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Resolve if you think theres a problem POST here.


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Best way to fix it:



50% Resolve = all CC duration is reduced by 50%

80% Resolve = all CC duration is reduced by 80%

100% Resolve= Immunity for ~6 seconds


Add roots to the "Resolve filling CC".

Make snares postpone Resolve depletion.


There you go, Resolve is fixed.


PS: I believe knockbacks and pull-effects should remain unaffected by Resolve. However their cooldowns need to be reviewed.


This is actually a great idea

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This is my experience with resolve and CC's. I am a healing Merc I am running the ball, I get past the first fire trap no problem I am healing myself with one other person usually. I get to the second fire trap I get stunned, I try to wait as long as possible before hitting my breaker to allow others to hit me with more stuns before the fire goes off. I hit my breaker, move no where either because I just got restunned as soon as I hit my breaker or I got rooted, the rest of my team helping me has been hit with a knockback so I am left to sit in the fire and die with no support. Or somehow I make it past the fire trap only to be pulled back in it no matter what my resolve bar says which is even more fun. All stuns should come with an immunity, even if its a 2 second immunity, thats better than nothing at this point. And if I use a skill to break a stun well I should get a 4 second immunity then, its almost like a punishment to even use your stun breaker when you know your just going to get restunned.
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One of my favorite things is being stun locked to death with my resolve bar full, then respawning and watching it be in effect while I wait for the door to open. You know, in case one of the other team somehow got into our spawn room and wanted to stun me.
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One of my favorite things is being stun locked to death with my resolve bar full, then respawning and watching it be in effect while I wait for the door to open. You know, in case one of the other team somehow got into our spawn room and wanted to stun me.


Yep then as soon as you run out the door stun locked and dead again and rinse and repeat I find this happens more in voidstar then anywhere else though.

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It's not broken, and they are working on fine-tuning it. Continuing to complain about things that have already been confirmed as something that is being worked on is just silly, and should be considered spam.


Where is it confirmed? I look, but I haven't seen anything posted.

Edited by Typheran
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Resolve is a great new take on the old "diminishing returns" system of crowd control immunity.


I don't think it needs to be altered at all. Then again, I and the friends I PvP with know how to make it work FOR you instead of against you...


Like saving Shroud and Sprint as an assassin for full resolve. Unstunnable, Unsnarable, assassin for 5 seconds, and unstunable for about another 10. Lol firepits.

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Resolve is a good idea poorly implemented. In my opinion it should work on a 10 point system:


3 sec stun should fill for 3 points

6 sec stun should fill for 6 points

Knock-back/push/pull should fill for 5 points

Roots should fill for 10 points


Um..I think that would utterly kill the Sniper/Gunslinger class completely as we rely on snares and knock-backs to survive. Once you actually get to us, Cover Pulse, Leg Shot, Ambush all on CD we're more or less sitting meat waiting to get eaten. If your completely immune after the first leg shot then we cant do anything to keep you from utterly destroying us as our knock-backs, stuns, mezz's will do nothing.

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i like the concept, but it definitely has its flaws.


roots definitely need to be added for starters. you can say that you still have control of your character to an extent but in many many cases it's just as bad as getting stunned, especially for a melee.


i also think there should be benefits before the meter fills completely. there's nothing more frustrating than getting hit by a stun that leaves me at ~950+/1000 just so I can eat another full stun or cc that comes my way. If I have a 90% resolve bar, let me have some sort of diminished effect on incoming cc effects. Scale it with how full the bar is.


knockbacks are an odd case because in some situations it just doesnt feel like it adds enough resolve, especially since i dont think it makes any exceptions based on the individual knockback given that some send you flying way farther than others. its even worse in huttball where to some classes, getting hit by a knockback to a bad position is worse than just standing there stunned for 15 seconds.

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Resolve is a good idea poorly implemented. In my opinion it should work on a 10 point system:


3 sec stun should fill for 3 points

6 sec stun should fill for 6 points

Knockback/push/pull should fill for 5 points

Roots should fill for 10 points


Stopped reading there. I will give you two hints,


1 - Force leap

2 - Stun/knockbacks are the best CC's in game, not roots.


You should be inmune to roots, but roots shouldn't increase the resolve bar.

Edited by Keldaur
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This is my experience with resolve and CC's. I am a healing Merc I am running the ball, I get past the first fire trap no problem I am healing myself with one other person usually. I get to the second fire trap I get stunned, I try to wait as long as possible before hitting my breaker to allow others to hit me with more stuns before the fire goes off. I hit my breaker, move no where either because I just got restunned as soon as I hit my breaker or I got rooted, the rest of my team helping me has been hit with a knockback so I am left to sit in the fire and die with no support. Or somehow I make it past the fire trap only to be pulled back in it no matter what my resolve bar says which is even more fun. All stuns should come with an immunity, even if its a 2 second immunity, thats better than nothing at this point. And if I use a skill to break a stun well I should get a 4 second immunity then, its almost like a punishment to even use your stun breaker when you know your just going to get restunned.


any stun = immunity when it wears off?

So, nerf teamwork? Gotcha...


And you've never been pulled back into the fire pit with a full resolve bar.

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Resolve is a great new take on the old "diminishing returns" system of crowd control immunity.


I don't think it needs to be altered at all. Then again, I and the friends I PvP with know how to make it work FOR you instead of against you...


Like saving Shroud and Sprint as an assassin for full resolve. Unstunnable, Unsnarable, assassin for 5 seconds, and unstunable for about another 10. Lol firepits.


It's not rocket science how it works. Saying that you play smart doesn't help you.


For example..


Chain knockbacks don't always fill the resolve bar like it should. Often you can get knockback and stunned at the same time and only one of them fills resolve.


Having a white bar doesn't always mean it's full. It lies. Using your CC breaker when it does that will not make your resolve drain and you will be able to be stunned again.


Roots are effectively CC for melee classes. They don't fill resolve and for some unknown reason.. they are not attached to it. It boggles my mind.


Resolve drains way too fast when it doesn't fill up. Which leads you to have to suffer through more CC to fill it up. With combat not dropping in a timely manor this leads to classes that can't heal being at lower health when they have to suffer through the second and third stun before their resolve is full.


It's a time based system, relying on your CC breaker. With short spawn times, tiny maps and classes that have several stuns it leads to too many CCs. this leads to CC spam instead of smart usage.


You can effectively be snared indefinably. regardless of whether resolve should be connected to resolve or not, it's a bad system to have perma snare in the game.


It's clearly broken. If this is working as intended then they intended it to be broken.




It's not about playing smart once you know the mechanics... it's about suffering through it.

Edited by Typheran
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I guess when we get to Ranked gameplay like in 1.2 I will prefer Diminishing Returns as opposed to Resolve. Right now it can be annoying at times but I'm not too fuzzed about it, but as I mentioned, I will be right out of the gate in ranked Wz's
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I think the problem comes from the CCs that let you continue to do damage fill such a small amount of resolve, the ones that break on any damage fill the bar almost full.


If there was a way to have it that the longer CCs that break early on damage only give resolve for the duration that it was active AND at the same time be able to apply the full duration amount if the CC was manually broken by the affected player, it may work out much better.


Example: I hit my whirlwind on a player and it lasts 1 second before damage breaks it, it applies the 1 seconds worth of Resolve (200). Now, if the player I Whirlwind uses their CD to get out of it, it gives the full amount if the ability ran it's duration (800)

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any stun = immunity when it wears off?

So, nerf teamwork? Gotcha...


And you've never been pulled back into the fire pit with a full resolve bar.



Don't tell me what I have or have not seen. Seeing as how I got to valor rank 60 all through PvP before the ilum system I know what I see. If we want to go one step further if I look at full white resolve bar that doesn't mean its full either even if it looks that way. To me its full and it should be. I also have a vanguard trooper again valor 60 pre ilum changes and have pulled people whose bar looked full. So thanks for telling me what I have or haven't seen.

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  • 1 month later...
The resolve system is worthless, it takes way to many CC's to fill and when it does get full your dead, yeah that makes a game fun. Roots need to be affected by your Resolve system as well. The best thing about it is being reminded that you just got stun/cc ***** and while your revive you get to see the 100% full resolve bar that should of kicked in 1/2 through the fight slowly drain down. I love that it reminders you over and over of how absolutly worthless it is. You would think that the Devs PvP group would have actually tested it before implamenting it.
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umm yeah. resolve doesn't function at all as far as i can tell. never has. If it's doing something it's useless. lol


This game is one foot in the same GRAVE as Warhammer so gleefully leaped into. The PvP is garbage because it amounts to nothing more than stun first, stun most, stun, root, choak or use anything that freezes another customers character to get your free wins!


It's not the classes, it's the fundamental design philosophy. The whole game is based on turning off the challenge.


It's too late as well. once you base your design on something so fundamental you can't remove it. It's there unless you completely redesign everything. oops.. shoulda studied EA's last butcher job rather than copying it!

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umm yeah. resolve doesn't function at all as far as i can tell. never has. If it's doing something it's useless. lol


This game is one foot in the same GRAVE as Warhammer so gleefully leaped into. The PvP is garbage because it amounts to nothing more than stun first, stun most, stun, root, choak or use anything that freezes another customers character to get your free wins!


It's not the classes, it's the fundamental design philosophy. The whole game is based on turning off the challenge.


It's too late as well. once you base your design on something so fundamental you can't remove it. It's there unless you completely redesign everything. oops.. shoulda studied EA's last butcher job rather than copying it!


I just lol'd at this post.

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Resolve system is worthless, it takes way to many CC's to fill and when it does get full your dead, yeah that makes a game fun. Roots need to be affected by your Resolve system, I think it can work just need's to be looked at and change some timers.


The issues is you don't understand how to utilize it when you get stunned or mezzed it will fill your bar to 3/4 of resolve thats almost full of 1 stun. What you need to be doing is waiting until it fills to use your CC break then you cant be CCd but you can be Snared/Rooted as is doesn't count against the resolve because these actions do not make it so that you cant use abilities. If your melee i know it sucks but honestly they wont get farther than your force leap.

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Scrap it.


Add diminishing returns.


Make the PvP forums love you again.




Make pvp about skill....please.


You used alot of ideas for this game that were perfected in other MMO's, you should have let them keep resil/resolve and such.


Make pvp about skill.....please.



I tell you i love being impotent for 2-4 weeks everytime i get a toon to 50. Makes it really fun.


Hey here is an idea, try hiring some gamers, the college educated people that you are hiring have no idea what people that play games want in a game. They were too busy studying code to play games......DUH. Two gear grinds? Super idea! That should attract the casual players. Being impotent for weeks in pvp every time you get a toon to 50, SUPER fun. Constantly screwing up the balance by making one class or another FOTM, FAIL!


Oh yeah one more thing. How about you repair the things that are in the game that are broken. Like resolve, and my knockback only working occasionally. The hacks that are running rampant. Your busy adding new flashpoints, new warzones, new crafting stuff, and the damn game is still broken from release. Repair the FPS problems. Repair the targeting being Fooked. Repair whats broken before you add more broken stuff please.

Repair whats broken before you add more broken stuff please.

Repair whats broken before you add more broken stuff please.

Repair whats broken before you add more broken stuff please.

Repair whats broken before you add more broken stuff please.

Repair whats broken before you add more broken stuff please.

Edited by Sneakypepper
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