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Who is EA/Bioware's "Target Market"???


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--sure wish marketing would give us an answer to this question: Who is Ea/Bioware's target market for swtor??

--Really, what are the desired demographic group(s) here?


I have a guess.....what do you think?

a) must have money to spend, or someone's money to spend

b) probably not a big time video console player (eg Halo et al)

c) wants faster leveling and easier quests than WOW

d) not particularly interested in any social aspects...occasional pugs for instances maybe

e) not big on playing with their RL buddies.



so....who are these people???

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--sure wish marketing would give us an answer to this question: Who is Ea/Bioware's target market for swtor??

--Really, what are the desired demographic group(s) here?


I have a guess.....what do you think?

a) must have money to spend, or someone's money to spend

b) probably not a big time video console player (eg Halo et al)

c) wants faster leveling and easier quests than WOW

d) not particularly interested in any social aspects...occasional pugs for instances maybe

e) not big on playing with their RL buddies.



so....who are these people???


Please, dont lash at fellow gamers.

They are not the problem.

The problem is Bioware, not their intended target audience.


After all is said and done, Bioware made incredibly bad decisions and they will pay the price.

Because of all the bad decisions they made in swtor, they lost the respect and credibility of a part of their fanbase.

They shoot themselves in the foot? They cut the branch they were sitting on? dunno whats the correct expression, but with swtor Bioware has lost more than they gained.

Hopefully that will serve as a lesson for greedy corporations that try to follow Bioware's bad example.

Edited by kaboro
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--sure wish marketing would give us an answer to this question: Who is Ea/Bioware's target market for swtor??

--Really, what are the desired demographic group(s) here?


I have a guess.....what do you think?

a) must have money to spend, or someone's money to spend

b) probably not a big time video console player (eg Halo et al)

c) wants faster leveling and easier quests than WOW

d) not particularly interested in any social aspects...occasional pugs for instances maybe

e) not big on playing with their RL buddies.



so....who are these people???


d) hyper-casuals who fled other mmo's because someone was "mean" to them

e) first time mmo players or single player rpg gamers

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--sure wish marketing would give us an answer to this question: Who is Ea/Bioware's target market for swtor??

--Really, what are the desired demographic group(s) here?


I have a guess.....what do you think?

a) must have money to spend, or someone's money to spend

b) probably not a big time video console player (eg Halo et al)

c) wants faster leveling and easier quests than WOW

d) not particularly interested in any social aspects...occasional pugs for instances maybe

e) not big on playing with their RL buddies.



so....who are these people???



Well, ill answer u, if not just for laughs,


A) Price is similar to WoW, so can't whine about em,

B) Halo is a decent game just becuz the story is good, online multiplayer sucks cuz theres too many babies on it now.

C) All WoW is good for is lame quests of go here and go there and raids. No story what so ever, even though they try.

D) Never had a problem finding someone to group with or talk to.

E)I find time to play with RL buddies, just not video games, cuz u know, i have a life.



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a) People who enjoyed Dragon Age

b) People who enjoyed Mass Effect

b) People who like Star Wars

f) People who don't feel the need to be elitist about everything

k) People who enjoyed MMORPGs back in college, but can no longer devote the same amount of time they once did now that they have jobs/families

x) etc.

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--sure wish marketing would give us an answer to this question: Who is Ea/Bioware's target market for swtor??

--Really, what are the desired demographic group(s) here?


I have a guess.....what do you think?

a) must have money to spend, or someone's money to spend

b) probably not a big time video console player (eg Halo et al)

c) wants faster leveling and easier quests than WOW

d) not particularly interested in any social aspects...occasional pugs for instances maybe

e) not big on playing with their RL buddies.


Of those, (a) and (b) apply to me (I spend my own money, thank you very much), I have never played WOW, and I spend much of my time playing with my guild or wife or a close friend (both of whom are in the same guild). I lost touch with my DDO guild, so I don't know if they are playing somewhere too. The game is easier than any MMO I've played before, but not in such a way that it affects my enjoyment.


Your bias is obvious.

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The target market for MMOs is NEW subscribers. What I mean by this is that new players that have not subscribed to the game take precedence over current subscribers. This is what leads to the community not being stable and large turnover.


Does turnover naturally happen? Of course.


Does catering the game to only draw in new players benefit the publisher? You bet.


Does it have an impact on the playerbase? I am not certain it has an immediate impact but it has a long term one for sure. Turnover happens naturally, I am sure they have looked at the statistics and determined that it is better to focus on bringing in new players. Luckily this involves new things to do in game and benefits current subscribers as well.


That other game is a great example and is curious sociologically as well as the game has gone from a hardcore raiding EQ/UO nerds focus to a mainstream casual friendly focus. Of course we can debate to no end whether it was the large groups of players finishing a task together that brought in the masses to participate or if it was just catering to a more casual player that met out the success seen.


In the end this is what the genre is and will be for the foreseeable future. The days of more than 25 players raiding a boss are over. The days of one mode of raiding are gone. EQ and RIFT would LOVE to have SWTORs numbers. ANY new MMO coming to market is going to have to combine the best of what these games have to offer and do it with the same marketing and development strategy that has been successful in two massively successful MMOs.


*Opinion: Story and cut-scenes have NOTHING to do with it. They are nice but everyone I have played with spacebars...We hated the long RP in wow to get to the boss fights and we despise them in SWTOR.

Edited by Dejoblue
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from looking at the timesinks in the game,and looking at the exp rate.thats all you really need to look at to see


but i dont know.maybe my opinion isnt the greatest because im only lvl 25 and im currently leveling my first character but im only going be the "time sinks"ive expieranced so far and the exp rate

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Please, dont lash at fellow gamers.

They are not the problem.

The problem is Bioware, not their intended target audience.


After all is said and done, Bioware made incredibly bad decisions and they will pay the price.

Because of all the bad decisions they made in swtor, they lost the respect and credibility of a part of their fanbase.

They shoot themselves in the foot? They cut the branch they were sitting on? dunno whats the correct expression, but with swtor Bioware has lost more than they gained.

Hopefully that will serve as a lesson for greedy corporations that try to follow Bioware's bad example.


The correct expression ?


"I was an avid BioWare fan...just like you...but then I took an SWTOR to the knee" ??

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Nothing wrong with that.


No, you are right. There is nothing wrong with that. However, I feel they are excluding those that want a more challenging experience - in PvP and in PvE. I'm sure there is a way to make both camps happy... but at the present they are making this game more and more for the casuals and less and less for players like me.


I won't rage too much though - but I am dissapointed. :(

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We are all the target market. I think Bioware has attracted a bigger share of casual role players because of the companies established fan base. Bioware has a specific kind of game design that appeals to us. I think they should continue to build on the foundation they already have.
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No, you are right. There is nothing wrong with that. However, I feel they are excluding those that want a more challenging experience - in PvP and in PvE. I'm sure there is a way to make both camps happy... but at the present they are making this game more and more for the casuals and less and less for players like me.


I won't rage too much though - but I am dissapointed. :(

I honestly think 1.2 will help calm this whole issue down a bit as both the corellia dailies and new difficulty of the nightmare operations look promising.


But I think it's important to remember just because someone is a first time mmo player doesn't mean they are necessarily casual. I personally never played an mmo past level 10 (Just got bored everytime) until SWTOR so I consider myself new to the genre. But in SWTOR I have two 50s and have engaged in most of the end game and I doubt I qualify as casual. The solo players they are introducing to the genre could very easily become part of the 'hardcore' group.


The thing I find ridiculous is the belief that players should be able to solo the end game. I can't help but think that people who are asking for that seem to be missing the point. If you want story play on normal mode which is very easily soloed. If you want 'challenge' play the ops and hardmodes. You can't get both.

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--sure wish marketing would give us an answer to this question: Who is Ea/Bioware's target market for swtor??

--Really, what are the desired demographic group(s) here?


I have a guess.....what do you think?

a) must have money to spend, or someone's money to spend

b) probably not a big time video console player (eg Halo et al)

c) wants faster leveling and easier quests than WOW

d) not particularly interested in any social aspects...occasional pugs for instances maybe

e) not big on playing with their RL buddies.



so....who are these people???




1 word is all you need there mate.

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I honestly think 1.2 will help calm this whole issue down a bit as both the corellia dailies and new difficulty of the nightmare operations look promising.


But I think it's important to remember just because someone is a first time mmo player doesn't mean they are necessarily casual. I personally never played an mmo past level 10 (Just got bored everytime) until SWTOR so I consider myself new to the genre. But in SWTOR I have two 50s and have engaged in most of the end game and I doubt I qualify as casual. The solo players they are introducing to the genre could very easily become part of the 'hardcore' group.


The thing I find ridiculous is the belief that players should be able to solo the end game. I can't help but think that people who are asking for that seem to be missing the point. If you want story play on normal mode which is very easily soloed. If you want 'challenge' play the ops and hardmodes. You can't get both.


Hum tell me again , challenge is the ops normal/Hm more? cause for me that is cake walk ... maybe if we try in greens ...


Hope that nightmare more is a true challenge.And for some reason i dont think it will be.

Edited by rzrknight
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a) People who enjoyed Dragon Age

b) People who enjoyed Mass Effect

b) People who like Star Wars


i agree with those 3... almost everyone I've encountered playing SWTOR is a BioWare fan...i.e. BioWare seems to have attracted people who already idolise them... hence the amount of retaliation people face on the forums whenever someone criticises the game.


edit: i.e. most of these players come from single-player games.. cf Battle.net

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--sure wish marketing would give us an answer to this question: Who is Ea/Bioware's target market for swtor??

--Really, what are the desired demographic group(s) here?


I have a guess.....what do you think?

a) must have money to spend, or someone's money to spend

b) probably not a big time video console player (eg Halo et al)

c) wants faster leveling and easier quests than WOW

d) not particularly interested in any social aspects...occasional pugs for instances maybe

e) not big on playing with their RL buddies.



so....who are these people???


The target audience was the MMO mainstream market with something for the casual and harcore markets. the problem is they made and delivered a single player game with online co op features. Its not a game for me in its current state .i want a true MMO Like WOW , EQ2, Rift and even AOC for that matter. this more like a bucnh of single player lvls linked together

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Hum tell me again , challenge is the ops normal/Hm more? cause for me that is cake walk ... maybe if we try in greens ...


Hope that nightmare more is a true challenge.And for some reason i dont think it will be.

That's why challenge was in quotes. I agree it's too easy.

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