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Free transfers in the future?


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how do you figure its not your problem? whos problem is it? if your thinking its Biowares problem then i think you are very much mistaken,


did they tell you to roll on that server?

did they make all the other players quit or re roll?

are they telling you you cant re roll on another server thats more busier?

are they bother that your not satisfied with the server you choose to be on?


grow up, the only persons problem it is is yours. just remember you pay that subscription to play THEIR game, its not yours they allow you to play it by paying them, your char is not even yours.


if your not happy then re roll, or wait like me and pay to move it.


Thanks for firing off before knew a single fact about me or my gaming, from the responses you've had already it's true what they say about making assumptions.

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I have a level 50 BH on the Lord Ieldis server. This server has dropped in population drastically. There have been times I have noticed the pop on a planet is myself and one or two other people. Even fleet is only at 10 people, sometimes it may get up to 30 or so... But, this still is not enough to provide the community needed to enjoy the game content of (an MMORPG). Bioware, this means (taken from Wikipedia)


Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) is a genre of role-playing video games in which a very large number of players interact with one another within a virtual game world.


MMORPGs are distinguished from single-player or small multi-player RPGs by the number of players, and by the game's persistent world (usually hosted by the game's publisher), which continues to exist and evolve while the player is offline and away from the game.


A total of 10 players on a planet (at any time) does not constitute MASSIVE or MULTIPLAYER as used in the Context of these types of games..


Because of this server pop drop, I have stopped trying to do any Heroics, FP's, or warzones just due to the fact that the wait times are insane! I would really like to transfer this character to another server where I have another higher level character I have been working on. I'm not so worried about transferring the guild with him but that would be nice as well since I did have to pay 5000 credits to establish the guild and credits don't come easy.


I think Server transfers/mergers are a Huge deal that desperately need to be addressed by Bioware and not just tucked away with a suggestion to re-roll on another server.


Starting over with a re-roll is not an option for me as I would lose all my affection with my companions, all my Crafting and Gathering, not to mention all my other progress on my Character. Why should we the players have to pay for the games shortcomings? I also have a guild I started about 2 months ago and can't even get people to join because the pop is so low.


Another issue with transfers are the other Characters I have on this same server. They are lower levels and I am reluctant to play any of them as I don't want to run into the same issues I have on my main. These I would be willing to re-roll on the other server but am just looking for some definitive response to transfers.


Bioware... you have a great thing going here! I haven't enjoyed an MMO like this in a long time. Please don't let something like transfers and Server Populations ruin such a great game!


They are killing their game by ignoring this MAJOR glaring issue. It makes no sense to anyone. They are screwing over so many subscribers currently that it should be criminal. Thousands upon thousands of people are getting 50% of what they are paying for. People are being flat out robbed of a true MMO experience. The horrible choices they are leaving their customers with are 100 % unacceptable. We can wait in the dark in misery, reroll in misery or quit in anger. Great choices


1.2 is irrelevant to me when i'm on a dead server with no economy and no community. It's a ghost town. Bioware needs to get their priorities straight. You would think that they would be smart enough to tackle the basics before releasing some huge content patch that a lot of us won't even enjoy



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1.2 is irrelevant to me when i'm on a dead server with no economy and no community. It's a ghost town. Bioware needs to get their priorities straight. You would think that they would be smart enough to tackle the basics before releasing some huge content patch that a lot of us won't even enjoy




Couldn't have said it any better myself - Customer Experience should be 'key' to what Bioware do. Their Silence on this matter is only adding fuel to the fires as there have been discussions regarding server population that have went all the way back to Jan, which were frankly ignored.


I can guarantee that Bioware will not doing a thing about this until somewhere in July, but by then, I fear it will be a little too late as most disgruntled players on the majority of low population servers will have left to go play Diablo or GW2 beta or something else to spend their time on instead of not paying for a product that is not offering a MMO experience (massively Multiplayer being the key words)

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I love playing this game.

But, there'd better be server transfer's soon.

And they'd better be FREE.


I'm getting sick and tired of completing my Heroics only when I can solo them and therefore only getting 5xp for all that effort.

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Couldn't have said it any better myself - Customer Experience should be 'key' to what Bioware do. Their Silence on this matter is only adding fuel to the fires as there have been discussions regarding server population that have went all the way back to Jan, which were frankly ignored.


The silence bothers me a lot also. It's very political, and that makes it that much more annoying.


The bottom line is there are a lot of servers that need to go away. Thats not admitting defeat, thats admitting that BioWare over estimated the demand in DEC. Big deal, lets move on and fix it!


Diablo III is going to have a lot of interest, I would hope that this issue is addressed before D3 drops, as there are lots of people all alone in SWTOR on ghost servers looking to have fun.

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yesterday on my server i was qued for pvp for around 6 hours , our server is so dead that you can only pvp during prime time , and even then the only guarantee that the que will pop is if its on the weekend
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Bioware does not have the technology to merge or transfer people to different servers. They earliest they said they might be able to transfer people is at the end of April. So far its taken them a month just to get 30 level 50s to the PTR. At the end of April, there won't be a need for server transfers because all the low pop servers will have died anyway



Good Rule of Thumb Fatman if your East Coast


Swiftsure if your West Coast.

Edited by Icysunx
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I might just quit the game because my server is pretty much dead and i just can't stand levelling anymore with 3 50s already.


Why do you want to leave the game you are the one who can try and make the game better by asking them to add more stuff in the game and that to make it more fun than it right now if ou no what i mean ok.

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I really think Bioware erred in opening up so many additional servers right after launch. With the exception of a few servers, the queues were really not that bad -- 10 maybe 15 minutes here or there. I know folks complained at the start about having to wait a bit to get onto servers, but I think give the situation we have now - waiting 10 minutes to log is a heck of a lot better than running around on underpopulated/empty worlds.


Why they couldn't have just released only a few extra servers to start, or released servers gradually over time,as needed, I don't know. They certainly over-budgeted on the number of servers "needed" for this game. I think it's an even bigger oversight to release so many additional servers and dilute the population when you have no plans or means to merge or transfer players should issues arise later!


Server population/density is critical to the success and viability of an MMO. Without question, one of the main selling points of an MMO is the idea that you're constantly meeting and interacting with real people, building social connections between subscribers-it's what helps keep players invested and committed to the game in the long-run. It's very hard to sustain an MMO, when players are so focused on how empty and lonely their social playing experience is.


I read a lot of accounts of folks being stuck on servers with just almost unfathomably low numbers and I really feel for those folks. I feel very grateful that my server seems very healthy and much more active that a lot of other servers. FPs, WZ, and Ops are all possible on my server usually without too much trouble on most nights. Sure it's not perfect - I'd love to have more folks, but I'm glad at least my server has a functionial GTN and enough folks to run things or bump into out in the world. Unlike a lot of other folks, I haven't considered let alone felt the need to reroll somewhere else.


I was hoping the Guild Summit would bring some much needed news or solution to this issue. Sadly, it appears that the legacy system is a huge roadblock to allowing mergers or transfers; until they have a system in place that can allow folks to transfer or use the same legacy name on a server - transfers won't happen. I don't know what sort of timetable they're looking at to fix this, but I hope it's something resolved quickly.


There seems to be a lot of folks who were hoping that 1.2 would fix or at least mitigate this issue and had thus far resisted the urge to reroll (or unsub in some cases). A lot of the most recent additions to my guild have been folks rerolling from other servers, where they struggled to find the right/enough guild options.


I wonder, now that we're likely looking at least another 2ish plus months, maybe even more, before transfers can happen -- are more folks giving up on their current servers and rerolling someplace else? Seems like at the moment, if you don't want to wait God knows how long, and want to keep playing -- it's really the only choice. I'm not entirely confident that the changes in 1.2 themselves will bring enough new/returning subscribers to reinvigorate dead servers.

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Why do you want to leave the game you are the one who can try and make the game better by asking them to add more stuff in the game and that to make it more fun than it right now if ou no what i mean ok.


Even with more stuff my server would still be "dead".

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My opinion,


Of all the things that would cause customers to leave an mmo; class/faction unbalances, lack of content, poor pvp, bugs, end game, customer service, etc.. I feel the thing that people ultimately care the most about is server population.


Look at any thread involving server populations. These issues hit home to everyone. Fans of the game (myself included) hate to hear about dead servers, or to see the "this game is dying" threads.


Even the extreme soloer who refuses to group or join a guild will eventually get sick of dead planets and servers. People play mmos to progress their character, and to be seen by others. To show off their gear or their skills, to be known. If they didn't, they would play single player games.


Server transfers are an absolute must, yesterday. It's really hard to believe that Bioware let SWTOR fall to the same fate that the past dozen triple A mmo releases experienced. Far too many servers just after launch. Anyone who has any mmo beta/launch experience knows fully that the amount of players the first couple weeks will by far exceed normal numbers one month later. It doesn't matter how good your game is. Your population will fall after release. It didn't used to be this way. But it is now. If your game is good people will wait to play. No one cancelled their subscription the first week because of queues. Thousands will cancel in the next few months (including me) because of low populations.


Complications of legacy is not an excuse in my opinion. Server transfers are just as much a part of mmorpgs as auction houses or guild banks. Bioware should have known from the beginning of development that eventually transfers would be needed. The legacy system should have been coded or designed from day 1, with transfers in mind.


The snowball effect will begin with the next major release. Once players start seriously jumping ship, we go from healthy server pops to 1 or 2 decent servers over night. This effect is currently being slowed by the simple fact that there is nothing else new to go to yet. 2 massive releases are coming up. Hard core Star Wars fans will stick around. But mmo players will not. I'm sorry Bioware, I love this game, but I feel it's too late.

Edited by aarka
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I like the game it's just that levelling ANOTHER character isn't fun for me anymore. And i do love my 50s so i wish i could keep playing them, but my server is dead, PvP queues are annoying and i barely can find people to play with.
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Im on EU server Exiles Crystal. Situation becomes worse every day. I see 20-30 max on Fleet, but last Saturday evening it was like 10. The Auction House is almost empty. Forget about heroic quests, no ppl. Warzones end because of not enough players. While questing on Tatooine or Balmora i see ppl amount in range 0-5.


When i rolled on this server, it showed population amount is "normal".


Im too lazy to start from scratch on different server, so its either merge/free transfer cancel subscription.


This was supposed to be MMO, but right now im playing it like some modification of single player RPG.

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You'll get server transfers eventually and it will probably be a paid service. They say they are working on it. But remember, it does not hurt business for them when you have to re roll on a new server, it keeps you subscribed.


So until they see a measurable dip in subs and loss in revenue, they won't prioritize it.

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Do they expect us to reroll? This is unacceptable. I don't have the time and energy to grind to 50 again because the servers are dead. Other MMO's took a long time for transfers because they had the population and it was just a matter of convenience for the players. But Bioware needs server transfers ASAP or more people will cancel.
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I'm not bothered If I have to pay, but we MUST! have Server transfers before any merges are done, its Bioware's choices on launch day that split all our allied guilds up.


I have Friends on other (Better) servers I wish to play with, and I very much doubt a server merge would magically put our two servers together.


Transfers before Merges!

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You'll get server transfers eventually and it will probably be a paid service. They say they are working on it. But remember, it does not hurt business for them when you have to re roll on a new server, it keeps you subscribed.


So until they see a measurable dip in subs and loss in revenue, they won't prioritize it.


I think a paid transfer is going to be a mistake. There are a lot of servers that are so dead, Bioware should be apologizing for it, never mind trying to make a buck off of it in the process.



We all know this game had a bottomless budget. A lot of us are mystified by some of the really odd things that are obviously needed in games such as this, that are totally absent.


I can see the Legacy system adding a degree of difficulty to transfers. sure. But guess what, thats what you pay software engineers to do - to figure crap like that out. people solve problems like that for a living. With Biowares money, there is little excuse for the delay we are seeing.


Actualy, we don't have a delay, we have nothing really for anyone other than AUS players. Does anyone even work in the public relations department that has the backbone to make any sort of meaningful comment about this? Or are they going to hide in their office until this hits critical mass and people leave for games that have more then 100 people on an entire server?

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