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Why will tomorrow's maintenance last 8 hours?


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really tho one thing wow did very well was the ability to patch and play as well as patch and tune the server behind the scenes.... i have no idea how they managed it but its impressive... swtor like most mmo's does the tuning and server side patches during maintenance like wow used to (if they could figure out how to do what blizz does in wow i am sure they would sacrifice all their first born's to the devil) so until the game has more work done on the codes etc we will have long maintenance periods like wow used to. Edited by Sireene
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really tho one thing wow did very well was the ability to patch and play as well as patch and tune the server behind the scenes.... i have no idea how they managed it but its impressive... swtor like most mmo's does the tuning and server side patches during maintenance like wow used to (if they could figure out how to do what blizz does in wow i am sure they would sacrifice all their first born's to the devil) so until the game has more work done on the codes etc we will have long maintenance periods like wow used to.


Not only WoW but practically everyone except BioWare does this. Guild Wars, Everquest 2, etc. They all do a form of background patching. You would think for $300 million we could get some of these pseudo standard things implemented.


I seriously couldn't remember 4 or 8 hour patches since my Everquest days. Glad I am asleep or at work when that is going on.

Edited by Sireene
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Not only WoW but practically everyone except BioWare does this. Guild Wars, Everquest 2, etc. They all do a form of background patching. You would think for $300 million we could get some of these pseudo standard things implemented.


I seriously couldn't remember 4 or 8 hour patches since my Everquest days. Glad I am asleep or at work when that is going on.



i notice you listed games that have had years to get to that point... and if you played vanilla wow you must have slept for 4-8 hours every tues morning because i know wow used to have patches this long.... in fact it wasn't until somewhere around WotLK that wow really did away with long maintenance periods.... maybe we can reconvene this in a year or two when bioware has had a fair chance to get their game engine under control/ tuned up?

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i notice you listed games that have had years to get to that point... and if you played vanilla wow you must have slept for 4-8 hours every tues morning because i know wow used to have patches this long.... in fact it wasn't until somewhere around WotLK that wow really did away with long maintenance periods.... maybe we can reconvene this in a year or two when bioware has had a fair chance to get their game engine under control/ tuned up?


/offtopic on


I am a developer by trade. Would it be acceptable if I told my boss that I can't program something that has already been done before, by multiple organizations, unless my boss gives me R&D 1-2 year lead time? I would probably get terminated or at the very least bumped off the project. Good software development is a balance between using OOTB functionality, using or purchasing existing functionality provided by libraries developed already, or in the last possible situation custom development to meet your needs.


I am just saying... BioWare doesn't need to reinvent the wheel here.


/offtopic off

Edited by DarthRavnos
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Cabinet J needs a complete type 7 upgrade due to the issues caused in the artifact chamber loss of power, that and they're obviously doing a jupiter level excess feed termination on flow coupling valves.


Won't they have to rejig the oscillation overthruster if they do that?

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Good software development is a balance between using OOTB functionality, using or purchasing existing functionality provided by libraries developed already, or in the last possible situation custom development to meet your needs.


You describe exactly what Bioware has done, but you overestimate the ability to use out-of-the-box "functionality" in a new game.

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You describe exactly what Bioware has done, but you overestimate the ability to use out-of-the-box "functionality" in a new game.


I'm not going to detract from the OP's topic any further on the subject. But, I will say I don't feel I overestimated anything. Especially when you start with a $300 million budget for the project.

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