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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Guild Summit Day 2 NDA Lifted! Brand New 1.2 Info!


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Erm...They explicitly mention nerfing Sorc/Sage, they just don't go into specifics. My guess is that they did a fair bit of changes to the whole tree. Which is something they've mentions: 1.2 will redraw a couple of skill trees for a couple of different classes.


Well I just read the interviews and blogs ... and noticed that the OP cut some important statements ;).


If BW for example does a clever rework of Trace Missile ... it will not effect my personal DPS at all (I never just spammed this skill but used it as buff/debuff for my other damage skills like Unload).

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Erm....This is only about half of what we've been told at this point, and the amount of code this ALONE introduces is staggering. What do you want? A full expansion? It takes most MMO's years of dedicated programming for those. And a secondary content team to develop that content so their primary team can work out bugs and content for vanilla/the last expansion. This is a HUGE amount of content.


Wow, take it down a notch. First of all, the game is extremely bare bones right now so them releasing what should have been at launch doesn't get a pat on the back from me. Especially since my character is maxed out and I am waiting patiently to do something while I pay $15 a month.


On another note, read my other posts. You will realize fast I am not the pecimistic idiots that come on here raging. I have benn just hearing so much about this damn legacy like its supposed to blow my mind and it doesn't. But I'm the type more interested in quality of life changes and performance/control fixes.


Also, the concern in my tone comes from the fact that I want the game to do well. I am nervous 1.2 won't be all it's cracked out to be.


Oh, and by the way, since they announced this is supposed to be bigger than any content patch released by any MMO ever; yeah, my expectations are expansion high.

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I apologize if it's discussed in one of the articles, but did any of the beta players make note of the changes to the skill trees? Or was that too preliminary (not yet in the build and/or not enough time for players to reach Level 10 to unlock and view their skill tree)?


Of all the changes, this is currently where I am most curious to seeing what Bioware has been working on. I've read of a few changes to class, but am interested more in the specifics of the changes if they were in the build.

Edited by SpaniardInfinity
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im surprised the the cost for some of the legacy stuff is over 1mil, i read somewhere that Bioware said that the majority of swtor populace (85% i think it was stated) has less than 1mil


So instead you have this incentive to either earn money through dailies, or level another character to 50 or what not, afterall none of them NEED the credits.




What I am a little annoyed by is actually the signature abilities mentioned in the interview with George.


So if I am an Imperial and my first 50 is an agent every one of my characters as a "heroic moment" gets to rain down a very large AoE dot...


if I am a republic equivilent player... I intead get a heroic moment that is a 4 second stun applied in melee range to one enemy....


Yeah errr about that.



ETA: And not to mention of course I havent a CLUE where I am going to be able to put these lovely new abilities... my bars are full !

Edited by paspinall
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Does anybody know where detailed information is to be found on swtor.com , and if it isn't why not? As a newcommer to SW i find it almost impossible to get some information about this game, swtor.com is an information-nightmare to such an extend that i gave up. (i'm used to wow: blue-posters clear markings etc)

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...Its not for roleplayers but for nerds...


Tomato, tomato. :p


> then proceeds on not touching them and instead talks about operatives and bounty hunters.


yep, seems legit.


I had a chuckle at this as well. I can't wait to see the actual patch notes for 1.2.



ETA: And not to mention of course I havent a CLUE where I am going to be able to put these lovely new abilities... my bars are full !


I wonder if they'll be putting in another bar for this. I know some classes don't have nearly as many abilities as others, but I have no doubt that there are people out there with all bars full when it comes to having both skills and adrenals, etc hot keyed. I remember in Aion I had so many friggin abilities that I ended up downloading some file that turned my Caps Lock key into another modifier. Finally the Caps Lock key had a purpose other than annoying people!

Edited by Rowbit
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About nerf/changes, I think all classes with hybrid rolls have to be reviewed. If you decide to be DPS you should have your healings almost disappeared, if you go healer your damage output has to go to the ground and your shield needs a very long CD.

For the masses: I have an operative, an assassin, a juggernaut and a marauder (my favourite), and I can tell you that the operative has a double survivability than the others, and lots of ccs and huge damage output, easy win. I prefer my mara cause it's more tactical and way easier to kill, I love risk! :D

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About nerf/changes, I think all classes with hybrid rolls have to be reviewed. If you decide to be DPS you should have your healings almost disappeared, if you go healer your damage output has to go to the ground and your shield needs a very long CD.

For the masses: I have an operative, an assassin, a juggernaut and a marauder (my favourite), and I can tell you that the operative has a double survivability than the others, and lots of ccs and huge damage output, easy win. I prefer my mara cause it's more tactical and way easier to kill, I love risk! :D


Agreed, I play a Sentinel(50) as my main and I have a Sage(50) alt. PvP and PvE Sage is straight easy mode compared to Sentinel.

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I like the idea of moving some of the buffs/debuffs from tracer missile, playing a healing merc myself it made me feel cheap and dirty to see others just standing there hitting one button. A gain in aoe healing was badly needed in classes other than sorcerer. The 5m credits for a market on your ship seems quite a bit overpriced but I understand them wanting us to leave our ships to give the game a feeling of playing with others; but, fleet is just a traffic jam now and really unemployable to be in, I believe they should remove the mounts from fleet!
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Agreed, I play a Sentinel(50) as my main and I have a Sage(50) alt. PvP and PvE Sage is straight easy mode compared to Sentinel.



And yet my friends sentinel can solo mobs in 4 person areas that my Commando cant at the same level....




im sorry but these credit prices seem to high and will encourage gold sellers,which will be bad


not really because, you just get the legacy level instead.


The only thing thats particularly expensive for the time investment are the new race for all classes.

Edited by paspinall
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I think you need the legacy lv and the credits so yes it will get alot more gold sellers in game


No you need one or the other so either the credits or the legacy level. If you have the legacy level then you don't need to pay. There are some exceptions like the GTN which requires legacy 35 and costs 5m but this won't be an issue because legacy 35 is super hard to get and you will easily have significantly more than 5m by that time. This is confirmed in a dev post. Click on dev tracker to verify and read the second post from the top (as of now).

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I think you need the legacy lv and the credits so yes it will get alot more gold sellers in game


go and once again look at the quote put in the very first post for you to read, you do not need the credits and the legacy its either or for most situations.

Edited by paspinall
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I think you need the legacy lv and the credits so yes it will get alot more gold sellers in game


You should go read the dev tracker. Even if you were right the prices would still be low considering you can make 200k+ a day easily just by doing dailies.

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You should go read the dev tracker. Even if you were right the prices would still be low considering you can make 200k+ a day easily just by doing dailies.


in comparison to the fact that 85% have less than a million its not *that* cheap.

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i wish bw would give us more informations about the nerfs/buffs in 1.2 than just hey guys there is something comming but we dont tell you what it is until there is no time left to optimize these changes so you have to deal with it or get the **** out of here Edited by Adronyth
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