX). It does not appear that there will be a fix anytime in the near future.


Suit yourself. I'm having fun leveling a new toon on Shadow Hand. 1st time Republic. I would not have leveled 4 toons, same empire and same dead server. I know better.

Edited by Kourage
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would be nice if once a week you could transfer your characters/legacy to a select group of servers.For instance take 8 low servers and give the subscribers 3 choices to move to. No transactions to keep track of. If you move to a server you dont like or if it has a loss of subscribers you can just move to another next week.Have a interface option on the main character select screen to make it easy for people to use and know that it is available. Use the unpopulated servers for free trial accounts, when they decide to pay they can move
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just unsubbed today because of server population issues spoiling the game for me. That's too bad because I really enjoyed this game when there were enough people to pvp with. I've got other single player games to play until this one addresses the issue.



as for transfers, it can wipe my legacy.. at least the game would be playable again.

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I wish the Developers would give us a time frame on server transfers!


I wish the players would read the information the Developers have provided.


1. Character transfers: End of April for Asia, later for other regions.

2. Server mergers: Not likely to happen, per the Devs.

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This is exactly right, imo.


Bioware doesn't want to close any servers. IMHO, it would be better to offer free transfers from the heavy server to lighter ones...to try and even out the population.


If they offered free transfers off of lower pop servers, everyone would up and transfer to an all ready heavier server....emptying one and potentially over crowding another.


I don't see many people wanting to leave a fully functional server to go join a dying one.

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Server transfers would be great but then it raises some questions ( for me anyway ) :


- Will it be free ?


- If not then i would have to pay for 7 character transfers if i don't want to loose my legacy

or maybe they will implement a more expensive transfer for all your legacy at once,

if it's so then how expensive would it be, this is EA we're talking about after all.


- Is this why they don't wan't to do server merges, so they can milk us for every dime with server transfers, again EA.


Just wondering...

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The server Niman is dieing fast and there is no way I plan on re-rolling to another sever not after the amount of time and effort I have put into the characters on this server. Its currently prime time 6PM on a weekend and there is currently only 38 people on fleet. If they do not give us free transfers soon I will have no choice despite liking this game but to cancel my subscription and find a new game to play, its not worth the hassle.
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I'm in Ahto City and the population has gone from Standard to Light since I've joined... there's no-one around to do Heroics, so I end up leaving them. Worlds are dead but I'm a casual player because of the hours I work so it's taken me a while to get to level 34 and I don't see why I should have to reroll simply to find a more populated server.


With the server I'm on, I'm having trouble believing this is an mmo.

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What disappoints me the most is that they appear to be unprepared to deal with the most common and pervasive challenge that every single MMO since the dawn of time have experienced.


Surely there is some form of best practice to deal with this - both from a communication perspective and from a management perspective.


While different MMOs experience a different timeline for this decline, they all DO experience it. The math is not complicated to figure out - capacity vs. visitor equations are used in many other industries to direct expansion and contraction of franchises/outlets etc.


Not only is is wasteful to keep virtual servers running for a small population, it is also directly encouraging players to leave the game.


And the silence from EA/BW about this is deafening - it's poor business management to NOT be prepared for this, to NOT have a communication/community strategy for this and to NOT have the mechanics of population and server management already prepared for this.


...I'd love to be mistaken in my assessment here...all it takes is a few words to reassure everyone if this is in the works...

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just unsubbed today because of server population issues spoiling the game for me. That's too bad because I really enjoyed this game when there were enough people to pvp with. I've got other single player games to play until this one addresses the issue.



as for transfers, it can wipe my legacy.. at least the game would be playable again.





You really think they'll just let people transfer for free off server where people are crying over a 60-40 disadvantage? Trust me, that's all it is at the very most. Your side is just choosing not to PvP and they can't force them to. You transferring off makes the imbalance worse.


That's a big reason why transfers cost money. Too many people will use a service if it's free. Now if you're willing to pay for it, more power to ya, but I doubt they'll even offer paid transfers till after they've dealt with the extreme low pop servers. At least they shouldn't.

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Is in effect dead. 11 people logged on Imperial fleet at 10pm EST. This is a Eastern server as well. Cant sell anything, cant find groups and I can not find the effort to reroll a toon right now. Next month Diablo III comes out. can't wait for something to do with my gaming time and dollars. Good luck SWtOR! you are gonna need it.
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It does feel a lot like a single player game. I haven't done much mmo stuff at all on my server. The one time I did was a group quest and that was pretty early during the game. Now, some 3 months later, I haven't got to level cap on either of the toons I started, mostly because I am not playing the game for long stretches of time. It didn't really grab me yet (and the 10 mins ress timer after 4 deaths is a real turn off).

Whenever I am questing in this game, I hardly see any other players around. Those I see are never in groups and also solo playing this game. The interaction between other players, when it happens, is a challenge request for a duel, not an invite for group quests or whatever.


A simple mechanic like WoW's LFG could solve a lot of problems. Cross realm activities to bring the masses together. It could make a big difference. Ofcourse, the playerbase has to make use of it. If they don't, as like now in lots of cases, any mechanic is a failure.


Being restricted to 1 realm is what made WoW boring some time ago. Being able to get into a balanced group fast to do dungeons and raids made it more interesting.

Many MMO's died trying to be different from WoW. I really hope this game stays alive and not turn into an FTP MMO with a "buy ingame goodies for real cashies" kinda game (LOTRO style)

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